[Pkg-fonts-devel] check for MMCedar package

Hideki Yamane henrich at debian.or.jp
Sat Jan 21 01:32:48 UTC 2012

Hi Youhei,


> Description: MMCedar is a combined font that uses Motoya L Cedar and M+ fonts.
>  This package provides combined font that uses Motoya L Cedar and M+
>  fonts, named MMCedar, MMCedar-P. The Motoya L Cedar fonts are lacking
>  some characters, so these characters are compensated by M+ fonts. And
>  line spacing of those fonts was adjusted for programming.

 Hm, there is no Japanese term in that, but both upstream fonts are mainly
 aimed to use with Japanese (for glyph coverage), right? or MMCedar is
 not limited to such usage?

>  .
>  This package also provides fontforge scripts (.pe) for creating these
>  fonts.

 It is not necessary for description, put it to README.Debian is enough.


> Files: *
> Copyright: 2011 UTSUMI Hirosi <utuhiro78 at yahoo.co.jp>
> License: Apache-2.0 and M+FONTS

 It seems to be wrong. This font is based on Motoya L Cedar, it has its
 copyright holder. see fonts-motoya-l-cedar.

> Files: debian/*
> Copyright: 2011 Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
> License: Apache-2.0

 I think it would be MIT or BSD-3 is better for future usage because
 we cannot mix other GPL code.


>> *.ttf usr/share/fonts/truetype/fonts-mmcedar/

 u/s/f/t/mmcedar , remove fonts- prefix


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.or.jp/org

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