r10766 - in packages/trunk/love/debian: . scripts

Miriam Ruiz miriam at alioth.debian.org
Mon Feb 1 22:10:27 UTC 2010

Author: miriam
Date: 2010-02-01 22:10:09 +0000 (Mon, 01 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 10766

Added script to convert löve 0.5.0 programs to 0.6.0

Modified: packages/trunk/love/debian/love.install
--- packages/trunk/love/debian/love.install	2010-02-01 21:17:49 UTC (rev 10765)
+++ packages/trunk/love/debian/love.install	2010-02-01 22:10:09 UTC (rev 10766)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #bin/love usr/games/
 #demos/* usr/share/doc/love/demos/
+debian/scripts/* usr/share/doc/love/scripts/
 debian/pixmaps/*.xpm usr/share/pixmaps/
 debian/pixmaps/*.png usr/share/pixmaps/
 debian/*.desktop usr/share/applications/

Modified: packages/trunk/love/debian/rules
--- packages/trunk/love/debian/rules	2010-02-01 21:17:49 UTC (rev 10765)
+++ packages/trunk/love/debian/rules	2010-02-01 22:10:09 UTC (rev 10766)
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
 	dh_installdocs -i
 	dh_installexamples -i
 	dh_install -i
+	dh_installmime -i
 	dh_link -i
 	dh_compress -i
 	dh_fixperms -i

