Bug#467136: Bug#348046: TLS error occurs on Sarge too

Ronny Adsetts ronny.adsetts at amazinginternet.com
Sat Feb 23 11:39:28 UTC 2008

Marc Haber said at 23/02/2008 11:12:
> On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 11:10:27AM +0000, Ronny Adsetts wrote:
>> Marc Haber said at 23/02/2008 10:18:
>>> On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 10:32:26AM +0100, Ronny Adsetts wrote:
>>>> This error is occurring with 4.50-8sarge2 on Sarge too. Judging by my
>>>> munin graphs on both sending and receiving side, there's no entropy on
>>>> the sending side. I noticed this error yesterday when there was
>>>> testing on a client's site that resulted in a couple of hundred emails
>>>> being sent to us in rapid succession.
>>> Do you still see this on etch or lenny?
>> I've not yet upgraded the two mail servers in question to etch,
> It would be a good idea to do so, I won't do any more debugging on
> sarge.

Understood. At least one of the boxes will get upgraded this weekend.

>> /var/log/exim4/mainlog.8.gz:2008-02-15 17:00:43 1JQ24M-0005wR-EX TLS error 
>> on connection to mailgate.mylor.com [] (gnutls_handshake): The 
>> Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough).
> That looks like an issue on the remote side.

It does indeed.

>> Whilst the error message above is not exactly the same as in my original 
>> report, it's close enough that it *may* be the same error with a more 
>> specific error message.
> nack.

In that case, unless you receive contrary info, I'd suggest marking as fixed in the Etch version of exim. I'll try to test by firing of a few hundred emails from one box to the other once I have two exim servers on Etch and reopen if the problem shows up again.


Ronny Adsetts
Technical Director
Amazing Internet Ltd, London
t: +44 20 8607 9535
f: +44 20 8607 9536
w: www.amazinginternet.com

Registered office: UK House, 82 Heath Road, Twickenham TW1 4BW
Registered in England. Company No. 4042957 

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