[nethack] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 3.3.0-7

James Cowgill jcowgill-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 7 17:53:06 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jcowgill-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/3.3.0-7
in repository nethack.

commit 728c8911aa74730adcb41f203c32b33dedc4e387
Merge: 8b3d746 1429f6c
Author: Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 12 21:50:01 2000 -0800

    Imported Debian patch 3.3.0-7

 Files                                        |  160 +-
 Makefile                                     |  214 -
 Porting                                      |    4 +-
 README                                       |  130 +-
 dat/Arch.des                                 |   18 +-
 dat/Barb.des                                 |   12 +-
 dat/Caveman.des                              |   12 +-
 dat/Healer.des                               |   12 +-
 dat/Knight.des                               |   12 +-
 dat/Makefile                                 |   87 -
 dat/Monk.des                                 |  352 ++
 dat/Priest.des                               |   12 +-
 dat/{Elf.des => Ranger.des}                  |  211 +-
 dat/Rogue.des                                |   12 +-
 dat/Samurai.des                              |   58 +-
 dat/Tourist.des                              |   12 +-
 dat/Valkyrie.des                             |   14 +-
 dat/Wizard.des                               |   12 +-
 dat/bigroom.des                              |   34 +-
 dat/castle.des                               |    2 +-
 dat/cmdhelp                                  |   14 +-
 dat/data.base                                | 1195 ++++-
 dat/dungeon.def                              |   38 +-
 dat/endgame.des                              |    8 +-
 dat/gehennom.des                             |    2 +-
 dat/help                                     |   35 +-
 dat/hh                                       |   21 +-
 dat/history                                  |  151 +-
 dat/knox.des                                 |    2 +-
 dat/license                                  |   13 +-
 dat/medusa.des                               |    2 +-
 dat/mines.des                                |    2 +-
 dat/opthelp                                  |   30 +-
 dat/oracle.des                               |    2 +-
 dat/quest.txt                                | 1882 ++++---
 dat/rumors.fal                               |   15 +-
 dat/rumors.tru                               |    9 +
 dat/sokoban.des                              |  611 +++
 dat/tower.des                                |    2 +-
 dat/yendor.des                               |    2 +-
 debian/README.Debian                         |   12 +-
 debian/changelog                             |   85 +-
 debian/control                               |    8 +-
 debian/copyright                             |   26 +-
 debian/dirs                                  |    5 +-
 debian/nethack.init                          |   33 +-
 debian/nethack.sh                            |   14 +-
 debian/nethackrc.x11                         |    6 +-
 debian/postinst                              |   11 +-
 debian/postrm                                |    3 +-
 debian/preinst                               |   55 +-
 debian/rules                                 |   49 +-
 debian/spoilers.tar.uu                       | 5692 ---------------------
 debian/xnethack.sh                           |    2 +-
 doc/Guidebook.mn                             |  857 +++-
 doc/Guidebook.tex                            |  976 +++-
 doc/Guidebook.txt                            | 1656 +++++--
 doc/Makefile                                 |   85 -
 doc/lev_comp.6                               |    2 +
 doc/lev_comp.txt                             |    8 +-
 doc/lists                                    |  130 +
 doc/nethack.6                                |   61 +-
 doc/nethack.txt                              |  148 +-
 doc/recover.6                                |   44 +-
 doc/window.doc                               |    6 +-
 include/align.h                              |    2 +-
 include/amiconf.h                            |   12 +-
 include/artifact.h                           |   10 +-
 include/artilist.h                           |   66 +-
 include/attrib.h                             |   14 +-
 include/beconf.h                             |   31 +-
 include/color.h                              |    4 +-
 include/config.h                             |  263 +-
 include/config1.h                            |  188 +
 include/coord.h                              |    2 +-
