r9365 - in packages/branches/upstream: ! dirs' list truncated !

Peter Pentchev roam-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 13:06:19 UTC 2009

Author: roam-guest
Date: 2009-04-03 13:06:19 +0000 (Fri, 03 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 9365

[svn-inject] Installing original source of cookietool

Added: packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/Makefile
--- packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/Makefile	2009-04-03 13:06:19 UTC (rev 9365)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.6 2000/06/17 18:49:22 baran Exp $
+# slightly rewritten original Wilhelm Noeker's Makefile
+targets		= cookietool cdbsplit cdbdiff
+objects		= cookietool.o cdbsplit.o cdbdiff.o strstuff.o \
+                  cookio.o compress.o
+prefix		= usr
+binprefix	= $(prefix)/games
+manprefix	= $(prefix)/share/man/man6
+CC		= gcc
+RM		= rm -v
+INSTALL		= install
+CFLAGS		= -O2 -Wall
+build : $(targets)
+strstuff.o : strstuff.c strstuff.h
+cookio.o   : cookio.c  cookio.h
+compress.o : compress.c compress.h
+cookietool   : cookietool.o strstuff.o compress.o cookio.o
+cookietool.o : cookietool.c strstuff.h compress.h cookio.h
+cdbdiff   : cdbdiff.o strstuff.o compress.o cookio.o
+cdbdiff.o : cdbdiff.c strstuff.h compress.h cookio.h
+cdbsplit   : cdbsplit.o strstuff.o cookio.o
+cdbsplit.o : cdbsplit.c strstuff.h cookio.h
+clean :
+	@-$(RM) $(targets) $(objects)
+# for AmigaOS installation change install-binary-unix to
+# install-binary-amiga; for non-debian-installation, use `make all'
+install : install-binary # install-manpages
+install-binary :
+	@for file in $(targets); do \
+	  $(INSTALL) -m 0755 $$file $(DESTDIR)/$(binprefix)/$$file; \
+	done;
+install-manpages :
+	@for file in doc/*.6; do \
+	  $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $$file $(DESTDIR)/$(manprefix)/$$file; \
+	done;
+all : build install install-manpages

