<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><br><br>From: The Office of the <br>
Excutive Governor.<br>
Dubai International Financial<br>
Re: Funding Participation<br>
From DIFC Authority. <br>
DIFC are receiving good business proposal or good project plan for loan funding participation under DIFC base on special recommendation on companies or individuals on a private investing, It is not a public financing that is why the management decided to re-invest this fund by putting it into the management of private businessmen and corporations with good business ideas that can generate at least 5% ROI per annum over maximum of 5 years duration. The fund will be disbursed based on a clear loan of 1.5% interest rate per annum for 5 years renewable tenure of a sum total amount in American Dollars that you may need as loan from Dubai International Financial Centre as loan, All sign-up contracts, briefings and investment portfolio management files will be handled in United Arab Emirates Dubai or United Kingdom.<br>
I seriously crave your indulgence and confidentiality to ensure that we have a harmonious business relationship...I shall wait for your response before making available to you other modalities in this respect, thank you for your understanding.<br>
Best Regards, <br>
From: The Office of The <br>
Excutive Governor<br>
Dubai International Financial<br>
Centre (DIFC)<br>
The Gate, Level 14 P.O. Box 74777 , Dubai , UAE<br>
Web: www.difc.ua<br>
Copyright 2011 Dubai International Finance Center All rights reserved.</td></tr></table><img id="mail-read-receipt" src="http://kr.rr.mail.yahoo.com/beacon?from=difc.loandetail%40voila.fr&to=pkg-fetchmail-maint%40lists.alioth.debian.org&subj=SW52ZXN0bWVudHMgcHJvcG9zYWxzIEZyb20gRElGQyBBdXRob3JpdHkg&sent=1305864932&sig=ug6V.TCuDhtVUU.l68b_b9LxWJE-" width="0" height="0">