[bullet] 04/19: Merge branch 'upstream' into experimental

Markus Koschany apo at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Dec 26 22:49:20 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apo pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository bullet.

commit ea95cd456e94d4a48fcfc58efd579bd2fc91942a
Merge: f4d5c96 8322dc0
Author: Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 26 19:49:13 2016 +0100

    Merge branch 'upstream' into experimental

 .travis.yml                                        |    7 +-
 AUTHORS.txt                                        |    1 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |   37 +-
 Extras/HACD/hacdHACD.h                             |   22 +-
 Extras/HACD/hacdVector.h                           |    2 +-
 Extras/HACD/hacdVector.inl                         |    4 +-
 Extras/InverseDynamics/CMakeLists.txt              |    2 +
 Extras/InverseDynamics/CloneTreeCreator.cpp        |   49 +
 Extras/InverseDynamics/CloneTreeCreator.hpp        |   27 +
 Extras/InverseDynamics/DillCreator.cpp             |    2 +-
 Extras/InverseDynamics/DillCreator.hpp             |    2 +-
 Extras/InverseDynamics/IDRandomUtil.cpp            |    1 +
 Extras/InverseDynamics/IDRandomUtil.hpp            |    4 +-
 Extras/InverseDynamics/RandomTreeCreator.cpp       |   81 +
 Extras/InverseDynamics/RandomTreeCreator.hpp       |   31 +
 Extras/InverseDynamics/btMultiBodyFromURDF.hpp     |   12 +-
 Extras/InverseDynamics/btMultiBodyTreeCreator.cpp  |    2 +-
 Extras/InverseDynamics/btMultiBodyTreeCreator.hpp  |    8 +-
 .../InverseDynamics/invdyn_bullet_comparison.hpp   |    3 +-
 .../BulletFileLoader/autogenerated/bullet.h        |  180 +-
 Extras/Serialize/BulletFileLoader/bDNA.cpp         |   27 +-
 Extras/Serialize/BulletFileLoader/bFile.cpp        |   23 +-
 Extras/Serialize/BulletFileLoader/btBulletFile.cpp |    2 +-
 Extras/Serialize/HeaderGenerator/apiGen.cpp        |    2 +-
 Extras/Serialize/makesdna/makesdna.cpp             |   27 +-
 Extras/VHACD/inc/btAlignedAllocator.h              |  104 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/btAlignedObjectArray.h            |  448 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/btConvexHullComputer.h            |   97 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/btMinMax.h                        |   65 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/btScalar.h                        |  532 ++
 Extras/VHACD/inc/btVector3.h                       |  715 ++
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdCircularList.h               |   79 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdCircularList.inl             |  161 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdICHull.h                     |   98 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdManifoldMesh.h               |  142 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdMesh.h                       |  129 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdMutex.h                      |  146 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdSArray.h                     |  158 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdTimer.h                      |  121 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdVHACD.h                      |  350 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdVector.h                     |  103 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdVector.inl                   |  362 +
 Extras/VHACD/inc/vhacdVolume.h                     |  419 +
 Extras/VHACD/premake4.lua                          |    4 +
 Extras/VHACD/public/VHACD.h                        |  121 +
 Extras/VHACD/src/VHACD.cpp                         | 1433 ++++
 Extras/VHACD/src/btAlignedAllocator.cpp            |  176 +
 Extras/VHACD/src/btConvexHullComputer.cpp          | 2475 ++++++
 Extras/VHACD/src/premake4.lua                      |   10 +
 Extras/VHACD/src/vhacdICHull.cpp                   |  725 ++
 Extras/VHACD/src/vhacdManifoldMesh.cpp             |  202 +
 Extras/VHACD/src/vhacdMesh.cpp                     |  323 +
 Extras/VHACD/src/vhacdVolume.cpp                   | 1617 ++++
 .../hacdVector.h => VHACD/test/inc/oclHelper.h}    |   81 +-
 Extras/VHACD/test/src/main.cpp                     |  648 ++