Added: packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/compress.c
--- packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/compress.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/compress.c	2009-04-03 13:06:19 UTC (rev 9365)
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+    cookietool is (c) 1995-2001 by Wilhelm Noeker (wnoeker at t-online.de)
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+    02111-1307 USA
+ */
+ |  File: compress.c                                   Date: 22 Mar 2001  |
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ |     Read cookies, remove duplicates, sort, and write back to file.     |
+ |       These routines are common to both cookietool and cdbdiff.        |
+ |                                                                        |
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "cookio.h"
+#include "compress.h"
+struct cookie
+    {
+    UBYTE *text;
+    UBYTE *sorthook;
+    long size;
+    long number;
+    };
+struct cookie *clist = NULL;
+long listsize = 0;              /* will be adjusted dynamically */
+long listed = 0;
+ * Assign ascending numbers to all cookies in the list and reset each sort
+ * hook to the start of its body text.
+ */
+void rebuild_listinfo()
+    {
+    long l;
+    for( l = 0; l < listed; l++ )
+        {
+        clist[ l ].number = l;
+        clist[ l ].sorthook = clist[ l ].text;
+        }
+    }
+ * Build cookie list from file.
+ * The list may or may not be empty before this call.
+ */
+void read_cookies( FILE *fp, int fmt )
+    {
+    long lines, cbuflen, offset, ignored = 0;
+    char *cptr;
+    offset = listed;            /* may or may not be 0 */
+    printf( "Reading cookies..." );
+    fflush( stdout );
+    while( (cptr = read_cookie( fp, fmt, &cbuflen, &lines, NULL )) != NULL )
+        {
+        if( lines > 0 )
+            {                   /* store the cookie */
+            if( listed == listsize )
+                {               /* we start with listsize==0, clist==NULL ! */
+                listsize = 3 * listsize / 2 + 1000;
+                clist = realloc( clist, listsize * sizeof( struct cookie ) );
+                if( !clist )
+                    {
+                    printf( "\nList reallocation failed\n" );
+                    exit( 20 );
+                    }
+                }
+            clist[ listed ].text = malloc( cbuflen + 1 );       /* mind the '\0'! */
+            if( clist[ listed ].text != NULL )
+                {
+                clist[ listed ].size = cbuflen;
+                strcpy( clist[ listed ].text, cptr );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                printf( "\nOut of memory\n" );
+                exit( 20 );
+                }
+            listed++;
+            }
+        else
+            ignored++;          /* or ignore it */
+        }
+    rebuild_listinfo();
+    printf( " done. (%ld read, %ld empty)\n", listed-offset, ignored );
+    }
+ * Write cookies to file, optionally skipping some at the start of the
+ * list.
+ */
+void write_cookies( FILE *fp, int fmt, long offset )
+    {
+    long l;
+    printf( "Writing cookies..." );
+    fflush( stdout );
+    for( l = offset; l < listed; l++ )
+        if( !write_cookie( clist[ l ].text, fp, fmt ) )
+            {
+            printf( "\nFile error, aborted !!!\n" );
+            exit( 20 );
+            }
+    printf( " done. (%ld written)\n", listed-offset );
+    }
+ * Cookie comparison, for sorting.
+ */
+int cookie_cmp( struct cookie *a, struct cookie *b, int mode )
+    {
+    int c = 0;
+    switch( mode )
+        {
+        case SORT_BODY:         /* by name */
+            c = str_cmp( a->sorthook, b->sorthook );
+            break;
+        case SORT_REVERSE:      /* descending, by name */
+            c = str_cmp( b->sorthook, a->sorthook );
+            break;
+        case SORT_SIZE:         /* by size */
+            c = a->size - b->size;
+            break;
+        }
+    if( c == 0 )                /* when in doubt, the number decides */
+        c = a->number - b->number;
+    return c;
+    }
+ * sift(): does the main work for my_heapsort()
+ */
+void sift( struct cookie v[], long i, long m, int mode )
+    {
+    long j;
+    struct cookie temp;
+    while( (j = 2 * (i + 1) - 1) <= m )
+        {
+        if( j < m && cookie_cmp( &v[ j ], &v[ j + 1 ], mode ) < 0 )
+            j++;
+        if( cookie_cmp( &v[ i ], &v[ j ], mode ) < 0 )
+            {
+            temp = v[ i ];
+            v[ i ] = v[ j ];
+            v[ j ] = temp;
+            i = j;
+            }
+        else
+            i = m;              /* done */
+        }
+    }
+ * Note the side effect: Will print three "."s to stdout: one on entry,
+ * one when the sort is halfway through, and another one when it's all done.
+ */
+void my_heapsort( struct cookie v[], long n, int mode )
+    {
+    long i;
+    struct cookie temp;
+    putchar( '.' ); fflush( stdout );
+    if( n < 2 )                 /* no sorting necessary */
+        return;
+    for( i = n/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+        sift( v, i, n - 1, mode );
+    putchar( '.' ); fflush( stdout );
+    for( i = n - 1; i >= 1; i-- )
+        {
+        temp = v[ 0 ];
+        v[ 0 ] = v[ i ];
+        v[ i ] = temp;
+        sift( v, 0, i - 1, mode );
+        }
+    putchar( '.' ); fflush( stdout );
+    }
+ * Adjust sorthooks for the final sort, according to the desired mode.
+ */
+void set_hooks( int mode, UBYTE *hooktarget )
+    {
+    long l;
+    int hot;
+    UBYTE *s;
+    printf( "Adjusting sort hooks..." );
+    fflush( stdout );
+    for( l = 0; l < listed; l++ )
+        {
+        s = clist[ l ].text;
+        switch( mode )
+            {
+            case SORT_LASTLINE: /* start of last line */
+                hot = 1;
+                while( *s )
+                    {
+                    if( *s == '\n' )
+                        hot = 1;
+                    else if( hot )
+                        {
+                        clist[ l ].sorthook = s;
+                        hot = 0;
+                        }
+                    s++;
+                    }
+                break;
+            case SORT_LASTWORD: /* start of last word */
+                hot = 1;
+                while( *s )
+                    {
+                    if( isspace( *s ) )
+                        hot = 1;
+                    else if( hot )
+                        {
+                        clist[ l ].sorthook = s;
+                        hot = 0;
+                        }
+                    s++;
+                    }
+                break;
+            case SORT_HOOKTARGET:
+                while( s )      /* at last occurence of <hooktarget> */
+                    {
+                    clist[ l ].sorthook = s++;
+                    s = strstr( s, hooktarget );
+                    }
+                break;
+            default:
+            }
+      }
+    printf( " done.\n" );
+    }
+ * Delete cookies and (optionally) log them to a file. For values of delmode
+ * and sortmode, see "compress.h".
+ * Note that the routine expects the sorthooks to point at the body texts
+ * on entry, but may modify and not restore them itself. There are many
+ * reasons why this does *not* hurt with the current implementations of both
+ * cookietool and cdbdiff, but it might be a pitfall in the future.
+ */
+void one_cookie( int delmode, int sortmode, UBYTE *hooktarget, FILE *fp, int fmt )
+    {
+    long i, j, dbl = 0, abr = 0;
+    int cmp;
+    if( delmode != DUPDEL_NONE )
+        {
+        printf( "Removing double entries" );
+        if( delmode == DUPDEL_ABBREVS )
+            printf( " + 'abbreviations'" );
+        /* sort descending by string */
+        my_heapsort( clist, listed, SORT_REVERSE );
+        for( i = listed - 1; i > 0; i = j )
+            {
+            for( j = i - 1; j >= 0
+              && ( (cmp = str_cmp( clist[ j ].text, clist[ i ].text )) == 0
+              || (delmode == DUPDEL_ABBREVS && cmp == STR_LONGER) ); j-- )
+                {
+                if( fp )
+                    if( !write_cookie( clist[ i ].text, fp, fmt ) )
+                        {
+                        printf( "\nFile error, aborted !!!\n" );
+                        exit( 20 );
+                        }
+                free( clist[ i ].text );
+                clist[ i-- ] = clist[ --listed ];
+                if( cmp == 0 )
+                    dbl++;
+                else
+                    abr++;
+                }
+            }
+        printf( " done. (%ld ", dbl );
+        if( delmode == DUPDEL_ABBREVS )
+            printf( "+ %ld ", abr );
+        printf( "found)\n" );
+        }
+    if( sortmode == SORT_RESTORE )
+        {
+        printf( "Restoring order" );
+        my_heapsort( clist, listed, SORT_RESTORE );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if( sortmode > SORT_BODY )
+            set_hooks( sortmode, hooktarget );
+        printf( "Sorting" );
+        if( sortmode == SORT_SIZE )
+            my_heapsort( clist, listed, SORT_SIZE );
+        else
+            my_heapsort( clist, listed, SORT_BODY );
+        }
+    printf( " done.\n" );
+    }

