[pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#603861: fetchmailconf: looks in the wrong place for fetchmailconf.py

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Thu Dec 2 01:45:56 UTC 2010


I am confused.  The upstream package contains a trivial fetchmailconf script
that gets generated by these Makefile.am rules: (the second is actually one long

	( echo '#! /bin/sh' && echo 'exec @PYTHON@ @pythondir@/fetchmailconf.py "$$@"'
) >$@ && chmod +x $@ || { rm -f $@ ; exit 1; }

And PYTHON/pythondir are acquired by autoconf calling python's sysconfig module
-- through automake.

So if the path is wrong, then please check if

python2.6 -c "import sys; from distutils import sysconfig;
sys.stdout.write(sysconfig.get_python_lib(0,0,prefix='$am_py_prefix'))" ; \

yields the proper output path - if not, it's a fault in the Python packages, or
the call fails during ./configure (check config.log!)

This code snippet above is actually copied from configure (on openSUSE 11.3
though, generated by autoconf 2.65 and automake 1.11.1).

If that python call, however, _does_ yield the proper path (dist-packages), then
check the build scripts where it gets overridden, if there are siteconfig files
for autoconf, or config.caches where a wrong pythondir might get picked up.


Matthias Andree

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