[pkg-fso-maint] Fso Python binding

Michele Renda michele.renda at gmail.com
Sat Feb 14 21:12:53 UTC 2009

Hello to all

I am writing here to show something I was working today, and I'd like to 
know your opinions.
I try to explain with a few of words. How someone of you know, I wrote 
Sephora. In lastest day I lost some time to trying to fix sephora with 
the new fso milestone. Where I was working I realized that I hate dbus 
:) Ok, I know it is very important, it is cross language compatibile, 
but I program in python, and I don't like to write too much code. If I 
want to turn on a led I want to do something like:

device = ODeviced()
device.getLED().getGta02AuxRed().setBlinking(2, 3)

Or if I want to react to a function I want to do something like this:

gps = OGpsd()
def myfunc(i):
     # I do something here
gps.connect('fixStatusChanged', myfunc)

So, I studied a bit how to use reflection in Python and the source code 
written by Michael Lauer, and I wrote a Python binding for FSO, and I 
called with a lot of fantasy PyFso (It is only a transitory name, 
because I think this name is already used for another project).

You can have a look here: [1]

To help the navigation, it also print the structure of the object I 
created [2].

For now it is only a proof of concept. I would like to know if someone 
else have the same feeling with dbus, and if it can became in a future a 
shared library.

Another question is: My program uses class of the utility mdbus. But I 
was not able to find in which deb is provided. Is packaged?

Thank you
Michele Renda

[1] http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/562269/PyFso/pyfso.py
[2] /home/michele/Dropbox/Public/PyFso/structure.txt

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