 Extras/VHACD/test/src/oclHelper.cpp                |  329 +
 Extras/VHACD/test/src/premake4.lua                 |   25 +
 Extras/premake4.lua                                |    1 +
 README.md                                          |   40 +-
 VERSION                                            |    2 +-
 appveyor.yml                                       |    4 +-
 build_and_run_cmake.sh                             |    7 +
 build_and_run_premake.sh                           |    7 +
 build_visual_studio.bat                            |    5 +
 build_visual_studio_vr_pybullet_double.bat         |    8 +
 data/Quadrotor/quadrotor.urdf                      |   62 +
 data/Quadrotor/quadrotor_base.obj                  | 1696 ++++
 data/checker_blue.png                              |  Bin 0 -> 6379 bytes
 data/checker_grid.jpg                              |  Bin 0 -> 32768 bytes
 data/checker_huge.gif                              |  Bin 0 -> 1865 bytes
 data/cube.mtl                                      |    4 +-
 data/cube.urdf                                     |   32 +
 data/cube_gripper_left.urdf                        |   43 +
 data/cube_gripper_right.urdf                       |   43 +
 data/cube_no_friction.urdf                         |   32 +
 data/cube_small.sdf                                |   35 +
 data/cube_small.urdf                               |   30 +
 data/cube_soft.urdf                                |   32 +
 data/door.urdf                                     |  105 +
 data/{plane.mtl => duck.mtl}                       |    6 +-
 data/duck.obj                                      | 8604 ++++++++++++++++++++
 data/duckCM.png                                    |  Bin 0 -> 32504 bytes
 data/duck_vhacd.obj                                |  609 ++
 data/duck_vhacd.urdf                               |   32 +
 data/{cube.mtl => floor.mtl}                       |    7 +-
 data/floor.obj                                     |   18 +
 data/floor_diffuse.jpg                             |  Bin 0 -> 29586 bytes
 data/floor_diffuse.tga                             |  Bin 0 -> 326988 bytes
 data/floor_nm_tangent.tga                          |  Bin 0 -> 8236 bytes
 data/gripper/meshes/GUIDE_WSG50_110.stl            |  Bin 0 -> 23884 bytes
 data/gripper/meshes/WSG-FMF.stl                    |  Bin 0 -> 108184 bytes
 data/gripper/meshes/WSG50_110.stl                  |  Bin 0 -> 20684 bytes
 data/gripper/meshes/l_gripper_tip_scaled.stl       |  Bin 0 -> 4234 bytes
 data/gripper/wsg50_one_motor_gripper.sdf           |  388 +
 data/gripper/wsg50_one_motor_gripper_free_base.sdf |  386 +
 data/gripper/wsg50_one_motor_gripper_new.sdf       |  386 +
 .../wsg50_one_motor_gripper_new_free_base.sdf      |  383 +
 data/gripper/wsg50_with_r2d2_gripper.sdf           |  298 +
 data/husky/husky.urdf                              |  373 +
 data/husky/meshes/bumper.stl                       |  Bin 0 -> 23934 bytes
 data/husky/meshes/top_plate.stl                    |  Bin 0 -> 153984 bytes
 data/husky/meshes/user_rail.stl                    |  Bin 0 -> 115184 bytes
 data/husky/meshes/wheel.stl                        |  Bin 0 -> 354584 bytes
 data/{cube.mtl => jenga/jenga.mtl}                 |    8 +-
 data/jenga/jenga.obj                               |  113 +
 data/jenga/jenga.png                               |  Bin 0 -> 286602 bytes
 data/jenga/jenga.urdf                              |   29 +
 data/kiva_shelf/0_Bullet3Demo.txt                  |    7 +
 data/kiva_shelf/meshes/pod_lowres.stl              |  Bin 0 -> 509284 bytes
 data/kiva_shelf/model.sdf                          |  205 +
 data/kuka_iiwa/kuka_world.sdf                      |  414 +
 data/kuka_iiwa/meshes/link_0.stl                   |  Bin 0 -> 151984 bytes
 data/kuka_iiwa/meshes/link_1.stl                   |  Bin 0 -> 138034 bytes
 data/kuka_iiwa/meshes/link_2.stl                   |  Bin 0 -> 72534 bytes
 data/kuka_iiwa/meshes/link_3.stl                   |  Bin 0 -> 96984 bytes
 data/kuka_iiwa/meshes/link_4.stl                   |  Bin 0 -> 77434 bytes
 data/kuka_iiwa/meshes/link_5.stl                   |  Bin 0 -> 67984 bytes
 data/kuka_iiwa/meshes/link_6.stl                   |  Bin 0 -> 57934 bytes
 data/kuka_iiwa/meshes/link_7.stl                   |  Bin 0 -> 75684 bytes
