[pymvpa] Where can I get a version of PyMVPA with "fmri_dataset" in it ?

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Fri Nov 19 21:10:28 UTC 2010

sorry for the present dichotomy among "versions" of PyMVPA in the
existence.  dev.pymvpa.org should correspond to maint/0.5 branch in GIT,
although soon it will switch to 0.6 skipping 0.5...

long story short -- you should have got it, since both maint/0.5 and
master contain it (just do "git grep fmri_dataset").  I guess you are
just missing pynifti or nibabel to get fmri_dataset "enabled".

On Debian/Ubuntu systems with NeuroDebian repositories you could get it

apt-get install python-mvpa-snapshot

If still doesn't work -- knock on our door with your laptop ;)

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Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)onerussian.com
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