 include/decl.h                               |   81 +-
 include/def_os2.h                            |    2 +-
 include/dgn_file.h                           |   12 +-
 include/display.h                            |  221 +-
 include/dlb.h                                |   76 +-
 include/dungeon.h                            |   30 +-
 include/edog.h                               |   13 +-
 include/emin.h                               |    8 +-
 include/engrave.h                            |    4 +-
 include/epri.h                               |    6 +-
 include/eshk.h                               |    8 +-
 include/extern.h                             |  232 +-
 include/flag.h                               |  119 +-
 include/func_tab.h                           |    6 +-
 include/global.h                             |   88 +-
 include/hack.h                               |  130 +-
 include/lev.h                                |    2 +-
 include/macconf.h                            |   18 +-
 include/macpopup.h                           |   22 +
 include/mactty.h                             |  183 +-
 include/macwin.h                             |  198 +-
 include/mail.h                               |    2 +-
 include/mfndpos.h                            |    2 +-
 include/micro.h                              |    2 +-
 include/mkroom.h                             |   39 +-
 include/monattk.h                            |  129 +-
 include/mondata.h                            |   39 +-
 include/monflag.h                            |   65 +-
 include/monst.h                              |   29 +-
 include/monsym.h                             |    5 +-
 include/mttypriv.h                           |   62 +-
 include/nhlan.h                              |   48 +
 include/ntconf.h                             |   44 +-
 include/obj.h                                |  176 +-
 include/objclass.h                           |   63 +-
 include/os2conf.h                            |   11 +-
 include/patchlevel.h                         |   40 +-
 include/pcconf.h                             |  112 +-
 include/permonst.h                           |   16 +-
 include/prop.h                               |  191 +-
 include/qt_clust.h                           |   29 +
 include/qt_kde0.h                            |   10 +
 include/qt_win.h                             |  785 +++
 include/qt_xpms.h                            | 1393 ++++++
 include/qtext.h                              |   32 +-
 include/quest.h                              |   10 +-
 include/rect.h                               |    6 +-
 include/region.h                             |   46 +
 include/rm.h                                 |  227 +-
 include/skills.h                             |  121 +
 include/sp_lev.h                             |   31 +-
 include/spell.h                              |   12 +-
 include/system.h                             |   70 +-
 include/{termcap.h => tcap.h}                |   10 +-
 include/tile2x11.h                           |    2 +-
 include/timeout.h                            |    5 +-
 include/tradstdc.h                           |   14 +-
 include/trampoli.h                           |   38 +-
 include/trap.h                               |   20 +-
 include/unixconf.h                           |  106 +-
 include/vault.h                              |    6 +-
 include/vision.h                             |   16 +-
 include/vmsconf.h                            |   19 +-
 include/winX.h                               |   47 +-
 include/winami.h                             |    6 +-
 include/winprocs.h                           |   10 +-
 include/wintty.h                             |   10 +-
 include/wintype.h                            |    8 +-
 include/{Window.h => xwindow.h}              |   14 +-
 include/{WindowP.h => xwindowp.h}            |   12 +-
 include/you.h                                |  365 +-
 include/youprop.h                            |  387 +-
 makelog                                      |  115 -
 src/Makefile                                 |  727 ---
 src/allmain.c                                |  340 +-
 src/alloc.c                                  |    2 +-
 src/apply.c                                  |  854 +++-
 src/artifact.c                               |  322 +-
 src/attrib.c                                 |  327 +-
 src/ball.c                                   |   38 +-
 src/bones.c                                  |   52 +-
 src/botl.c                                   |  267 +-
 src/cmd.c                                    |  501 +-
 src/dbridge.c                                |   77 +-
