r6889 - in packages/branches/upstream: ! dirs' list truncated !

Carlos Galisteo cgalisteo-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed May 7 10:48:23 UTC 2008

Author: cgalisteo-guest
Date: 2008-05-07 10:48:22 +0000 (Wed, 07 May 2008)
New Revision: 6889

[svn-inject] Installing original source of pyracerz

Added: packages/branches/upstream/pyracerz/current/modules/game.py
--- packages/branches/upstream/pyracerz/current/modules/game.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/pyracerz/current/modules/game.py	2008-05-07 10:48:22 UTC (rev 6889)
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005  Jujucece <jujucece at gmail.com>
+# This file is part of pyRacerz.
+# pyRacerz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# pyRacerz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with pyRacerz; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+import pygame.surfarray
+import random
+import math
+import array
+import zlib
+import track
+import menu
+import misc
+import sys
+import os
+import datetime
+class Game:
+  '''Class representing a game: Tournament or Single Race'''
+  def __init__(self, gameType, listTrackName=None, listPlayer=None, maxLapNb=-1):
+    '''Constructor'''
+    self.gameType = gameType
+    self.listTrackName = listTrackName
+    self.listPlayer = listPlayer
+    self.maxLapNb = maxLapNb
+  def play(self):
+    if self.gameType == None or self.listTrackName == None or self.listPlayer == None or self.maxLapNb == -1:
+      print "Incomplete game"
+      return
+    # For each track
+    for currentTrackName in self.listTrackName:
+      try:
+        currentTrack = track.Track(currentTrackName[0], currentTrackName[1])
+      except Exception, e:
+        print "Cannot load track : "
+        print e
+        sys.exit(1)
+      # Play music
+      misc.startRandomMusic()
+      # Put players on the rank
+      # If it's the first time do Randomly
+      if currentTrackName == self.listTrackName[0]:
+        listRank = []
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          rank = -1
+          while rank in listRank or rank == -1:
+            rank = random.randint(1, len(self.listPlayer))
+          listRank.append(rank)
+          play.play(currentTrack, rank)
+      # Else do the inv of the last Race
+      else:
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          play.play(currentTrack, len(self.listPlayer) - play.rank + 1)
+      # Initialise clock
+      clock = pygame.time.Clock()
+      # Display player names and cars blinking...
+      for i in range(0, 4):
+        # Display the track
+        misc.screen.blit(currentTrack.track, (0, 0))
+        # Display the player names
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          text = misc.popUpFont.render(play.name, 1, misc.lightColor, (0, 0, 0))
+          textRect = text.get_rect()
+          textRect.centerx = play.car.x
+          textRect.centery = play.car.y
+          misc.screen.blit(text, textRect)
+        pygame.display.flip() 
+        pygame.time.delay(400)
+        # Display the track
+        misc.screen.blit(currentTrack.track, (0, 0))
+        # Display the cars
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          play.car.image=play.car.cars[int((256.0*play.car.angle/2.0/math.pi)%256)]
+          play.car.sprite.draw(misc.screen)
+        pygame.display.flip() 
+        pygame.time.delay(400)
+      i = 0
+      l = []
+      popUp = misc.PopUp(currentTrack)
+      raceFinish = 0
+      masterChrono = 0
+      replayArray = array.array("h")
+      # bestRank is an array indexed by the lap number
+      # It's used to indicate the Position of each player at each track Finish
+      bestRank = [None]
+      for r in range(1, self.maxLapNb+1):
+        bestRank.append(1)
+      # Display Fires
+      imgFireG = pygame.transform.rotozoom(pygame.image.load(os.path.join("sprites", "grey.png")).convert_alpha(), 0, misc.zoom)
+      misc.screen.blit(imgFireG, (10*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      misc.screen.blit(imgFireG, (90*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      misc.screen.blit(imgFireG, (170*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      pygame.display.flip()
+      pygame.time.delay(1000)
+      imgFire = pygame.transform.rotozoom(pygame.image.load(os.path.join("sprites", "red.png")).convert_alpha(), 0, misc.zoom)
+      misc.screen.blit(imgFire, (10*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      #misc.screen.blit(imgFire, (90*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      #misc.screen.blit(imgFire, (170*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      pygame.display.flip()
