[pymvpa] Fwd: Data import with pynifti

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Tue Mar 29 15:37:57 UTC 2011

On Tue, 29 Mar 2011, Roberto Guidotti wrote:
>    I haven't only my images in Talairach space after basic preprocessing
>    steps (time, motion correction etc.), when I load my dataset I print
>    scl_* values
from an image or from a dataset? how do you load them into a dataset?
(as a list into a single dataset or as a list of datasets which you
concatenate in 0.4.7 or vstack in 0.6)?

what would be the output if you just run below command on your .img/.hdr
files at question:

for f in *.img; do python -c "import sys, nifti as n; h=n.NiftiImage(sys.argv[1]).header; print h['scl_slope'], h['scl_inter']" $f; done

> and I have my first image with the values cited above,
>    and the rest with 0.0 value. After loading I have to zscore my images
>    and proceed with other mvpa steps. Am I wrong?

you are doing everything correct -- I am just trying to infer if
you were were affected before by 'absent scaling' issue

>    So, I have upgraded to 0.6 version!

cool -- there you should be all safe.  if you are still interested we
could continue above discussion... or just forget -- up to you ;)

Keep in touch                                     www.onerussian.com
Yaroslav Halchenko                 www.ohloh.net/accounts/yarikoptic

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