 data/kuka_iiwa/model.sdf                           |  459 ++
 data/kuka_iiwa/model.urdf                          |  289 +
 data/kuka_iiwa/model2.sdf                          |  818 ++
 data/kuka_iiwa/model_for_sdf.urdf                  |  285 +
 data/kuka_iiwa/model_vr_limits.urdf                |  289 +
 data/l_finger_collision.stl                        |  Bin 0 -> 22334 bytes
 data/lego/lego.obj                                 | 3751 +++++++++
 data/lego/lego.urdf                                |   32 +
 data/lego/lego_vhacd.obj                           | 3072 +++++++
 data/multibody.bullet                              |  Bin 14520 -> 14660 bytes
 data/plane.mtl                                     |   24 +-
 data/plane.obj                                     |   18 +-
 data/plane.urdf                                    |   26 +
 data/plane100.obj                                  |   22 +-
 data/plane100.urdf                                 |   26 +
 data/pr2_gripper.urdf                              |  142 +
 data/r2d2.urdf                                     |    4 +-
 data/r2d2_multibody.bullet                         |  Bin 309384 -> 598292 bytes
 data/samurai.urdf                                  |   26 +
 data/samurai_monastry.obj                          |    8 -
 data/slope.bullet                                  |  Bin 79960 -> 76064 bytes
 data/sphere2.urdf                                  |   60 +-
 data/sphere2_rolling_friction.urdf                 |   29 +
 data/sphere_small.urdf                             |   30 +
 data/{cube.mtl => table/table.mtl}                 |    8 +-
 data/table/table.obj                               |   48 +
 data/table/table.png                               |  Bin 0 -> 867274 bytes
 data/table/table.urdf                              |   56 +
 data/table_square/checker_grid.jpg                 |  Bin 0 -> 32768 bytes
 data/{cube.mtl => table_square/table.mtl}          |    8 +-
 data/table_square/table.obj                        |   48 +
 data/table_square/table_square.urdf                |   61 +
 data/teddy_vhacd.urdf                              |   32 +
 data/textured_sphere.mtl                           |   11 +
 data/textured_sphere_flat.obj                      | 3755 +++++++++
 data/textured_sphere_smooth.mtl                    |   11 +
 data/textured_sphere_smooth.obj                    | 3725 +++++++++
 data/two_cubes.sdf                                 |  240 +
 examples/BasicDemo/BasicExample.cpp                |   23 +-
 examples/BasicDemo/CMakeLists.txt                  |   71 +
 examples/BasicDemo/main.cpp                        |    6 +
 examples/BasicDemo/premake4.lua                    |  181 +
 examples/Benchmarks/BenchmarkDemo.cpp              |    2 +-
 examples/CMakeLists.txt                            |    6 +-
 examples/Collision/CollisionTutorialBullet2.cpp    |    7 +-
 examples/CommonInterfaces/CommonCameraInterface.h  |    5 +
 examples/CommonInterfaces/CommonExampleInterface.h |   44 +-
 .../CommonInterfaces/CommonGUIHelperInterface.h    |   45 +-
 .../CommonInterfaces/CommonGraphicsAppInterface.h  |   15 +-
 examples/CommonInterfaces/CommonMultiBodyBase.h    |   16 +-
 .../CommonInterfaces/CommonParameterInterface.h    |    2 +
 examples/CommonInterfaces/CommonRenderInterface.h  |   15 +-
 examples/CommonInterfaces/CommonRigidBodyBase.h    |   10 +-
 examples/CommonInterfaces/CommonWindowInterface.h  |    4 +-
 examples/ExampleBrowser/CMakeLists.txt             |  246 +-
 .../ExampleBrowser/CollisionShape2TriangleMesh.cpp |  193 +
 .../ExampleBrowser/CollisionShape2TriangleMesh.h   |   10 +
 examples/ExampleBrowser/ExampleEntries.cpp         |  180 +-
 examples/ExampleBrowser/ExampleEntries.h           |   21 +-
 .../GwenGUISupport/GraphingTexture.cpp             |    1 +
 .../GwenGUISupport/GwenParameterInterface.cpp      |   21 +-
 .../GwenGUISupport/GwenProfileWindow.cpp           |   25 +-
 .../GwenGUISupport/gwenInternalData.h              |    5 +-
 .../GwenGUISupport/gwenUserInterface.cpp           |  160 +-
 .../GwenGUISupport/gwenUserInterface.h             |    1 +
 .../ExampleBrowser/InProcessExampleBrowser.cpp     |  422 +
 examples/ExampleBrowser/InProcessExampleBrowser.h  |   33 +
 examples/ExampleBrowser/OpenGLExampleBrowser.cpp   |  466 +-