+      pygame.time.delay(1000)
+      imgFire = pygame.transform.rotozoom(pygame.image.load(os.path.join("sprites", "red.png")).convert_alpha(), 0, misc.zoom)
+      #misc.screen.blit(imgFire, (10*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      misc.screen.blit(imgFire, (90*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      #misc.screen.blit(imgFire, (170*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      pygame.display.flip()
+      pygame.time.delay(1000)
+      imgFire = pygame.transform.rotozoom(pygame.image.load(os.path.join("sprites", "red.png")).convert_alpha(), 0, misc.zoom)
+      #misc.screen.blit(imgFireG, (10*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      #misc.screen.blit(imgFireG, (90*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      misc.screen.blit(imgFire, (170*misc.zoom,10*misc.zoom))
+      pygame.display.flip()
+      pygame.time.delay(990)
+      # Clear event queue
+      pygame.event.clear()
+      # Display the track
+      misc.screen.blit(currentTrack.track, (0, 0))
+      pygame.display.flip()  
+      sec = datetime.datetime.now().second
+      nbFrame = 0
+      # Event loop
+      while raceFinish == 0:
+        # Get the event keys
+        for event in pygame.event.get():
+          if event.type == QUIT:
+            # Stop music
+            misc.stopMusic()
+            sys.exit(0)
+          elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
+            if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
+              # Stop music
+              misc.stopMusic()
+              return -1
+            for play in self.listPlayer:
+              if play.__class__.__name__ == "HumanPlayer":
+                if event.key == play.keyAccel:
+                  play.keyAccelPressed = 1
+                if event.key == play.keyBrake:
+                  play.keyBrakePressed = 1
+                if event.key == play.keyLeft:
+                  play.keyLeftPressed = 1
+                if event.key == play.keyRight:
+                  play.keyRightPressed = 1
+          elif event.type == KEYUP:
+            for play in self.listPlayer:
+              if play.__class__.__name__ == "HumanPlayer":
+                if event.key == play.keyAccel:
+                  play.keyAccelPressed = 0
+                if event.key == play.keyBrake:
+                  play.keyBrakePressed = 0
+                if event.key == play.keyLeft:
+                  play.keyLeftPressed = 0
+                if event.key == play.keyRight:
+                  play.keyRightPressed = 0
+        # Make some modifications on the car commands
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          # Bot players need to compute
+          if play.__class__.__name__ == "RobotPlayer":
+            play.compute()
+          if play.__class__.__name__ == "HumanPlayer" or play.__class__.__name__ == "RobotPlayer":
+            if play.keyAccelPressed == 1:
+              play.car.doAccel()
+            else:
+              play.car.noAccel()
+            if play.keyBrakePressed == 1:
+              play.car.doBrake()
+            else:
+              play.car.noBrake()
+            if play.keyLeftPressed == 1:
+              play.car.doLeft()
+            if play.keyRightPressed == 1:
+              play.car.doRight()
+            if play.keyLeftPressed == 0 and play.keyRightPressed == 0:
+              play.car.noWheel()
+        # TODO ? Manage Rect.union (oldRect and newRect of a car) to optimize !!!!
+        # Append the old rect to the dirty Rects
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          oldRect = play.car.rect
+          l.append(oldRect.__copy__())
+          misc.screen.blit(currentTrack.track, play.car.rect, play.car.rect)
+        # For each player, update positions and check checkpoints
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          play.car.update()
+          play.chrono = play.chrono + 1
+          # Get infos on trackFunction
+          color=currentTrack.trackF.get_at((int(play.car.x), int(play.car.y)))
+          r=color[0]
+          #b=color[2]
+          # Manage the checkpoints to count the nb of laps
+          if currentTrack.reverse == 0 and play.raceFinish == 0:
+            if r == play.lastCheckpoint + 16:
+              play.lastCheckpoint = r
+              #print "Checkpoint OK"
+            # We finish a lap
+            elif r == 16:
+              # OK
+              if play.lastCheckpoint == 16 * currentTrack.nbCheckpoint:
+                play.lastCheckpoint = r
+                play.nbLap = play.nbLap +1
+                # Get the current rank (position)
