Bug#288063: [pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#288063: Reopen? /etc/fetchmailrc contains passwords

Loic Minier lool at dooz.org
Tue Oct 18 14:10:44 UTC 2005

On Tue, Oct 18, 2005, Nico Golde wrote:
> Ok just to clarifiy you mean keeping the /etc/fetchmailrc in 
> the case of a purge too?
> Thats not what purge ist for.

 Purge concern files handled by a package.  For example, things created
 by the package (configuration file, logs, pid file, run dir) or things
 shipped by the package (.deb's conffile, files, scripts, list of
 files), but not things added by the administrator to change the
 behavior of the package.

 But instead of discussing this to no-end, I see a simple solution to
 that: ship an empty sample conffile, with useful comments, and it will
 be purged by dpkg.

 I think we lack some granularity in the way files handled by packages
 are handled, and for example there's no possible distinction between:
 - removing log files
 - removing users
 - removing databases
 - removing files and configuration files

 Right now, IMO, purge means:
 - remove (remove files)
 - remove conffiles
 - remove configuration files handled by scripts
 - remove logs if under a package directory

 It does not (_IMO_) mean:
 - remove users (but YMMV)
 - remove anything related to the package
 - remove databases

 Right now, I think the best reason for handling fetchmailrc as I
 suggest is symetry.


Loïc Minier <lool at dooz.org>

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