 examples/ExampleBrowser/OpenGLExampleBrowser.h     |    6 +
 examples/ExampleBrowser/OpenGLGuiHelper.cpp        |  417 +-
 examples/ExampleBrowser/OpenGLGuiHelper.h          |   16 +-
 examples/ExampleBrowser/main.cpp                   |   64 +-
 examples/ExampleBrowser/premake4.lua               |  190 +-
 .../Bridge.cpp}                                    |   98 +-
 .../Bridge.h}                                      |   14 +-
 .../Chain.cpp}                                     |   87 +-
 .../Chain.h}                                       |   14 +-
 examples/ExtendedTutorials/InclinedPlane.cpp       |  372 +
 .../InclinedPlane.h}                               |   50 +-
 examples/ExtendedTutorials/MultiPendulum.cpp       |  435 +
 .../MultiPendulum.h}                               |   50 +-
 .../MultipleBoxes.cpp}                             |   68 +-
 .../MultipleBoxes.h}                               |   14 +-
 examples/ExtendedTutorials/NewtonsCradle.cpp       |  380 +
 .../NewtonsCradle.h}                               |   50 +-
 examples/ExtendedTutorials/NewtonsRopeCradle.cpp   |  387 +
 .../NewtonsRopeCradle.h}                           |   50 +-
 examples/ExtendedTutorials/RigidBodyFromObj.cpp    |  165 +
 .../RigidBodyFromObj.h}                            |   16 +-
 .../SimpleBox.cpp}                                 |   64 +-
 .../SimpleBox.h}                                   |   14 +-
 examples/ExtendedTutorials/SimpleCloth.cpp         |  162 +
 .../SimpleCloth.h}                                 |   14 +-
 .../SimpleJoint.cpp}                               |   79 +-
 .../SimpleJoint.h}                                 |   14 +-
 examples/ExtendedTutorials/premake4.lua            |  224 +
 examples/ForkLift/ForkLiftDemo.cpp                 |    1 +
 examples/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.cpp                 |   24 +-
 examples/Importers/ImportBsp/ImportBspExample.cpp  |    2 +-
 .../ImportColladaDemo/LoadMeshFromCollada.cpp      |  100 +-
 .../ImportColladaDemo/LoadMeshFromCollada.h        |    2 +-
 .../ImportMeshUtility/b3ImportMeshUtility.cpp      |   88 +
 .../ImportMeshUtility/b3ImportMeshUtility.h        |   25 +
 .../Importers/ImportObjDemo/ImportObjExample.cpp   |  137 +-
 .../Importers/ImportObjDemo/LoadMeshFromObj.cpp    |    4 +-
 .../Wavefront2GLInstanceGraphicsShape.cpp          |  122 +-
 .../Wavefront2GLInstanceGraphicsShape.h            |    4 +-
 .../ImportSDFSetup.cpp}                            |  166 +-
 examples/Importers/ImportSDFDemo/ImportSDFSetup.h  |    8 +
 .../Importers/ImportSTLDemo/ImportSTLSetup.cpp     |   31 +-
 examples/Importers/ImportSTLDemo/LoadMeshFromSTL.h |   23 +-
 .../ImportURDFDemo/BulletUrdfImporter.cpp          | 1279 +--
 .../Importers/ImportURDFDemo/BulletUrdfImporter.h  |   29 +-
 .../Importers/ImportURDFDemo/ImportURDFSetup.cpp   |   82 +-
 .../ImportURDFDemo/LinkVisualShapesConverter.h     |    9 +
 .../ImportURDFDemo/MyMultiBodyCreator.cpp          |    9 +-
 .../Importers/ImportURDFDemo/MyMultiBodyCreator.h  |    5 +
 .../Importers/ImportURDFDemo/ROSURDFImporter.cpp   |  899 --
 .../Importers/ImportURDFDemo/ROSURDFImporter.h     |   45 -
 examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/URDF2Bullet.cpp  |  150 +-
 examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/URDF2Bullet.h    |   18 +-
 .../ImportURDFDemo/URDFImporterInterface.h         |   20 +-
 examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/URDFJointTypes.h |   40 +
 examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/UrdfParser.cpp   | 1286 ++-
 examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/UrdfParser.h     |  111 +-
 .../Importers/ImportURDFDemo/urdfStringSplit.cpp   |    9 +-
 .../Importers/ImportURDFDemo/urdfStringSplit.h     |    4 +-
 .../InverseDynamics/InverseDynamicsExample.cpp     |   94 +-
 examples/InverseDynamics/InverseDynamicsExample.h  |    4 +-
 examples/InverseDynamics/premake4.lua              |  221 +
 .../InverseKinematics/InverseKinematicsExample.cpp |  385 +
 .../InverseKinematics/InverseKinematicsExample.h   |    8 +
 examples/LuaDemo/LuaPhysicsSetup.cpp               |   21 +-
 examples/MultiBody/MultiBodySoftContact.cpp        |  173 +
 examples/MultiBody/MultiBodySoftContact.h          |    7 +