+                play.rank = bestRank[play.nbLap]
+                bestRank[play.nbLap] = bestRank[play.nbLap] + 1
+                # Get the best chrono   
+                if play.chrono < play.bestChrono:
+                  play.bestChrono = play.chrono
+                  popUp.addElement(play.car, play.name + " L" + str(play.nbLap) + " P" + str(play.rank) + " " + misc.chrono2Str(play.chrono) + "B")
+                else:
+                  popUp.addElement(play.car, play.name + " L" + str(play.nbLap) + " P" + str(play.rank) + " " + misc.chrono2Str(play.chrono))
+                play.chrono = 0
+              # NOK
+              elif play.lastCheckpoint > 16:
+                play.lastCheckpoint = r
+                popUp.addElement(play.car, play.name + " L" + str(play.nbLap+1) + " MISSED")
+                play.chrono = 0
+          elif currentTrack.reverse == 1 and play.raceFinish == 0:
+            if r != 0 and r == play.lastCheckpoint - 16:
+              play.lastCheckpoint = r
+              #print "Checkpoint OK"
+            # We finish a lap
+            elif r == 16 * currentTrack.nbCheckpoint:
+              # OK
+              if play.lastCheckpoint == 16:
+                play.lastCheckpoint = r
+                play.nbLap = play.nbLap +1
+                # Get the current rank (position)
+                play.rank = bestRank[play.nbLap]
+                bestRank[play.nbLap] = bestRank[play.nbLap] + 1
+                # Get the best chrono   
+                if play.chrono < play.bestChrono:
+                  play.bestChrono = play.chrono
+                  popUp.addElement(play.car, play.name + " L" + str(play.nbLap) + " P" + str(play.rank) + " " + misc.chrono2Str(play.chrono) + "B")
+                else:
+                  popUp.addElement(play.car, play.name + " L" + str(play.nbLap) + " P" + str(play.rank) + " " + misc.chrono2Str(play.chrono))
+                play.chrono = 0
+              # NOK
+              elif play.lastCheckpoint < 16 * currentTrack.nbCheckpoint:
+                play.lastCheckpoint = r
+                popUp.addElement(play.car, play.name + " L" + str(play.nbLap+1) + " MISSED")
+                play.chrono = 0
+        # Manage Collisions
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+         for play2 in self.listPlayer:
+           if play == play2:
+             continue
+           playCollisionRects = []
+           play2CollisionRects = []
+           listIndex = pygame.Rect(play.car.listCarRect[0]).collidelistall(play2.car.listCarRect)
+           if listIndex != []:
+             playCollisionRects.append(0)
+             for idx in listIndex:
+               if idx not in play2CollisionRects:
+                 play2CollisionRects.append(idx)
+           listIndex = pygame.Rect(play.car.listCarRect[1]).collidelistall(play2.car.listCarRect)
+           if listIndex != []:
+             playCollisionRects.append(1)
+             for idx in listIndex:
+               if idx not in play2CollisionRects:
+                 play2CollisionRects.append(idx)
+           listIndex = pygame.Rect(play.car.listCarRect[2]).collidelistall(play2.car.listCarRect)
+           if listIndex != []:
+             playCollisionRects.append(2)
+             for idx in listIndex:
+               if idx not in play2CollisionRects:
+                 play2CollisionRects.append(idx)
+           listIndex = pygame.Rect(play.car.listCarRect[3]).collidelistall(play2.car.listCarRect)
+           if listIndex != []:
+             playCollisionRects.append(3)
+             for idx in listIndex:
+               if idx not in play2CollisionRects:
+                 play2CollisionRects.append(idx)
+           playCollisionRects.sort()
+           play2CollisionRects.sort()
+           #if playCollisionRects != []:
+             #print playCollisionRects
+           if playCollisionRects == [0]:
+             play.car.newSpeed = play.car.speed/2 - abs(play2.car.speed/2)
+           elif playCollisionRects == [1]:
+             play.car.newSpeed = play.car.speed/2 + abs(play2.car.speed/2)
+           elif playCollisionRects == [2] or playCollisionRects == [0,1,2] or playCollisionRects == [0,2] or playCollisionRects == [1,2]:
+             play.car.speedL = play.car.speedL + abs(play2.car.speed/2)*10
+             play.car.newSpeed = 0
+           elif playCollisionRects == [3] or playCollisionRects == [0,1,3] or playCollisionRects == [0,3] or playCollisionRects == [1,3]:
+             play.car.speedL = play.car.speedL - abs(play2.car.speed/2)*10
+             play.car.newSpeed = 0
+           elif playCollisionRects != [] :
+             #TODO
+             #print "Strange Collision !!!"