 src/decl.c                                   |   14 +-
 src/detect.c                                 |  125 +-
 src/dig.c                                    |  176 +-
 src/display.c                                |  163 +-
 src/dlb.c                                    |  296 +-
 src/do.c                                     |  294 +-
 src/do_name.c                                |  297 +-
 src/do_wear.c                                |  667 ++-
 src/dog.c                                    |  224 +-
 src/dogmove.c                                |  118 +-
 src/dokick.c                                 |  284 +-
 src/dothrow.c                                |  528 +-
 src/drawing.c                                |  169 +-
 src/dungeon.c                                |  101 +-
 src/eat.c                                    |  430 +-
 src/end.c                                    |  294 +-
 src/engrave.c                                |   38 +-
 src/exper.c                                  |  113 +-
 src/explode.c                                |  139 +-
 src/extralev.c                               |   22 +-
 src/files.c                                  |  319 +-
 src/fountain.c                               |   40 +-
 src/hack.c                                   |  317 +-
 src/hacklib.c                                |   41 +-
 src/interp.c                                 |  309 --
 src/invent.c                                 |  523 +-
 src/light.c                                  |   80 +-
 src/lock.c                                   |   64 +-
 src/mail.c                                   |  111 +-
 src/makemon.c                                |  204 +-
 src/mcastu.c                                 |   49 +-
 src/mhitm.c                                  |  162 +-
 src/mhitu.c                                  |  450 +-
 src/minion.c                                 |   16 +-
 src/mklev.c                                  |  173 +-
 src/mkmap.c                                  |   43 +-
 src/mkmaze.c                                 |   78 +-
 src/mkobj.c                                  |  108 +-
 src/mkroom.c                                 |  101 +-
 src/mon.c                                    |  849 +++-
 src/mondata.c                                |   93 +-
 src/monmove.c                                |  173 +-
 src/monst.c                                  | 1190 +++--
 src/mplayer.c                                |  159 +-
 src/mthrowu.c                                |  133 +-
 src/muse.c                                   |  637 ++-
 src/music.c                                  |   79 +-
 src/o_init.c                                 |   73 +-
 src/objects.c                                |  506 +-
 src/objnam.c                                 |  646 ++-
 src/options.c                                |  419 +-
 src/pager.c                                  |  233 +-
 src/pickup.c                                 |  189 +-
 src/pline.c                                  |   42 +-
 src/polyself.c                               |  460 +-
 src/potion.c                                 |  385 +-
 src/pray.c                                   |  419 +-
 src/priest.c                                 |   84 +-
 src/quest.c                                  |  153 +-
 src/questpgr.c                               |  263 +-
 src/read.c                                   |  528 +-
 src/rect.c                                   |    2 +-
 src/region.c                                 |  941 ++++
 src/restore.c                                |  190 +-
 src/rip.c                                    |   36 +-
 src/rnd.c                                    |    2 +-
 src/role.c                                   |  929 ++++
 src/rumors.c                                 |   60 +-
 src/save.c                                   |  111 +-
 src/shk.c                                    |  222 +-
 src/shknam.c                                 |   23 +-
 src/sit.c                                    |   43 +-
 src/sounds.c                                 |   86 +-
 src/sp_lev.c                                 |  245 +-
 src/spell.c                                  |  792 ++-
 src/steal.c                                  |   68 +-
 src/steed.c                                  |  459 ++
 src/teleport.c                               |  243 +-
 src/timeout.c                                |  202 +-
 src/topten.c                                 |  205 +-
 src/track.c                                  |    2 +-
 src/trap.c                                   |  705 ++-
 src/u_init.c                                 |  628 ++-
 src/uhitm.c                                  |  939 ++--