 examples/MultiBody/MultiDofDemo.cpp                |   23 +-
 examples/MultiBody/TestJointTorqueSetup.cpp        |    3 +-
 examples/MultiThreading/MultiThreadingExample.cpp  |    4 +-
 examples/MultiThreading/b3PosixThreadSupport.cpp   |   26 +-
 examples/MultiThreading/b3PosixThreadSupport.h     |   12 +-
 examples/MultiThreading/b3Win32ThreadSupport.cpp   |   35 +-
 examples/MultiThreading/b3Win32ThreadSupport.h     |    4 +-
 examples/OpenCL/rigidbody/GpuRigidBodyDemo.cpp     |    2 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/CMakeLists.txt               |    2 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/GLInstanceGraphicsShape.h    |   13 +
 examples/OpenGLWindow/GLInstancingRenderer.cpp     |  287 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/GLInstancingRenderer.h       |   17 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/GLPrimitiveRenderer.cpp      |    7 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/MacOpenGLWindow.h            |    3 +
 examples/OpenGLWindow/MacOpenGLWindow.mm           |   45 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/Shaders/instancingPS.glsl    |    3 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/Shaders/instancingPS.h       |    3 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/Shaders/instancingVS.glsl    |    2 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/Shaders/instancingVS.h       |    2 +-
 .../Shaders/useShadowMapInstancingPS.glsl          |    9 +-
 .../Shaders/useShadowMapInstancingPS.h             |    8 +-
 .../Shaders/useShadowMapInstancingVS.glsl          |    2 +-
 .../Shaders/useShadowMapInstancingVS.h             |    2 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/SimpleCamera.cpp             |   76 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/SimpleCamera.h               |    6 +
 examples/OpenGLWindow/SimpleOpenGL2App.h           |    1 +
 examples/OpenGLWindow/SimpleOpenGL2Renderer.cpp    |   14 +
 examples/OpenGLWindow/SimpleOpenGL2Renderer.h      |    9 +
 examples/OpenGLWindow/SimpleOpenGL3App.cpp         |  100 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/SimpleOpenGL3App.h           |    2 +
 examples/OpenGLWindow/TwFonts.cpp                  |   35 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/Win32OpenGLWindow.cpp        |   18 +
 examples/OpenGLWindow/Win32OpenGLWindow.h          |    3 +
 examples/OpenGLWindow/Win32Window.cpp              |   15 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/X11OpenGLWindow.cpp          |   36 +-
 examples/OpenGLWindow/X11OpenGLWindow.h            |    7 +-
 .../OpenGLWindow/opengl_fontstashcallbacks.cpp     |    5 +-
 .../RenderingExamples/CoordinateSystemDemo.cpp     |    2 +-
 .../RenderingExamples/DynamicTexturedCubeDemo.cpp  |  152 +
 .../RenderingExamples/DynamicTexturedCubeDemo.h    |    6 +
 examples/RenderingExamples/RaytracerSetup.cpp      |   18 +-
 examples/RenderingExamples/TimeSeriesCanvas.cpp    |   38 +-
 examples/RenderingExamples/TimeSeriesCanvas.h      |    6 +-
 examples/RenderingExamples/TinyRendererSetup.cpp   |  413 +
 examples/RenderingExamples/TinyRendererSetup.h     |    6 +
 examples/RenderingExamples/TinyVRGui.cpp           |  218 +
 examples/RenderingExamples/TinyVRGui.h             |   25 +
 .../RigidBodySoftContact.cpp}                      |   87 +-
 .../RigidBodySoftContact.h}                        |   14 +-
 examples/RoboticsLearning/GripperGraspExample.cpp  |  470 ++
 .../GripperGraspExample.h}                         |   17 +-
 examples/RoboticsLearning/KukaGraspExample.cpp     |  319 +
 .../KukaGraspExample.h}                            |   15 +-
 examples/RoboticsLearning/R2D2GraspExample.cpp     |  233 +
 .../R2D2GraspExample.h}                            |   17 +-
 examples/RoboticsLearning/b3RobotSimAPI.cpp        |  999 +++
 examples/RoboticsLearning/b3RobotSimAPI.h          |  169 +
 .../RollingFrictionDemo/RollingFrictionDemo.cpp    |    3 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/BodyJointInfoUtility.h       |    2 +
 examples/SharedMemory/IKTrajectoryHelper.cpp       |  206 +
 examples/SharedMemory/IKTrajectoryHelper.h         |   36 +
 examples/SharedMemory/InProcessMemory.cpp          |   49 +
 examples/SharedMemory/InProcessMemory.h            |   19 +