+             #print playCollisionRects
+             play.car.newSpeed = 0
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          #print play.name
+          #print play.car.speedL
+          if play.car.newSpeed != 0:
+            play.car.speed = play.car.newSpeed
+            play.car.newSpeed = 0
+        # Display PopUp
+        popUp.display()
+        l.append(popUp.rect.__copy__())
+        raceFinish = 1
+        currentTrack.track.lock()
+        # Display and manage finished game
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          # Change the car sprite
+          if play.car.brake == 0:
+            play.car.image=play.car.cars[int((256.0*play.car.angle/2.0/math.pi)%256)].copy()
+          else:
+            play.car.image=play.car.cars2[int((256.0*play.car.angle/2.0/math.pi)%256)].copy()
+          # If there's something on the car (the car is in a tunnel), manage mask to hide the car
+          part=pygame.Surface((play.car.sizeRect,play.car.sizeRect), HWSURFACE, 24).convert()
+          part.blit(currentTrack.trackF, (0,0), (play.car.x-play.car.sizeRect/2, play.car.y-play.car.sizeRect/2, play.car.sizeRect, play.car.sizeRect))
+          partArray = pygame.surfarray.array2d(part)
+          aX = 0
+          for arrayX in partArray:
+            aY = 0
+            for col in arrayX:
+              if col % 256 != 0:
+                play.car.image.set_at((aX, aY), (255, 255, 255, 0))
+              aY = aY + 1
+            aX = aX + 1
+          # Display tires slide
+          if play.car.slide == 1 or play.car.slide == 2:
+            coordN = (play.car.x - math.cos(play.car.angle)*play.car.height*0.4, play.car.y - math.sin(play.car.angle)*play.car.height*0.4)
+            coordS = (play.car.x + math.cos(play.car.angle)*play.car.height*0.4, play.car.y + math.sin(play.car.angle)*play.car.height*0.4)
+            coord0 = (int(coordN[0] - math.sin(play.car.angle)*play.car.width*0.3), int(coordN[1] + math.cos(play.car.angle)*play.car.width*0.3))
+            coord1 = (int(coordN[0] + math.sin(play.car.angle)*play.car.width*0.3), int(coordN[1] - math.cos(play.car.angle)*play.car.width*0.3))
+            coord2 = (int(coordS[0] - math.sin(play.car.angle)*play.car.width*0.3), int(coordS[1] + math.cos(play.car.angle)*play.car.width*0.3))
+            coord3 = (int(coordS[0] + math.sin(play.car.angle)*play.car.width*0.3), int(coordS[1] - math.cos(play.car.angle)*play.car.width*0.3))
+            oldCoordN = (play.car.ox - math.cos(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.height*0.4, play.car.oy - math.sin(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.height*0.4)
+            oldCoordS = (play.car.ox + math.cos(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.height*0.4, play.car.oy + math.sin(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.height*0.4)
+            oldCoord0 = (int(oldCoordN[0] - math.sin(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.width*0.3), int(oldCoordN[1] + math.cos(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.width*0.3))
+            oldCoord1 = (int(oldCoordN[0] + math.sin(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.width*0.3), int(oldCoordN[1] - math.cos(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.width*0.3))
+            oldCoord2 = (int(oldCoordS[0] - math.sin(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.width*0.3), int(oldCoordS[1] + math.cos(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.width*0.3))
+            oldCoord3 = (int(oldCoordS[0] + math.sin(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.width*0.3), int(oldCoordS[1] - math.cos(play.car.oldAngle)*play.car.width*0.3))
+            # Back tires
+            if currentTrack.trackF.get_at(coord2)[2] != 255 and currentTrack.trackF.get_at(oldCoord2)[2] != 255:
+              pygame.draw.line(currentTrack.track, (0,0,0), coord2, oldCoord2)
+            if currentTrack.trackF.get_at(coord3)[2] != 255 and currentTrack.trackF.get_at(oldCoord3)[2] != 255:
+              pygame.draw.line(currentTrack.track, (0,0,0), coord3, oldCoord3)
+            # Also Front tires if it's a braking slide
+            if play.car.slide == 2:
+              if currentTrack.trackF.get_at(coord0)[2] != 255 and currentTrack.trackF.get_at(oldCoord0)[2] != 255:
+                pygame.draw.line(currentTrack.track, (0,0,0), coord0, oldCoord0)
+              if currentTrack.trackF.get_at(coord1)[2] != 255 and currentTrack.trackF.get_at(oldCoord1)[2] != 255:
+                pygame.draw.line(currentTrack.track, (0,0,0), coord1, oldCoord1)
+          # Test if the player has finished
+          if play.nbLap == self.maxLapNb and play.raceFinish != 1:
+            play.raceFinish = 1
+            play.car.blink = 1
+          # Test is somebody has not finished
+          if play.nbLap != self.maxLapNb:
+            raceFinish = 0
+          # Blink = 0, no blink
+          if play.car.blink == 0:
+            newRect = play.car.rect
+            l.append(newRect.__copy__())
+            play.car.sprite.draw(misc.screen)
+          # Blink = 1, fast blink indicating the end of the race
+          if play.car.blink == 1 and play.car.blinkCount < 10:
+            play.car.blinkCount = play.car.blinkCount + 1
+            newRect = play.car.rect
+            l.append(newRect.__copy__())
+            # Display the car
+            play.car.sprite.draw(misc.screen)
+          elif play.car.blink == 1 and play.car.blinkCount >= 10:
+            play.car.blinkCount = play.car.blinkCount +1
+          if play.car.blink == 1 and play.car.blinkCount == 20:
+            play.car.blinkCount = 0
+        currentTrack.track.unlock()
+        if i == 1:
+          # Compute the FPS
+          sec2 = datetime.datetime.now().second
+          if sec2 > sec or (sec == 59 and sec2 > 0):
+            fps = nbFrame
+            nbFrame = 1
+            sec = sec2
+            text = misc.popUpFont.render(str(fps), 1, misc.lightColor, (0, 0, 0))
+            textRect = text.get_rect()
+            textRect.x = 0
+            textRect.y = 0
+            misc.screen.blit(text, textRect)
+            l.append(textRect.__copy__())
+          else:
+            nbFrame = nbFrame + 1
+          pygame.display.update(l)
+          i=0
+          l = []
+        else:
+          i=i+1
+        masterChrono = masterChrono + 1
+        # Record datas
+        for play in self.listPlayer:
+          replayArray.append(int(play.car.x/misc.zoom))
+          replayArray.append(int(play.car.y/misc.zoom))
+          replayArray.append(int(play.car.angle*1000))
+          # val = 100*car.blink + 10*car.brake + 1*car.slide
+          val = play.car.blink*100
+          if play.car.brake > 0:
+            val = val + 10
+          val = val + play.car.slide*1
+          replayArray.append(val)
+          # val = 1000*keyAccel + 100*keyBrake + 10*keyLeft + 1*keyRight
+          if play.__class__.__name__ == "HumanPlayer" or play.__class__.__name__ == "RobotPlayer":
+            val = play.keyAccelPressed*1000 + play.keyBrakePressed*100 + play.keyLeftPressed*10 + play.keyRightPressed*1
+            replayArray.append(val)
+          else:
+            replayArray.append(0)
+        # Make sure game doesn't run at more than 100 frames per second
+        clock.tick(100)
+      # Display the last PopUp
+      popUp.display()
+      l.append(popUp.rect.__copy__())
+      text = pygame.transform.rotozoom(misc.bigFont.render("Race finish, press a key to continue", 1, misc.lightColor), 20, 1)
+      textRect = text.get_rect()
+      textRect.centerx = misc.screen.get_rect().centerx
+      textRect.centery = misc.screen.get_rect().centery
+      misc.screen.blit(text, textRect)
+      pygame.display.flip()
+      misc.wait4Key()
+      menu1 = menu.SimpleMenu(misc.titleFont, "save Replay?", 20*misc.zoom, misc.itemFont, ["No", "Yes"])
+      select1 = menu1.getInput()
+      if select1 == 2:
+        menu2 = menu.ChooseTextMenu(misc.titleFont, "enter a Replay Name:", 20*misc.zoom, misc.itemFont, 8)
+        select2 = menu2.getInput()
+        waitMenu = menu.SimpleTitleOnlyMenu(misc.titleFont, "recording Replay...")
+        if select2 != None and select2 != "":
+          f = file(os.path.join("replays", select2 + ".rep"), "wb")
+          # TrackName Inv NbEnreg NbCar PlayerName1 PlayerCarColor1 PlayerCarLevel1...
