Bug#412886: exim4: Segfaults occurring

Ronny Adsetts ronny.adsetts at amazinginternet.com
Thu Mar 1 10:50:40 CET 2007

Marc Haber said at 01/03/2007 09:13:
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 07:43:16PM +0000, Ronny Adsetts wrote:
>> My first thought was hardware failure too, but it's not looking that way at 
>> the moment. The segfaults are too regular in their timing. I'll see if the 
>> same happens at 20:08.
> What does your exim log say in the respective time frame?

Nothing for the email in the tcpdump gets logged to any of the exim logs AFAICS.

I'm not seeing any problems on this server at all other than this segfault that started yesterday at ~3am and continues every hour when the same email is retried.


Ronny Adsetts
Technical Director
Amazing Internet Ltd, London
t: +44 20 8607 9535
f: +44 20 8607 9536
w: www.amazinginternet.com

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