[pymvpa] Stopping Criteria

Susanne Greiner susanne.greiner at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 08:48:52 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I was experimenting a bit with the stopping criteria for RFE and 
everything worked fine till I arrived at the NBackHistoryStopCrit.
This code is working for
but produces a strange error for
(relevant code and error messages in the following)

So what am I actually doing wrong? I got the same errors for two 
different combinations of versions (thinking at first that maybe it 
depended on my new installation).

It was not working for me trying with:

numpy 1.0.4;  matplotlib 0.91.2;  pymvpa 0.4.0
numpy 1.2.1;  matplotlib;  pymvpa 0.4.1

All kind of comments are welcome,



Relevant Code:

from mvpa.suite import *

if __debug__:
    debug.active += ["CROSSC"]

# load PyMVPA example dataset
attr = SampleAttributes('data/attributes.txt')
dataset = NiftiDataset(samples='data/bold.nii.gz',

# preprocessing

# do chunkswise linear detrending on dataset
detrend(dataset, perchunk=True, model='linear')

dataset = dataset.selectSamples(
                N.array([ l in [0,1,2] for l in dataset.labels],

# zscore dataset relative to baseline ('rest') mean
zscore(dataset, perchunk=True, baselinelabels=[0], targetdtype='float32')

# remove baseline samples from dataset for final analysis
dataset = dataset.selectSamples(N.array([l != 0 for l in dataset.labels],
print dataset

# Specify the base classifier to be used
# To parametrize the classifier to be used
# Clf = lambda *args:LinearCSVMC(C=-10, *args)
# Just to assign a particular classifier class

rfesvm_split = SplitClassifier(LinearCSVMC())

results = []
labels = []

clf = \
    clf = LinearCSVMC(),
    # on features selected via RFE
    feature_selection = RFE(
    # based on sensitivity of a clf which does splitting internally

    #### This stopping criterion works fine
    # stopping_criterion=NStepsStopCrit(3),

    ### This stopping criterion produces a strange error

    # and whose internal error we use
                   0.05, mode='discard', tail='lower'),
                    # remove ptd% of features at each step
    # update sensitivity at each step
    descr='LinSVM+RFE(splits_avg)' )

# run and visualize in barplot

cv = CrossValidatedTransferError(

plotBars(results, labels=labels,
         title='Linear C-SVM classification ( faces vs. houses )',
         ylabel='Mean classification error (N-1 cross-validation, 12-fold)',

if cfg.getboolean('examples', 'interactive', True):

Error Messages:

In [8]: ## working on region in file /tmp/python-1339wAZ.py...
Dataset / float32 216 x 530 uniq: 12 chunks 2 labels
optimization finished, #iter = 250
nu = 0.246132
obj = -0.036467, rho = -0.537746
nSV = 75, nBSV = 21
Total nSV = 75
optimization finished, #iter = 255
nu = 0.261928
obj = -0.037437, rho = -0.570851
nSV = 74, nBSV = 19
Total nSV = 74
optimization finished, #iter = 222
nu = 0.255514
obj = -0.037128, rho = -0.512139
nSV = 75, nBSV = 22
Total nSV = 75
optimization finished, #iter = 224
nu = 0.266124
obj = -0.039276, rho = -0.572545
nSV = 77, nBSV = 23
Total nSV = 77
optimization finished, #iter = 230
nu = 0.257976
obj = -0.037712, rho = -0.624339
nSV = 76, nBSV = 21
Total nSV = 76
optimization finished, #iter = 263
nu = 0.246272
obj = -0.036374, rho = -0.563382
nSV = 74, nBSV = 20
Total nSV = 74
optimization finished, #iter = 241
nu = 0.240206
obj = -0.033656, rho = -0.481273
nSV = 69, nBSV = 15
Total nSV = 69
optimization finished, #iter = 227
nu = 0.259685
obj = -0.037864, rho = -0.545578
nSV = 73, nBSV = 21
Total nSV = 73
optimization finished, #iter = 232
nu = 0.250284
obj = -0.036744, rho = -0.595110
nSV = 76, nBSV = 19
Total nSV = 76
optimization finished, #iter = 174
nu = 0.265358
obj = -0.038435, rho = -0.613108
nSV = 71, nBSV = 23
Total nSV = 71
optimization finished, #iter = 210
nu = 0.254034
obj = -0.036023, rho = -0.706735
nSV = 71, nBSV = 19
Total nSV = 71
optimization finished, #iter = 250
nu = 0.246132
obj = -0.036467, rho = -0.537746
nSV = 75, nBSV = 21
Total nSV = 75
optimization finished, #iter = 255
nu = 0.261928
obj = -0.037437, rho = -0.570851
nSV = 74, nBSV = 19
Total nSV = 74
optimization finished, #iter = 222
nu = 0.255514
obj = -0.037128, rho = -0.512139
nSV = 75, nBSV = 22
Total nSV = 75
optimization finished, #iter = 224
nu = 0.266124
obj = -0.039276, rho = -0.572545
nSV = 77, nBSV = 23
Total nSV = 77
optimization finished, #iter = 230
nu = 0.257976
obj = -0.037712, rho = -0.624339
nSV = 76, nBSV = 21
Total nSV = 76
optimization finished, #iter = 263
nu = 0.246272
obj = -0.036374, rho = -0.563382
nSV = 74, nBSV = 20
Total nSV = 74
optimization finished, #iter = 241
nu = 0.240206
obj = -0.033656, rho = -0.481273
nSV = 69, nBSV = 15
Total nSV = 69
optimization finished, #iter = 227
nu = 0.259685
obj = -0.037864, rho = -0.545578
nSV = 73, nBSV = 21
Total nSV = 73
optimization finished, #iter = 232
nu = 0.250284
obj = -0.036744, rho = -0.595110
nSV = 76, nBSV = 19
Total nSV = 76
optimization finished, #iter = 174
nu = 0.265358
obj = -0.038435, rho = -0.613108
nSV = 71, nBSV = 23
Total nSV = 71
optimization finished, #iter = 210
nu = 0.254034
obj = -0.036023, rho = -0.706735
nSV = 71, nBSV = 19
Total nSV = 71
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>             Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/cattt84/PhD/projects/pyMVPA_game/examples/<ipython console> in 

/tmp/python-1339wAZ.py in <module>()
     76         NFoldSplitter(),
     77         enable_states=['results'])
---> 78 cv(dataset)
     80 results.append(cv.results)

/home/cattt84/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mvpa/measures/base.py in 
__call__(self, dataset)
    103         container applying transformer if such is defined
    104         """
--> 105         result = self._call(dataset)
    106         result = self._postcall(dataset, result)
    107         return result

in _call(self, dataset)
    172             # run the beast
--> 173             result = transerror(split[1], split[0])
    175             # unbind the testdataset from the classifier

in __call__(self, testdataset, trainingdataset)
   1275         Returns a scalar value of the transfer error.
   1276         """
-> 1277         self._precall(testdataset, trainingdataset)
   1278         error = self._call(testdataset, trainingdataset)
   1279         self._postcall(testdataset, trainingdataset, error)

in _precall(self, testdataset, trainingdataset)
   1231                     self.__clf.states._changeTemporarily(
   1232                         enable_states=['training_confusion'])
-> 1233                 self.__clf.train(trainingdataset)
   1234                 if self.states.isEnabled('training_confusion'):
   1235                     self.training_confusion = 

/home/cattt84/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mvpa/clfs/base.py in 
train(self, dataset)
    353         if dataset.nfeatures > 0:
--> 354             result = self._train(dataset)
    355         else:
    356             warning("Trying to train on dataset with no features 

/home/cattt84/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mvpa/clfs/meta.py in 
_train(self, dataset)
   1056         (wdataset, tdataset) = self.__feature_selection(dataset,
-> 1057                                                         
   1058         if __debug__:
   1059             add_ = ""

/home/cattt84/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mvpa/featsel/rfe.py in 
__call__(self, dataset, testdataset)
    234             # Check if it is time to stop and if we got
    235             # the best result
--> 236             stop = self.__stopping_criterion(errors)
    237             isthebest = self.__bestdetector(errors)

in __call__(self, errors)
    220         # charge best detector
--> 221         self.__bestdetector(errors)
    223         # if number of elements after the min >= len -- stop

<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'int' object is not callable 

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