+          f.write(str(misc.VERSION) + " " + currentTrack.name + " " + str(currentTrack.reverse) + " " + str(masterChrono) + " " + str(len(self.listPlayer)) + " ")
+          for play in self.listPlayer:
+            f.write(play.name + " " + str(play.car.color) + " " + str(play.car.level) + " ")
+          f.write("\n")
+          # Put the array into the Replay File
+          stringFile = ""
+          try:
+            while 1:
+              stringFile = stringFile + str(replayArray.pop(0)) + " "
+          except Exception:
+            pass
+          f.write(zlib.compress(stringFile))
+          f.close()
+      self.computeScores(currentTrack)
+      # Stop music
+      misc.stopMusic()
+    if self.gameType == "tournament":
+      self.displayFinalScores()
+    # If it's a challenge there's only 1 player, and return bestChrono
+    if self.gameType == "challenge":
+      return self.listPlayer[0].bestChrono
+  def computeScores(self, track):
+    titleMenu = menu.SimpleTitleOnlyMenu(misc.titleFont, "raceResult")
+    y = titleMenu.startY
+    for play in self.listPlayer:
+      # If it's a tournament, compute points
+      if self.gameType == "tournament":
+        # Give points
+        if play.rank == 1:
+          morePoint = 10
+        elif play.rank == 2:
+          morePoint = 6
+        elif play.rank == 3:
+          morePoint = 4
+        elif play.rank == 4:
+          morePoint = 3
+        elif play.rank == 5:
+          morePoint = 2
+        elif play.rank == 6:
+          morePoint = 1
+        else:
+          morePoint = 0
+      # Test if the current player has the best chrono
+      bestChrono = 1
+      for play2 in self.listPlayer:
+        if play.bestChrono > play2.bestChrono:
+          bestChrono = 0
+          break
+      playCar = pygame.transform.rotozoom(pygame.image.load(os.path.join("sprites", "cars", "car" + str(play.car.color) + ".png")).convert_alpha(), 270, 1.2*misc.zoom)
+      # If it's a tournament, compute points
+      if self.gameType == "tournament":
+        if bestChrono == 1:
+          if misc.addHiScore(track, play) == 1:
+            text = misc.titleFont.render(str(play.rank) + "' " + play.name + " :  " + str(play.point) + " + " + str(morePoint) + " + 2 = " + str(play.point+morePoint+2) + "  >> " + misc.chrono2Str(play.bestChrono) + " << HiScore !", 1, misc.lightColor)
+          else:
+            text = misc.titleFont.render(str(play.rank) + "' " + play.name + " :  " + str(play.point) + " + " + str(morePoint) + " + 2 = " + str(play.point+morePoint+2) + "  >> " + misc.chrono2Str(play.bestChrono) + " <<", 1, misc.lightColor)
+          play.point = play.point + morePoint + 2
+        else:
+          text = misc.titleFont.render(str(play.rank) + "' " + play.name + " :  " + str(play.point) + " + " + str(morePoint) + " = " + str(play.point+morePoint) + "     " + misc.chrono2Str(play.bestChrono), 1, misc.darkColor)
+          play.point = play.point + morePoint
+      else:
+        if bestChrono == 1:
+          if misc.addHiScore(track, play) == 1:
+            text = misc.titleFont.render(str(play.rank) + "' " + play.name + " : >> " + misc.chrono2Str(play.bestChrono) + " << HiScore !", 1, misc.lightColor)
+          else:
+            text = misc.titleFont.render(str(play.rank) + "' " + play.name + " : >> " + misc.chrono2Str(play.bestChrono) + " <<", 1, misc.lightColor)
+        else:
+          text = misc.titleFont.render(str(play.rank) + "' " + play.name + " :    " + misc.chrono2Str(play.bestChrono), 1, misc.darkColor)
+      # Display the car with statistics
+      playCarRect = playCar.get_rect()
+      textRect = text.get_rect()
+      textRect.centerx = misc.screen.get_rect().centerx + (playCarRect.width + 20*misc.zoom) /2
+      textRect.y = y + 80*misc.zoom*play.rank
+      playCarRect.x = textRect.x - (playCarRect.width + 20*misc.zoom)
+      playCarRect.centery = textRect.centery
+      misc.screen.blit(playCar, playCarRect)
+      misc.screen.blit(text, textRect)
+    pygame.display.flip()
+    misc.wait4Key()
+  def displayFinalScores(self):
+    titleMenu = menu.SimpleTitleOnlyMenu(misc.titleFont, "finalResult")
+    y = titleMenu.startY
+    for play in self.listPlayer:
+      # Get the final rank
+      self.rank = 1
+      for play2 in self.listPlayer:
+        if play.point < play2.point:
+          self.rank = self.rank + 1
+      playCar = pygame.transform.rotozoom(pygame.image.load(os.path.join("sprites", "cars", "car" + str(play.car.color) + ".png")).convert_alpha(), 270, 1.2*misc.zoom)
+      if self.rank == 1:
+        text = misc.titleFont.render(str(play.rank) + "' " + play.name + " :  >> " + str(play.point) + " <<", 1, misc.lightColor)
+      else:
+        text = misc.titleFont.render(str(play.rank) + "' " + play.name + " : " + str(play.point), 1, misc.darkColor)
+      # Display the car with statistics
+      playCarRect = playCar.get_rect()
+      textRect = text.get_rect()
+      textRect.centerx = misc.screen.get_rect().centerx + (playCarRect.width + 20*misc.zoom) /2
+      textRect.y = y + 80*misc.zoom*play.rank
+      playCarRect.x = textRect.x - (playCarRect.width + 20*misc.zoom)
+      playCarRect.centery = textRect.centery
+      misc.screen.blit(playCar, playCarRect)
+      misc.screen.blit(text, textRect)
+    pygame.display.flip()
+    misc.wait4Key()

Added: packages/branches/upstream/pyracerz/current/modules/misc.py
--- packages/branches/upstream/pyracerz/current/modules/misc.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/pyracerz/current/modules/misc.py	2008-05-07 10:48:22 UTC (rev 6889)
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005  Jujucece <jujucece at gmail.com>
+# This file is part of pyRacerz.
+# pyRacerz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# pyRacerz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with pyRacerz; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+import random
+import os
+import sys
+import ConfigParser
+import sha
+VERSION = "0.2"
+lightColor = (230, 230, 255)
+darkColor = (118, 118, 151)
+background = None
+screen = None
+popUpFont = None
+titleFont = None
+itemFont = None
+smallItemFont = None
+bigFont = None
+music = 1
+zoom = 1
+def init():
+  global popUpFont
+  global titleFont
+  global itemFont
+  global smallItemFont
+  global bigFont
+  global background
+  try:
+    popUpFont = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join("fonts", "alba", "ALBA____.TTF"), int(16*zoom))
+    titleFont = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join("fonts", "alba", "ALBA____.TTF"), int(52*zoom))
+    itemFont = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join("fonts", "alba", "ALBA____.TTF"), int(34*zoom))
+    smallItemFont = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join("fonts", "alba", "ALBA____.TTF"), int(30*zoom))
+    bigFont = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join("fonts", "alba", "ALBA____.TTF"), int(66*zoom))
+  except Exception, e:
+    print "Cannot initialize fonts:"
+    print e
+    sys.exit(-1)
+  background = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(os.path.join("sprites", "background.png")).convert(), (int(1024*zoom), int(768*zoom)))
+def chrono2Str(chrono):
+  return str(chrono/100.0).replace(".", "''")
+def wait4Key():
+  # Clear event queue
+  pygame.event.clear()
+  # Wait for key Input
+  ok = 0
+  while ok == 0:
+    for event in pygame.event.get():
+      if event.type == QUIT:
+        sys.exit(0)
+      if event.type == KEYDOWN:
+        ok = 1
+        break
+  # Clear event queue
+  pygame.event.clear()  
+def startRandomMusic():
+  global music
+  stopMusic()
+  if music == 1:
+    # Randomly choose the Music among .ogg files
+    musics = []
+    listFiles = os.listdir("musics")
+    for fileMusic in listFiles:
+      if fileMusic.endswith(".ogg") or fileMusic.endswith(".OGG"):
+        musics.append(fileMusic)
+    if len(musics) > 0:
+      rand = random.randint(0, len(musics)-1)
+      try:
+        pygame.mixer.music.load(os.path.join("musics", musics[rand]))
+        pygame.mixer.music.play()
+      except Exception, e:
+        print "Music: %s unable to play..." % musics[rand] 
+        print e
+def stopMusic():
+  pygame.mixer.music.fadeout(1000)
+class PopUp:
+  def __init__(self, track):
+    self.track = track
+    self.listElement = []
+    self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 688*zoom, 260*zoom, 80*zoom)
+  def addElement(self, car, text):
+    self.listElement.append([car, text, 0])
+  def display(self):
+    #Erase PopUp Area