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsClient.h              |   15 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsClientC_API.cpp       |  872 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsClientC_API.h         |  129 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsClientExample.cpp     |  597 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsClientExample.h       |    7 +
 .../SharedMemory/PhysicsClientSharedMemory.cpp     |  380 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsClientSharedMemory.h  |   17 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsDirect.cpp            |  326 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsDirect.h              |   28 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsLoopBack.cpp          |   31 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsLoopBack.h            |   11 +-
 .../SharedMemory/PhysicsServerCommandProcessor.cpp | 2311 +++++-
 .../SharedMemory/PhysicsServerCommandProcessor.h   |   12 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsServerExample.cpp     | 1109 ++-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsServerExample.h       |    1 +
 .../SharedMemory/PhysicsServerSharedMemory.cpp     |   57 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsServerSharedMemory.h  |    5 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/PosixSharedMemory.cpp        |    2 +-
 examples/SharedMemory/RobotControlExample.cpp      |    1 -
 examples/SharedMemory/SharedMemoryBlock.h          |    1 -
 examples/SharedMemory/SharedMemoryCommands.h       |  215 +-
 .../SharedMemoryInProcessPhysicsC_API.cpp          |  105 +
 .../SharedMemoryInProcessPhysicsC_API.h            |   24 +
 examples/SharedMemory/SharedMemoryPublic.h         |  124 +-
 .../TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter.cpp           |  731 ++
 .../TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter.h             |   39 +
 examples/SharedMemory/main.cpp                     |    3 +
 examples/SharedMemory/premake4.lua                 |  250 +-
 examples/SimpleOpenGL3/main.cpp                    |  172 +-
 examples/StandaloneMain/hellovr_opengl_main.cpp    | 2223 +++++
 .../main_console_single_example.cpp}               |   35 +-
 .../StandaloneMain/main_opengl_single_example.cpp  |  116 +
 .../main_sw_tinyrenderer_single_example.cpp        |  298 +
 .../main_tinyrenderer_single_example.cpp           |  409 +
 .../LICENSE.txt}                                   |   23 +-
 examples/TinyRenderer/TinyRenderer.cpp             |  295 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/TinyRenderer.h               |   56 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/geometry.cpp                 |    7 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/geometry.h                   |  222 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/main.cpp                     |  237 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/model.cpp                    |  171 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/model.h                      |   54 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/our_gl.cpp                   |  117 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/our_gl.h                     |   22 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/premake4.lua                 |   29 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/tgaimage.cpp                 |  356 +
 examples/TinyRenderer/tgaimage.h                   |  101 +
 examples/Tutorial/Tutorial.cpp                     |    2 +-
 examples/Utils/b3Clock.cpp                         |   35 +-
 examples/Utils/b3Clock.h                           |   11 +-
 examples/Utils/b3ResourcePath.cpp                  |   12 +-
 examples/Vehicles/Hinge2Vehicle.cpp                |    5 -
 examples/pybullet/CMakeLists.txt                   |   88 +
 examples/pybullet/premake4.lua                     |  107 +
 examples/pybullet/pybullet.c                       | 2288 ++++++
 examples/pybullet/robotcontrol.py                  |   30 +
 examples/pybullet/saveWorld.py                     |    8 +
 examples/pybullet/test.py                          |   36 +
 examples/pybullet/testrender.py                    |   46 +
 examples/pybullet/testrender_np.py                 |   50 +