 src/vault.c                                  |   26 +-
 src/version.c                                |   39 +-
 src/vision.c                                 |   87 +-
 src/weapon.c                                 |  576 ++-
 src/were.c                                   |   19 +-
 src/wield.c                                  |  530 +-
 src/windows.c                                |   15 +-
 src/wizard.c                                 |   71 +-
 src/worm.c                                   |   40 +-
 src/worn.c                                   |  231 +-
 src/write.c                                  |   15 +-
 src/zap.c                                    | 1140 ++++-
 sys/amiga/Makefile.ami                       |  212 +-
 sys/amiga/NetHack.cnf                        |    7 +-
 sys/amiga/amibug                             |  225 +
 sys/amiga/amimenu.c                          |   18 +-
 sys/amiga/amitty.c                           |    2 +-
 sys/amiga/amiwbench.c                        |   27 +-
 sys/amiga/amiwind.c                          |    2 +-
 sys/amiga/winami.c                           |   12 +-
 sys/amiga/winfuncs.c                         |   11 +
 sys/amiga/winmenu.c                          |    2 +-
 sys/atari/Makefile.utl                       |    2 +-
 sys/atari/atari.cnf                          |    7 +-
 sys/atari/nethack.mnu                        |    7 +-
 sys/atari/tos.c                              |    2 +-
 sys/be/README                                |   52 +-
 sys/be/bemain.c                              |   88 +-
 sys/mac/Files.r                              |  122 +
 sys/mac/Install.mw                           |   58 +-
 sys/mac/MacHelp                              |   22 +-
 sys/mac/NHDeflts                             |  109 +-
 sys/mac/NHrsrc.hqx                           | 1524 ++++--
 sys/mac/NHsound.hqx                          | 6822 ++++++++++++++++----------
 sys/mac/News                                 |    8 +-
 sys/mac/README                               |    8 +
 sys/mac/dprintf.c                            |   38 +-
 sys/mac/maccurs.c                            |  382 +-
 sys/mac/macerrs.c                            |  111 +-
 sys/mac/macfile.c                            |  179 +-
 sys/mac/machelp.hqx                          |   67 +
 sys/mac/macmain.c                            |  655 +--
 sys/mac/macmenu.c                            | 1005 ++--
 sys/mac/macsnd.c                             |   98 +-
 sys/mac/mactopl.c                            |  369 +-
 sys/mac/mactty.c                             | 1828 +++----
 sys/mac/macwin.c                             | 3581 ++++++--------
 sys/mac/mgetline.c                           |  327 +-
 sys/mac/mmodal.c                             |  586 ++-
 sys/mac/mrecover.c                           |   19 +-
 sys/mac/mrecover.hqx                         |  135 +-
 sys/mac/mttymain.c                           |  796 ++-
 sys/mac/old/macsegs                          |  333 ++
 sys/msdos/Install.dos                        |   78 +-
 sys/msdos/Makefile.BC                        |  558 ++-
 sys/msdos/Makefile.GCC                       |  144 +-
 sys/msdos/Makefile.MSC                       | 2175 +++-----
 sys/msdos/Makefile.SC                        |   49 +-
 sys/{share/NetHack.cnf => msdos/NHAccess.nh} |   82 +-
 sys/msdos/msdos.c                            |    2 +-
 sys/msdos/msdoshlp.txt                       |   26 +-
 sys/msdos/nhico.uu                           |    0
 sys/msdos/nhpif.uu                           |    0
 sys/msdos/ovlinit.c                          |    2 +-
 sys/msdos/pckeys.c                           |   14 +-
 sys/msdos/pctiles.c                          |    2 +-
 sys/msdos/pctiles.h                          |    2 +-
 sys/msdos/pcvideo.h                          |    4 +-
 sys/msdos/portio.h                           |    2 +-
 sys/msdos/schema1.BC                         |  497 +-
 sys/msdos/schema1.MSC                        |  249 -
 sys/msdos/schema2.BC                         |  489 +-
 sys/msdos/schema2.MSC                        |  245 -
 sys/msdos/schema3.MSC                        |  506 +-
 sys/msdos/setup.bat                          |   23 +-
 sys/msdos/sound.c                            |    2 +-
 sys/msdos/tile2bin.c                         |    4 +-
 sys/msdos/video.c                            |   18 +-
 sys/msdos/vidtxt.c                           |    2 +-
 sys/msdos/vidvga.c                           |   12 +-
 sys/os2/Install.os2                          |   56 +-
 sys/os2/Makefile.os2                         |  167 +-
 sys/os2/os2.c                                |   21 +-
