[Pkg-emboss-devel] emboss-explorer upload

David Paleino d.paleino at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 14:10:32 UTC 2007

Il giorno Sun, 11 Nov 2007 11:50:45 +0100 (CET)
Andreas Tille <tillea at rki.de> ha scritto:

> On Sat, 10 Nov 2007, David Paleino wrote:
> > I'm still stuck in the packaging process; no one has helped yet on
> > -mentors :(
> Could you please point me to your exact problem.  If nobody on mentors is
> able/willing to help we shoudl try to help out.

We're talking about bioimagesuite, remember, emboss-explorer has nothing
wrong :)

The problem is what I already posted to -devel:

dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library libvtkpxRegistrationTCL.so
(note: only packages with 'shlibs' files are looked into).
dh_shlibdeps: command returned error code 512
make: *** [binary-common] Error 1

That library is contained in the package itself (in fact, it tries to build
libbioimagesuite2 for containing those libraries). The problem is I'm not able
to tell dpkg-shlibdeps that the library will _eventually_ be installed, and
that it could search them inside the source itself.

I believe that we should continue this thread on -devel though.


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