+    screen.blit(self.track.track, self.rect, self.rect)
+    #If useful, display PopUp Area
+    if self.listElement != []:
+      y = 740*zoom
+      for elem in self.listElement:
+        x = 0
+        carMini = elem[0].miniCar
+        carMiniRect = carMini.get_rect()
+        carMiniRect.x = x
+        x = x + carMiniRect.width
+        text = popUpFont.render(elem[1], 1, lightColor, (0, 0, 0))
+        textRect = text.get_rect()
+        textRect.x = x
+        textRect.y = y
+        screen.blit(text, textRect)
+        carMiniRect.centery = textRect.centery 
+        screen.blit(carMini, carMiniRect)
+        # Remove an old element
+        if elem[2] == 400:
+          self.listElement.remove(elem)
+        else:
+          elem[2] = elem[2] + 1
+        y = y - textRect.height
+def addHiScore(track, player):
+  fileExist = 1
+  confFile=ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() 
+  try:
+    confFile.readfp(file(".pyRacerz.conf", "r")) 
+  except Exception:
+    fileExist = 0
+  # If the track is not represented, create it
+  if fileExist == 0 or not confFile.has_section("hi " + track.name):
+    fwrite = file(".pyRacerz.conf", "w+")
+    confFile.add_section("hi " + track.name)
+    confFile.write(fwrite)
+    confFile.readfp(file(".pyRacerz.conf", "r")) 
+  # For the Inverse
+  if track.reverse == 0:
+    level = player.level
+  else:
+    level = -player.level
+  # If the Level is not represented create it and put the Hi-scores
+  if not confFile.has_option("hi " + track.name, "level" + str(level)):
+    h = sha.new(str(track.name))
+    h.update(str("level" + str(level)))
+    h.update(player.name)
+    h.update(str(player.bestChrono))
+    fwrite = file(".pyRacerz.conf", "w+")
+    confFile.set("hi " + track.name, "level" + str(level), player.name + " " + str(player.bestChrono) + " " + h.hexdigest())
+    confFile.write(fwrite)
+    return 1
+  else:
+    hi = confFile.get("hi " + track.name, "level" + str(level)).split()
+    h = sha.new(str(track.name))
+    h.update(str("level" + str(level)))
+    h.update(hi[0])
+    h.update(hi[1])
+    if hi[2] == h.hexdigest():
+      if int(hi[1]) > player.bestChrono:
+        h = sha.new(str(track.name))
+        h.update(str("level" + str(level)))
+        h.update(player.name)
+        h.update(str(player.bestChrono))
+        fwrite = file(".pyRacerz.conf", "w+")
+        confFile.set("hi " + track.name, "level" + str(level), player.name + " " + str(player.bestChrono) + " " + h.hexdigest())
+        confFile.write(fwrite)
+        return 1
+      else:
+        return 0
+    else:
+      # If the HiScore is Corrupted, erase it
+      h = sha.new(str(track.name))
+      h.update(str("level" + str(level)))
+      h.update(player.name)
+      h.update(str(player.bestChrono))
+      fwrite = file(".pyRacerz.conf", "w+")
+      confFile.set("hi " + track.name, "level" + str(level), player.name + " " + str(player.bestChrono) + " " + h.hexdigest())
+      confFile.write(fwrite)
+      return 1
+def getUnlockLevel():
+  confFile=ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() 
+  try:
+    confFile.readfp(file(".pyRacerz.conf", "r")) 
+  except Exception:
+    return 0
+  if not confFile.has_section("unlockLevel"):
+    return 0
+  if not confFile.has_option("unlockLevel", "key"):
+    return 0
+  key = confFile.get("unlockLevel", "key").split()
+  h = sha.new("pyRacerz")
+  h.update(str(key[0]))
+  if h.hexdigest() == key[1]:
+    return key[0]
+  else:
+    return 0
+def setUnlockLevel(lck):
+  # Only change the unlock level if it's better than the actual one
+  if getUnlockLevel() >= lck:
+    return
+  fileExist = 1
+  confFile=ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() 
+  try:
+    confFile.readfp(file(".pyRacerz.conf", "r")) 
+  except Exception:
+    fileExist = 0
+  if fileExist == 0 or not confFile.has_section("unlockLevel"):
+    fwrite = file(".pyRacerz.conf", "w+")
+    confFile.add_section("unlockLevel")
+    confFile.write(fwrite)
+    confFile.readfp(file(".pyRacerz.conf", "r"))
+  h = sha.new("pyRacerz")
+  h.update(str(lck))
+  fwrite = file(".pyRacerz.conf", "w+")
+  confFile.set("unlockLevel", "key", str(lck) + " " + h.hexdigest())
+  confFile.write(fwrite)

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