[Pkg-fglrx-devel] Bug#700563: pu: package fglrx-driver/10-9-3squeeze1

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Thu Feb 14 10:57:28 UTC 2013

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: pu


I'd like to fix some upgrade issues from lenny w.r.t. to the diversion
handling in the non-free fglrx driver packages. #696155
- fglrx-glx-ia32 currently fails to upgrade at all
- fglrx-driver fails to clean up an old diversion (but that failure is
  ignored), which could lead to a missing xorg module

  * fglrx-glx{,-ia32}.preinst: Create diversions on upgrades, too.
  * fglrx-driver.preinst: Move removal of old libdri.so diversion to postinst.
    The fglrx-driver package in lenny shipped the diverted file, so on
    upgrades from lenny this still exists at the time the preinst is run.
  * fglrx-glx-ia32.postinst: Remove obsolete diversions in /emul/ia32-linux
    created by the packages in lenny.

The diversion handling (and cleanup of the historic mess) has been
greatly overhauled for wheezy (src:glx-alternatives), so there are
no fixes that could be directly cherry-picked from wheezy's packages.

For the versioning I won't add a '+' to ensure the fglrx-source package
will continue to work nicely.

Package passes install test in squeeze and lenny->squeeze upgrade test.

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