[pymvpa] Q: Does any of you have a copy of the Netflix Prize dataset?

Rajeev Raizada raizada at cornell.edu
Tue Sep 27 01:31:53 UTC 2011

Dear PyMVPA folks,

I have a quick Q for you: I have recently been doing
some neural decoding work which struck me
as potentially applicable to the Netflix Prize data.

However, that dataset isn't available online any more.
Netflix pulled it, after somebody figured out how it could be
partially de-anonymised.

Before that, though, loads of people downloaded and explored the data,
during the couple of years when it was still publicly available.
Does any of you happen to have a copy of it?
It's a 700Mb .tar file, I believe.

If you do have a copy, and would be willing to share,
please send me a note directly: rajeev.raizada at gmail.com

Many thanks,


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