[pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#509952: From Captain James Moten

James Moten john_kamara38 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 29 15:30:00 UTC 2015

>From Captain James Moten

May this mail find you well.

I am Captain James Moten of the US Marine. I am currently in Iraq as an Advisory to the Iraq Military on fight against ISIL Terrorits.

During the fight to retake the  Mosul Dam, we discovered the sum of USD$ stocked in a box which I have moved to a secret location. I will like to move this money as quickly as possible to you for business purpose. Only if I can trust you.

any way I am willing to settle you with 30% of the total sum.You will advice me on the business to invest in since I am not business oriented. I want to move this money to your destination for you to safe keep it for me until am out of Iraq,

Please get back to me so that we can discuss on the way forward.

Captain James Moten, 

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