 .../BroadPhaseCollision/b3DynamicBvh.h             |    2 -
 .../BroadPhaseCollision/b3DynamicBvhBroadphase.h   |    2 +-
 .../NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3MprPenetration.h |   15 +-
 src/Bullet3Common/b3CommandLineArgs.h              |   22 +-
 src/Bullet3Common/b3Scalar.h                       |    2 +-
 src/Bullet3Common/shared/b3PlatformDefinitions.h   |    4 +
 src/Bullet3OpenCL/CMakeLists.txt                   |    2 +-
 src/Bullet3OpenCL/Initialize/b3OpenCLUtils.cpp     |   10 +-
 .../NarrowphaseCollision/b3ConvexHullContact.cpp   |    7 +-
 .../NarrowphaseCollision/b3GjkEpa.cpp              |    6 +-
 .../NarrowphaseCollision/b3QuantizedBvh.cpp        |    2 +-
 .../NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/mprKernels.h      |   24 +-
 .../kernels/primitiveContacts.h                    |    1 +
 .../kernels/satClipHullContacts.h                  |    1 +
 .../kernels/satConcaveKernels.h                    |    1 +
 .../NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/satKernels.h      |    1 +
 .../RigidBody/b3GpuPgsConstraintSolver.cpp         |    2 +-
 .../RigidBody/kernels/batchingKernels.h            |    1 +
 .../RigidBody/kernels/batchingKernelsNew.h         |    1 +
 .../RigidBody/kernels/integrateKernel.h            |    1 +
 src/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/jointSolver.cl |    4 +-
 src/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/jointSolver.h  |    4 +-
 src/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverSetup.h  |    1 +
 .../RigidBody/kernels/solverSetup2.cl              |    4 +-
 src/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverSetup2.h |    5 +-
 src/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverUtils.cl |    4 +-
 src/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverUtils.h  |    5 +-
 .../RigidBody/kernels/updateAabbsKernel.h          |   27 +-
 .../Bullet2FileLoader/b3BulletFile.cpp             |    4 +-
 src/Bullet3Serialize/Bullet2FileLoader/b3DNA.cpp   |   22 +-
 src/Bullet3Serialize/Bullet2FileLoader/b3File.cpp  |   24 +-
 src/BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btDbvt.h   |   93 +-
 .../BroadphaseCollision/btOverlappingPairCache.cpp |    4 +-
 .../BroadphaseCollision/btQuantizedBvh.cpp         |    2 +
 .../CollisionDispatch/btCollisionDispatcher.cpp    |    5 +-
 .../CollisionDispatch/btCollisionObject.cpp        |    6 +
 .../CollisionDispatch/btCollisionObject.h          |   68 +-
 .../CollisionDispatch/btCollisionWorld.cpp         |  128 +-
 .../btCompoundCollisionAlgorithm.cpp               |    6 +-
 .../btCompoundCollisionAlgorithm.h                 |    4 +
 .../btCompoundCompoundCollisionAlgorithm.cpp       |    2 +
 .../btConvexConcaveCollisionAlgorithm.cpp          |    5 +-
 .../btConvexConcaveCollisionAlgorithm.h            |   18 +-
 .../CollisionDispatch/btConvexConvexAlgorithm.cpp  |    7 +-
 .../CollisionDispatch/btConvexConvexAlgorithm.h    |    3 +
 .../btDefaultCollisionConfiguration.cpp            |    1 +
 .../CollisionDispatch/btManifoldResult.cpp         |   42 +-
 .../CollisionDispatch/btManifoldResult.h           |    4 +
 .../CollisionShapes/btBvhTriangleMeshShape.cpp     |    9 +-
 src/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btConeShape.h  |    9 +
 .../CollisionShapes/btConvexHullShape.cpp          |   17 +-
 .../CollisionShapes/btConvexHullShape.h            |    5 +-
 .../CollisionShapes/btMultiSphereShape.cpp         |    4 +-
 .../NarrowPhaseCollision/btGjkEpa2.cpp             |   39 +-
 .../NarrowPhaseCollision/btGjkPairDetector.cpp     |   10 +-
 .../NarrowPhaseCollision/btManifoldPoint.h         |   55 +-
 .../NarrowPhaseCollision/btPersistentManifold.h    |    3 +-
 .../btPolyhedralContactClipping.cpp                |   10 +-
 .../btPolyhedralContactClipping.h                  |    7 +-
 src/BulletDynamics/CMakeLists.txt                  |    4 +
 .../Character/btCharacterControllerInterface.h     |    2 +-
 .../Character/btKinematicCharacterController.cpp   |  472 +-
 .../Character/btKinematicCharacterController.h     |   60 +-
 .../ConstraintSolver/btContactSolverInfo.h         |    2 +-
 .../btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint.h               |   16 +-
 .../btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.cpp        |   98 +-
