r7039 - in packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian: . scripts

Bruno Fuddl-guestquot; Fuddl" Kleinert fuddl-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu May 15 15:48:11 UTC 2008

Author: fuddl-guest
Date: 2008-05-15 15:48:10 +0000 (Thu, 15 May 2008)
New Revision: 7039

+ new release
* hopefully improved wrapper scripts (filter known, forward unknown options)
* support "pro" mode in wrapper scripts
* update manpages for pro mode
* shortcuts (.menu, .desktop) for "pro" mode
* clean up debian/*.docs
* add more examples in nexuiz-server

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/NEWS.Debian
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/NEWS.Debian	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/NEWS.Debian	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+nexuiz (2.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  From this version on, the Debian Nexuiz packages include the "pro" extension
+  (often called a "mod") for Nexuiz. The necessary files are included in
+  nexuiz-data.
+  You can play Nexuiz in "pro" mode by starting Nexuiz from the command line
+  prompt with -p or --pro as parameter (nexuiz --pro). This also applies to
+  the server (nexuiz-server --pro).
+  If you prefer starting Nexuiz by the menu in your window manager, you can use
+  the new entry "Nexuiz (pro mode)".
+ -- Bruno "Fuddl" Kleinert <fuddl at tauware.de>  Thu, 15 May 2008 16:19:05 +0200
 nexuiz (2.3-4) unstable; urgency=low
   The nexuiz source package builds two debug packages, now:

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/changelog
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/changelog	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/changelog	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -3,9 +3,17 @@
   [ Bruno "Fuddl" Kleinert ]
   * New upstream version (Closes: #481017)
   * Install only reasonable documentation per binary package
+  * Install more documentation of the upstream release
   * Install nexuiz-server-console to IRC gateway examples
+  * Support "pro" extension
+    * Support "pro" extenstion in wrapper scripts. Both know -p|--pro, now
+    * Add desktop shortcuts (.menu and .desktop) to start Nexuiz with the "pro"
+      extension enabled
+    * Update manpages for -p|--pro parameter
+    * Update NEWS.Debian for "pro" mode
+  * Hopefully improved wrapper scripts for parameter handling
- -- Bruno "Fuddl" Kleinert <fuddl at tauware.de>  Tue, 13 May 2008 17:12:14 +0200
+ -- Bruno "Fuddl" Kleinert <fuddl at tauware.de>  Thu, 15 May 2008 17:28:35 +0200
 nexuiz (2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz-server.6
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz-server.6	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz-server.6	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
 \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
 Display a short help summary
+\fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-pro\fR
+Start the Nexuiz server with the "pro" extension (Also called "mod") enabled which will change physics, weapon fire rates and damage. (This makes the wrapper script pass the parameter "-game pro" to the Nexuiz server.)
 Options passed to the Nexuiz dedicated server binary by the \fB+set\fR parameter:

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz-server.docs
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz-server.docs	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz-server.docs	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz-server.examples
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz-server.examples	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz-server.examples	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.6
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.6	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.6	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
 \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
 Display a short help summary
+\fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-pro\fR
+Start Nexuiz with the "pro" extension (Also called "mod") enabled which will change physics, weapon fire rates and damage. (This makes the wrapper script pass the parameter "-game pro" to the Nexuiz engine.)
 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
 Disable all console output

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.desktop
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.desktop	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.desktop	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -10,3 +10,16 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Nexuiz (pro mode)
+Comment=A networked 3D first person shooter game with high-quality graphic effects
+Comment[de]=Ein netzwerkfähiges 3D Ego-Shooter Spiel mit aufwändigen Grafikeffekten
+Comment[fr_FR]=Un Ego-Shooter en 3D pouvant être joué en réseau
+Comment[pl_PL]=Gra sieciowa 3D, strzelanka, w pierwszej osobie z efektami graficznymi wysokiej jakosci
+Comment[ro_RO]=Un joc 3D cu împuşcături, perspectivă personală şi efecte grafice de înaltă calitate
+Exec=/usr/games/nexuiz --pro --quiet

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.docs
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.docs	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.docs	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.menu
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.menu	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/nexuiz.menu	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -4,3 +4,10 @@
 	title="Nexuiz" \
 	longtitle="A networked 3D first person shooter game with high-quality graphic effects" \
 	command="/usr/games/nexuiz --quiet"
+?package(nexuiz):needs="X11" \
+	section="Games/Action" \
+	icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/nexuiz.xpm" \
+	title="Nexuiz (pro mode)" \
+	longtitle="A networked 3D first person shooter game with high-quality graphic effects" \
+	command="/usr/games/nexuiz --pro --quiet"

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/scripts/nexuiz
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/scripts/nexuiz	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/scripts/nexuiz	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -8,24 +8,33 @@
  -h, --help\t\tDisplay this help\n\
  -q, --quiet\t\tDisable console output\n\
+ -p, --pro\t\tEnable \"pro\" mode\n\
  +<internal command>\tPass commands to the engine\n"
-case "$1" in
-	-h|--help)
-		echo -e ${EXCUSE}
-		exit 0
-		;;
-	-q|--quiet)
-		QUIET=1
-		shift
-		;;
+while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+	case "$1" in
+		-h|--help)
+			echo -e ${EXCUSE}
+			exit 0
+			;;
+		-p|--pro)
+			PARAMS="${PARAMS} -game pro"
+			;;
+		-q|--quiet)
+			QUIET=1
+			;;
+		*)
+			PARAMS="${PARAMS} $1"
+			;;
+	esac
+	shift
 # Ready to rumble!
 if [ ${QUIET} -eq 1 ]; then
-	exec /usr/lib/games/nexuiz/nexuiz.bin $PARAMS "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
+	exec /usr/lib/games/nexuiz/nexuiz.bin $PARAMS >/dev/null 2>&1
-	exec /usr/lib/games/nexuiz/nexuiz.bin $PARAMS "$@"
+	exec /usr/lib/games/nexuiz/nexuiz.bin $PARAMS 

Modified: packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/scripts/nexuiz-server
--- packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/scripts/nexuiz-server	2008-05-15 15:35:42 UTC (rev 7038)
+++ packages/trunk/nexuiz/debian/scripts/nexuiz-server	2008-05-15 15:48:10 UTC (rev 7039)
@@ -7,16 +7,26 @@
 Usage: nexuiz-server [OPTION]...\n\
  -h, --help\t\tDisplay this help\n\
+ -p, --pro\t\tEnable \"pro\" mode\n\
  +<internal command>\tPass options to the game engine. For the server this is\n\
 \t\t\toftern used to execute server configuration files.\n\
 \t\t\tFor example 'nexuiz-server +exec my_server.cfg'"
-case "$1" in
-	-h|--help)
-		echo -e ${EXCUSE}
-		exit 0;
-	;;
+while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+	case "$1" in
+		-h|--help)
+			echo -e ${EXCUSE}
+			exit 0;
+		;;
+		-p|--pro)
+			PARAMS="${PARAMS} -game pro"
+			;;
+		*)
+			PARAMS="${PARAMS} $1"
+			;;
+	esac
+	shift
 # Ready to rumble!
-exec /usr/lib/games/nexuiz/nexuiz-server.bin $PARAMS "$@"
+exec /usr/lib/games/nexuiz/nexuiz-server.bin $PARAMS

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