[pkg-fso-maint] fso: state of packaging?

arne anka openmoko at ginguppin.de
Sun Sep 13 20:49:43 UTC 2009

> could you post the fsousage-portions of fso-frameworkd. Interesting  
> would be
> what lowlevel-plugin you selected.


> For example my frameworkd.conf looks like this:
> [fsousage]
> lowlevel_type = openmoko
> [fsousage.controller]
> [fsousage.lowlevel_openmoko]

that's certainly new to me.
and i tried the included frameworkd.conf abd different combinations. never  
thought of that.
where does one find that kind of information and shouldn't it at least be  
included in doc?

that's probably rather for upstream, but maybe fsousaged (and others too)  
should print some WARN when config options are missing?
it's obviously not easy to keep up with all the changes in config files  
and might lead to unproportional big problems, which could be avoided by  
some helpfull messages ion the logs.

eh voila! suspend works again.
thank you so much and keep up the good work!

> also interesting would be the output when you stop frameworkd and run
> fsousaged in a terminal.

debian-gta02:~# fsousaged
** Message: can't load keyfile from './frameworkd.conf': Key file contains  
line '<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus  
Configuration 1.0//EN"' which is not a key-value pair, group, or comment
** Message: can't load keyfile from '/root/.frameworkd.conf': No such file  
or directory
** Message: common.vala:45: Using framework configuration file at  
** (process:1908): DEBUG: plugin.vala:629: usage controller  
** Message: plugin.vala:124:  
/usr//lib/cornucopia/modules/fsousage/controller.so load (GType is in use)

then i did

debian-gta02:~# mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ousaged  
/org/freesmartphone/Usage Suspend

and the next was

Segmentation fault

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