<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><BR><BR>GREETINGS!<BR>We concluded yesterday with the governor of the bank here in Burkina Faso known as eco bank plc management that you will begin receiving your $1.5musd payment of dollars by transfering money through Western Union money transfer,<BR><BR>But you will receiving $5000 per a day until the total of $1.5musd is completely transfer to you, and you are therefore advice to contact the director of Western Union Mr.Edwin Anest , when contacting him re-confirm your delivery information to him immediately for him to send you the Control number of your money from your first payment of $5000 for you to pick it up at any western union around you in your country.<BR><BR>Here is the Western union director email address and we advise you to send your information to be picking your money to him.<BR>CONTACT THE WESTERN UNION DIRECTOR INCHARGE OF YOUR PAYMENT
<BR>E-mail:(w.unionmoneytransfer1@o2.pl)<BR>Best regards<BR>Ms.Hellen Frank</td></tr></table>