[Pkg-emacsen-addons] Bug#883598: Bug#883598: elpa-pdf-tools: doesn't auto-activate

David Bremner bremner at debian.org
Sun Dec 10 12:17:58 UTC 2017

Rémi Vanicat <remi.vanicat at lot-of-stuff.info> writes:

> Le 05 décembre 2017, David Bremner a écrit:
>> Package: elpa-pdf-tools
>> Version: 0.80-1
>> Severity: normal
>> I guess this is probably an upstream bug, but in Debian we should at
>> least document the necessity of calling #'pdf-tools-install before
>> pdf-tools will do anything.
> I've wrote and push on git a README.Debian for this. I am hesitating
> between this solution and auto-activation, the latter being simpler for
> the user, but make the package diverge from upstream way of doing this.

Is there a chance upstream would take your auto-activation solution?


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