Added: packages/trunk/love/debian/scripts/hand-holder.lua
--- packages/trunk/love/debian/scripts/hand-holder.lua	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/trunk/love/debian/scripts/hand-holder.lua	2010-02-01 22:10:09 UTC (rev 10766)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+-- hand-holder.lua v0.2, by Robin Wellner
+-- Automatically converting 0.5.0 games to 0.6.0
+-- Downloaded from http://love2d.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1165
+-- The file is released under CC0/Public Domain
+-- Usage:
+-- cd /my/game/project/folder/
+-- lua /path/to/downloads/hand-holder.lua
+print "hand-holder (v0.2) for converting LÖVE 0.5.0 to 0.6.0"
+local G = {}
+for k,v in pairs(_G) do
+	G[k] = v
+acc = 0
+function warn(warning)
+	local i = debug.getinfo(3, 'l')
+	if i then warning =  cfiles[#cfiles] .. '.lua:'..i.currentline .. ': ' .. warning end
+	print(warning)
+	acc = acc + 1
+f = io.open "main.lua"
+cfiles = {'main'}
+if not f then
+	print "no main.lua detected: please run this script in a LÖVE game folder"
+	return
+c = io.open "game.conf"
+if c then
+	warn [[the game.conf file is no longer supported, use conf.lua instead
+see <http://love2d.org/docs/conf_lua.html> for a description of its contents]]
+	c:close()
+G.love = {}
+love_mt = {}
+last = ''
+constants = {key_unknown = "unknown", key_first = "first", key_backspace =
+	"backspace", key_tab = "tab", key_clear = "clear", key_return = "return",
+	key_pause = "pause", key_escape = "escape", key_space = " ", key_exclaim =
+	"!", key_quotedbl = '"', key_hash = "#", key_dollar = "$", key_ampersand =
+	"&", key_quote = "'", key_leftparen = "(", key_rightparen = ")",
+	key_asterisk = "*", key_plus = "+", key_comma = ",", key_minus = "-",
+	key_period = ".", key_slash = "/", key_0 = "0", key_1 = "1", key_2 = "2",
+	key_3 = "3", key_4 = "4", key_5 = "5", key_6 = "6", key_7 = "7", key_8 =
+	"8", key_9 = "9", key_colon = ":", key_semicolon = ";", key_less = "<",
+	key_equals = "=", key_greater = ">", key_question = "?", key_at = "@",
+	key_leftbracket = "[", key_backslash = "\\", key_rightbracket = "]",
+	key_caret = "^", key_underscore = "_", key_backquote = "`", key_a = "a",
+	key_b = "b", key_c = "c", key_d = "d", key_e = "e", key_f = "f", key_g =
+	"g", key_h = "h", key_i = "i", key_j = "j", key_k = "k", key_l = "l",
+	key_m = "m", key_n = "n", key_o = "o", key_p = "p", key_q = "q", key_r =
+	"r", key_s = "s", key_t = "t", key_u = "u", key_v = "v", key_w = "w",
+	key_x = "x", key_y = "y", key_z = "z", key_delete = "delete", key_kp0 =
+	"kp0", key_kp1 = "kp1", key_kp2 = "kp2", key_kp3 = "kp3", key_kp4 = "kp4",
+	key_kp5 = "kp5", key_kp6 = "kp6", key_kp7 = "kp7", key_kp8 = "kp8",
+	key_kp9 = "kp9", key_kp_period = "kp.", key_kp_divide = "kp/",
+	key_kp_multiply = "kp*", key_kp_minus = "kp-", key_kp_plus = "kp+",
+	key_kp_enter = "kpenter", key_kp_equals = "kp=", key_up = "up", key_down =
+	"down", key_right = "right", key_left = "left", key_insert = "insert",
+	key_home = "home", key_end = "end", key_pageup = "pageup", key_pagedown =
+	"pagedown", key_f1 = "f1", key_f2 = "f2", key_f3 = "f3", key_f4 = "f4",
+	key_f5 = "f5", key_f6 = "f6", key_f7 = "f7", key_f8 = "f8", key_f9 = "f9",
+	key_f10 = "f10", key_f11 = "f11", key_f12 = "f12", key_f13 = "f13",
+	key_f14 = "f14", key_f15 = "f15", key_numlock = "numlock", key_capslock =
+	"capslock", key_scrollock = "scrollock", key_rshift = "rshift", key_lshift
+	= "lshift", key_rctrl = "rctrl", key_lctrl = "lctrl", key_ralt = "ralt",
+	key_lalt = "lalt", key_rmeta = "rmeta", key_lmeta = "lmeta", key_rsuper =
+	"rsuper", key_lsuper = "lsuper", key_mode = "mode", key_compose =
+	"compose", key_help = "help", key_print = "print", key_sysreq = "sysreq",
+	key_break = "break", key_menu = "menu", key_power = "power", key_euro =
+	"euro", key_undo = "undo", mouse_left = "l", mouse_middle = "m",
+	mouse_right = "r", mouse_wheelup = "wu", mouse_wheeldown = "wd",
+	joystick_axis_horizontal = 0, joystick_axis_vertical = 1,
+	joystick_hat_centered = "hat_centered", joystick_hat_up = "hat_up",
+	joystick_hat_right = "hat_right", joystick_hat_down = "hat_down",
+	joystick_hat_left = "hat_left", joystick_hat_rightup = "hat_rightup",
+	joystick_hat_rightdown = "hat_rightdown", joystick_hat_leftup =
+	"hat_leftup", joystick_hat_leftdown = "hat_leftdown", align_left = "left",
+	align_center = "center", align_right = "right", align_top = "top",
+	align_bottom = "bottom", mode_loop = "loop", mode_once = "once",
+	mode_bounce = "bounce", event_message = "message", event_gui = "gui",
+	blend_normal = "normal", blend_additive = "additive", color_normal =
+	"normal", color_modulate = "modulate", file_read = "r", file_write = "w",
+	file_append = "a", draw_line = "line", draw_fill = "fill", line_smooth =
+	"smooth", line_rough = "rough", audio_loop = "loop", audio_mode_mono =
+	"mode_mono", audio_mode_stereo = "mode_stereo", audio_quality_low =
+	"quality_low", audio_quality_medium = "quality_medium", audio_quality_high
+	= "quality_high", audio_buffer_default = "buffer_default", image_pad =
+	"pad", image_optimize = "optimize", image_pad_and_optimize =
+	"pad_and_optimize", shape_circle = "circle", shape_polygon = "polygon",
+	joint_distance = "distance", joint_revolute = "revolute", joint_prismatic
+	= "prismatic", joint_mouse = "mouse"}
+function love_mt.__index(t,k)
+	if k == '_vera_ttf' then return end
+	local f1,f2 = k:find('_', 1, true)
+	if f1 then
+		if constants[k] then
+			warn ("love."..k.." is a constant. 0.6.0 uses strings. It needs to be converted to '"..constants[k].."'")
+		else
+			warn ("love."..k.." is a constant. 0.6.0 uses strings. It probably needs to be converted to '"..k:sub(f2+1).."'")
+		end
+	end
+	if k == 'system' then
+		warn [[love.system was removed -- to quit a game, use love.event.push('q')
+see <http://love2d.org/wiki/index.php?title=Version_0.6.0#love.system> for more details]]
+	end
+	if last == 'filesystem' and (k == 'open' or k == 'read' or k == 'write' or k == 'close') then
+		warn ("file operations work directly on file objects now, so use f:"..k.."() instead of love.filesystem."..k.."(f)")
+	end
+	last = k
+	return G.love --things like love.graphics.draw is no problem this way ;)
+function love_mt.__call(t, x)
+	if last == 'draw' then
+		if type(x) == 'string' then
+			warn "use love.graphics.print to draw strings"
+		else
+			warn "make sure the positions match when drawing, in 0.6.0 images no longer have their origins in the center"
+			acc = acc - 1
+		end
+	end
+	return G.love -- hopefully does something nice for love.graphics.newImage()
+setmetatable(G.love, love_mt)
+function prepare(f)
+	local txt = f:read("*a")
+	txt = txt:gsub("elseif (.-) then", "local _0_=(%1) end;do")
+	txt = txt:gsub("else", "end;do")
+	txt = txt:gsub("if (.-) then", "do local _0_=(%1)")
+	txt = txt:gsub("while (.-) do", "do local _0_=(%1)")
+	txt = txt:gsub("(%s)repeat(%s)", "%1do%2")
+	txt = txt:gsub("until (.-)\n", "local _0_=(%1);end\n")
+	txt = txt:gsub("for ([^\n]-) in ([^\n]-) do", "do local %1=love")
+		--thank you bartbes
+	txt = txt:gsub("for (.-)=(.-),.- do", "do local %1=%2")
+	return txt
+F = loadstring(prepare(f))
+function G.require(fi)
+	table.insert(cfiles, fi)
+	local ff = io.open(fi..'.lua')
+	local FF = loadstring(prepare(ff))
+	setfenv(FF, G)
+	FF()
+	table.remove(cfiles)
+setfenv(F, G)
+ff = rawget(G.love, 'load')
+if ff then
+	ff()
+ff = rawget(G.love, 'update')
+if ff then
+	ff(0)
+ff = rawget(G.love, 'draw')
+if ff then
+	ff()
+print(acc.." warnings")
\ No newline at end of file

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