I've run a searchligh with a linear SVM on my data and am trying to save it in Nifti format. I've done the following: clf = LinearNuSVMC() cv = CrossValidatedTransferError(TransferError(clf),NFoldSplitter(cvtype=1)) s1 = Searchlight(cv, radius=5) s1_map = s1(dataset) orig_s1_map = dataset.mapReverse(N.array(s1_map)) NiftiImage(orig_s1_map).save('searchlight_results.nii.gz') This did successfully save, however, when I opened the file in Afni the overlayed file was about 1/6 the size of my high res scan. Clearly, not the same space as my original dataset. How can I map the results into the same space as my original dataset? Thanks, Amy