 .../btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.h          |    6 +-
 .../ConstraintSolver/btSliderConstraint.h          |    2 +
 .../ConstraintSolver/btTypedConstraint.h           |    5 -
 src/BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btRigidBody.cpp        |    2 +
 src/BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btRigidBody.h          |    3 +
 src/BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBody.cpp    |   92 +-
 src/BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBody.h      |   91 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyConstraint.cpp         |  668 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyConstraint.h           |   13 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyConstraintSolver.cpp   |  433 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyConstraintSolver.h     |   15 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.cpp      |   55 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.h        |   10 +
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyFixedConstraint.cpp    |  211 +
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyFixedConstraint.h      |   94 +
 .../btMultiBodyJointLimitConstraint.cpp            |    2 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyJointMotor.cpp         |   34 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyJointMotor.h           |   28 +-
 src/BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyLink.h  |   11 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodyPoint2Point.cpp        |    2 +-
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodySliderConstraint.cpp   |  230 +
 .../Featherstone/btMultiBodySliderConstraint.h     |  105 +
 src/BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btMLCPSolver.cpp    |    7 +-
 src/BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btMLCPSolver.h      |   10 -
 src/BulletInverseDynamics/IDConfig.hpp             |   15 +-
 src/BulletInverseDynamics/IDConfigEigen.hpp        |   15 +-
 src/BulletInverseDynamics/IDMath.cpp               |   54 +
 src/BulletInverseDynamics/IDMath.hpp               |   10 +
 src/BulletInverseDynamics/MultiBodyTree.cpp        |  114 +
 src/BulletInverseDynamics/MultiBodyTree.hpp        |   61 +-
 .../details/IDEigenInterface.hpp                   |   37 +-
 .../details/IDLinearMathInterface.hpp              |   62 +-
 src/BulletInverseDynamics/details/IDMatVec.hpp     |   93 +-
 .../details/MultiBodyTreeImpl.cpp                  |  464 +-
 .../details/MultiBodyTreeImpl.hpp                  |   47 +
 src/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.cpp              |  114 +-
 src/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h                |    8 +-
 src/LinearMath/btHashMap.h                         |   13 +
 src/LinearMath/btIDebugDraw.h                      |    6 +-
 src/LinearMath/btMatrix3x3.h                       |    7 +-
 src/LinearMath/btPolarDecomposition.cpp            |    3 +-
 src/LinearMath/btPolarDecomposition.h              |    7 +-
 src/LinearMath/btQuaternion.h                      |   45 +-
 src/LinearMath/btQuickprof.cpp                     |    8 +-
 src/LinearMath/btQuickprof.h                       |   25 +-
 src/LinearMath/btScalar.h                          |    7 +-
 src/LinearMath/btSerializer.cpp                    | 1613 ++--
 src/LinearMath/btSerializer.h                      |    2 +-
 src/LinearMath/btVector3.h                         |   12 +-
 test/CMakeLists.txt                                |    4 +-
 test/InverseDynamics/CMakeLists.txt                |  108 +-
 test/InverseDynamics/premake4.lua                  |   40 +-
 test/InverseDynamics/test_invdyn_bullet.cpp        |   10 +-
 test/InverseDynamics/test_invdyn_jacobian.cpp      |  326 +
 test/SharedMemory/CMakeLists.txt                   |   87 +
 test/SharedMemory/gtestwrap.cpp                    |   23 +
 test/SharedMemory/premake4.lua                     |  142 +-
 test/SharedMemory/test.c                           |  172 +-
 xcode.command                                      |    5 +
 502 files changed, 76437 insertions(+), 6544 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/bullet.git

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