Bug#401462: Acknowledgement (Please build exim4-dev package with local_scan-related header files)

Marc MERLIN marc_soft at merlins.org
Mon Dec 4 19:05:46 CET 2006

On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 06:43:27PM +0100, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
> On Monday 04 December 2006 18:21, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
> > > On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 04:32:20AM +0100, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
> > > > One closely related thing: I don't know if you saw it on exim-dev, but
> > > > I've noticed that LOCAL_SCAN_ABI_VERSION_MAJOR and
> > > > LOCAL_SCAN_ABI_VERSION_MINOR haven't changed since Exim 4.14 where you
> > > > introduced the localscan_dlopen patch, even though new functions have
> > > > been added to the API.
> > I think I can say this: LOCAL_SCAN_ABI_VERSION_MINOR should have been
> > incremented some time ago, but since nothing actually has depended on it,
> > incrementing it with the addition of exim4-dev should work.
> Hmm. Upon closer inspection, it seems that upstream included the 
> LOCAL_SCAN_ABI_VERSION* defines in Exim 4.20. Then upstream is to blame, 
> after all.

Yes, I did get Philip to accept my patch, but he put it as is, and IIRC said
he wouldn't necessarly be responsible for keeping it up to date.
So, I wouldn't blame him for that.
Now, if you ask the current maintainers if they could remember to update
this number every time they make an ABI change that is incompatible with
prior versions, we'd be all set. I'm obviously to blame for not following
development and not asking them to update it every time it would have been a
good idea to do so.

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Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/  
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