Added: packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/doc/cdbdiff.6
--- packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/doc/cdbdiff.6	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/doc/cdbdiff.6	2009-04-03 13:06:19 UTC (rev 9365)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+.\"                                      Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" $Jubal::Debian::Packages$
+.TH COOKIETOOL 6 "May 19, 2001"
+cdbdiff \- program to operate cookie (fortune) database
+.B cdbdiff
+.RI [ options ] " <database1> <database2> <resultfile>"
+This manual page documents briefly the \fBcdbdiff\fP command.
+This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
+because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it
+has some plaintext documentation, see below.
+\fBcdbdiff\fP is a program that compares two cookie databases and
+builds a list of those cookies that are only present in second, but not
+in the first of them. The input files are not modified in any way.
+A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see
+the documentation in \fI/usr/share/doc/cookietool\fP directory
+.B [nothing]
+Shows summary of options.
+.B \-c
+case sensitive comparisons.
+.B \-d[0-3]
+how fuzzy about word delimiters? (default: 2)
+.B \-f[0-3]
+input file format \- \-f3: cookies are separated by '%%' lines; \-f2:
+cookies are separated by '%' lines (DEFAULT); \-f1: each line is a
+cookie; \-f0: each word is a cookie.
+.B \-a
+append if <resultfile> exists (instead of failing).
+\fBcookietool(6)\fP, \fBcdbsplit(6)\fP
+None known.
+Upstream author and Aminet cookietool.lha package with AmigaOS binaries
+uploader is Wilhelm Nöker, <wnoeker at t-online.de>. Unix manpages
+(including this one) and makefile are maintained by Miros/law L. Baran
+<baran at debian.org>. This manual page uses many excerpts from the
+original README file.

