[pymvpa] ‘LinearNuSVMC’ is not defined error with smlr.py

Michael Hanke michael.hanke at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 12:11:43 UTC 2009

Hi, Jo,

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:54:18PM +0100, Jo Etzel wrote:
> Thank you for all of your previous help. I am only starting to get 
> familiar with pyMVPA, so apologize if this is an obvious question.
> I am running pyMVPA on Windows XP, following your installation 
> instructions (Python 2.5.4, IDLE 1.2.4, NumPy, SciPy, PyNIfTI, 
> matplotlib; all with binaries); I’m using the IDLE shell. I can run the 
> start_easy.py and smellit.py examples, but not smlr.py. smlr.py runs 
> partway, then gives the error ‘name ‘LinearNuSVMC’ is not defined’.
> In the mvpa.clfs.libsvmc module I only see classes C, N, c_darray, 
> ctypes_helper, debug, extend_args, os, smlrib, stepwise_regresion, and 
> sys; attempting to load mvpa.clfs.libsvmc.svm gives the error ‘cannot 
> import name _svmc’. (I actually want to get to a linear SVM.)
> I tried installing libsvm, and I think it worked (I can ‘from svm import 
> *’ in python), but the problem remains. Is this an installation or 
> configuration problem?

Did you compile PyMVPA yourself? I just used the binary installer we
provide on the website and checked the smlr.py example -- it runs just

The pymvpa sources include a copy of libsvm that should be built
automatically as a dependency of the SVM extension. It looks like in
your case that did not happen.

Can you give us some more information how you installed pymvpa (and
which version)? Could you also please check whether the windows
installer works for you?



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