Added: packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/doc/cdbsplit.6
--- packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/doc/cdbsplit.6	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/doc/cdbsplit.6	2009-04-03 13:06:19 UTC (rev 9365)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+.\"                                      Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" $Jubal::Debian::Packages$
+.TH COOKIETOOL 6 "May 19, 2001"
+cdbsplit \- program to operate cookie (fortune) database
+.B cdbsplit
+.RI [ options ] " <cookie-database> <hitfile>"
+This manual page documents briefly the \fBcdbsplit\fP command.
+This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
+because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it
+has some plain text documentation, see below.
+\fBcdbsplit\fP is a program that can be used to operate cookie database
+in various formats, the default is standard fortune(6) format, i.e.
+list of 'cookies' delimited with line containing a single percent
+('\fB%\fP') char . With 'cdbsplit' you can split cookie database, or
+extract parts of it depending on various criteria.
+A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see
+the documentation in \fI/usr/share/doc/cookietool\fP directory.
+\fBNOTE\fP, that default behaviour is to overwrite existing database
+with its reduced version, so the cookies are MOVED to hitfile. The
+hitfile is never overwritten, but may be appended to.
+.B [nothing]
+Shows summary of options.
+.B \-c
+case-sensitive comparisons (for both keywords and groups)
+.B \-d[0-3]
+how fuzzy about word delimiters? (default: 2)
+.B \-k<keyword>
+optional keyword
+.B \-K<keyword>
+mandatory keyword (use both of them to form boolean expressions)
+.B \-l<min_lines>
+minimal cookie length (in lines)
+.B \-L<max_lines>
+maximal cookie length (in lines)
+.B \-w<chars>
+minimal line width (in chars)
+.B \-W<chars>
+maximal line width (in chars)
+.B \-n<min_number>
+start at cookie <min_number>
+.B \-N<max_number>
+stop after <max_number> cookie
+.B \-m<chars>
+find groups of cookies starting with <n> matching characters (database
+must be sorted for this to make sense!)
+.B \-x
+extract only, don't modify <cookie-database>
+.B \-a
+append, don't overwrite <hitfile> if such a filename exists
+.B \-f[0-3]
+input file format \- \-f3: cookies are separated by '%%' lines; \-f2:
+cookies are separated by '%' lines (DEFAULT); \-f1: each line is a
+cookie; \-f0: each word is a cookie.
+\fBcookietool(6)\fP, \fBcdbdiff(6)\fP
+None known.
+Upstream author and Aminet cookietool.lha package with AmigaOS binaries
+uploader is Wilhelm Nöker, <wnoeker at t-online.de>. Unix manpages
+(including this one) and makefile are maintained by Miros/law L. Baran
+<baran at debian.org>. This manual page uses many excerpts from the
+original README file.

Added: packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/doc/cookietool.6
--- packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/doc/cookietool.6	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/cookietool/current/doc/cookietool.6	2009-04-03 13:06:19 UTC (rev 9365)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+.\"                                      Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" $Jubal::Debian::Packages$
+.TH COOKIETOOL 6 "May 19, 2001"
+cookietool \- program to operate cookie (fortune) database
+.B cookietool
+.RI [ options ] " <database>"
+This manual page documents briefly the \fBcookietool\fP command.
+This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
+because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it
+has some plaintext documentation, see below.
+\fBcookietool\fP is a program that should be used to sort, clear and
+maintain cookie database in standard fortune(6) format, i.e. list of
+\fBcookies\fP delimited with line containing a single percent
+('\fB%\fP') char. \fBcookietool\fP can now understand another formats
+and convert
+cookie database between them.
+A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see
+the documentation in \fI/usr/share/doc/cookietool\fP directory
+.B [nothing]
+Shows summary of options.
+.B \-c
+case sensitive comparisons.
+.B \-d[0-3]
+how fuzzy about word delimiters? (default: 2)
+.B \-b
+delete cookies that are 'abbreviations' of another, too.
+.B \-p
+passive, don't delete anything.
+.B \-s[l|w|<sep>|s]
+sort cookies; looking after last line only; looking after last word
+only; starting after the last <sep>, e.g. '-s--'; by size.
+.B \-a
+treat 'abbreviations' as doubles (i.e. delete them from the database,
+.B \-f[0-3]
+input file format \- \-f3: cookies are separated by '%%' lines; \-f2:
+cookies are separated by '%' lines (DEFAULT); \-f1: each line is a
+cookie; \-f0: each word is a cookie.
+.B \-F[0-3]
+force output in a different file format, see \-f.
+.B \-o
+overwrite directly without temporary file. CAUTION NEEDED.
+\fBcdbdiff(6)\fP, \fBcdbsplit(6)\fP
+None known.
+Upstream author and Aminet cookietool.lha package with AmigaOS binaries
+uploader is Wilhelm Nöker, <wnoeker at t-online.de>. Unix manpages
+(including this one) and makefile are maintained by Miros/law L. Baran
+<baran at debian.org>. This manual page uses many excerpts from the
+original README file.

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