 sys/share/Makefile.lib                       |    2 +-
 sys/share/NetHack.cnf                        |   44 +-
 sys/share/dgn_lex.c                          | 2014 +++++---
 sys/share/dgn_yacc.c                         |   13 +-
 sys/share/ioctl.c                            |    4 +-
 sys/share/lev_lex.c                          | 3395 ++++++-------
 sys/share/lev_yacc.c                         |    4 +-
 sys/share/nhlan.c                            |  191 +
 sys/share/pcmain.c                           |  175 +-
 sys/share/pcsys.c                            |   75 +-
 sys/share/pctty.c                            |    2 +-
 sys/share/pcunix.c                           |  140 +-
 sys/share/tclib.c                            |    2 +-
 sys/share/unixtty.c                          |    3 +-
 sys/unix/Files                               |    1 -
 sys/unix/Install                             |   37 -
 sys/unix/Install.unx                         |   67 +-
 sys/unix/Makefile                            |   22 -
 sys/unix/Makefile.dat                        |   13 +-
 sys/unix/Makefile.doc                        |    2 +-
 sys/unix/Makefile.src                        |  554 +--
 sys/unix/Makefile.top                        |   53 +-
 sys/unix/Makefile.utl                        |  132 +-
 sys/unix/Master                              |    1 -
 sys/unix/Name                                |    1 -
 sys/unix/Node                                |    1 -
 sys/unix/READ.ME                             |   51 -
 sys/unix/Remove                              |   25 -
 sys/unix/Size                                |    2 -
 sys/unix/System                              |    1 -
 sys/unix/depend.awk                          |  141 +
 sys/unix/install.bsd                         |   59 -
 sys/unix/interp.c                            |  309 --
 sys/unix/nethack.sh                          |    3 +-
 sys/unix/playtest                            |   25 -
 sys/unix/setup.sh                            |    0
 sys/unix/spkr.7                              |  117 -
 sys/unix/spkr.c                              |  305 --
 sys/unix/spkr.h                              |   34 -
 sys/unix/unixmain.c                          |   64 +-
 sys/unix/unixunix.c                          |   31 +-
 sys/vms/Install.vms                          |   27 +-
 sys/vms/Makefile.dat                         |    9 +-
 sys/vms/Makefile.doc                         |    2 +-
 sys/vms/Makefile.src                         |  423 +-
 sys/vms/Makefile.top                         |    4 +-
 sys/vms/Makefile.utl                         |   16 +-
 sys/vms/install.com                          |   23 +-
 sys/vms/lev_lex.h                            |   17 +-
 sys/vms/oldcrtl.c                            |    4 +-
 sys/vms/vmsbuild.com                         |    9 +-
 sys/vms/vmsfiles.c                           |    6 +-
 sys/vms/vmsmail.c                            |    2 +-
 sys/vms/vmsmain.c                            |   41 +-
 sys/vms/vmsmisc.c                            |    2 +-
 sys/vms/vmstty.c                             |    4 +-
 sys/vms/vmsunix.c                            |    2 +-
 sys/winnt/Install.nt                         |   61 +-
 sys/winnt/Makefile.nt                        |  231 +-
 sys/winnt/mapimail.c                         |  479 ++
 sys/winnt/nethack.def                        |    2 +-
 sys/winnt/nhico.uu                           |    0
 sys/winnt/nhsetup.bat                        |   16 +
 sys/winnt/ntsound.c                          |    2 +-
 sys/winnt/nttty.c                            |  313 +-
 sys/winnt/win32api.h                         |    5 +-
 sys/winnt/winnt.c                            |   69 +-
 sys/winnt/winnt.cnf                          |   22 +-
 util/Makefile                                |  335 --
 util/dgn_comp.l                              |    2 +-
 util/dgn_comp.y                              |   13 +-
 util/dgn_main.c                              |    2 +-
 util/dlb_main.c                              |  162 +-
 util/lev_comp.l                              |    7 +-
 util/lev_comp.y                              |    4 +-
 util/lev_main.c                              |   10 +-
 util/makedefs.c                              |  180 +-
 util/panic.c                                 |    2 +-
 util/recover.c                               |   97 +-
 win/Qt/Install.Qt                            |   55 +
 win/Qt/knethack.lnk                          |   18 +
 win/Qt/knh-mini.xpm                          |   30 +
 win/Qt/knh.xpm                               |   67 +
 win/Qt/qt_clust.cpp                          |  168 +
 win/Qt/qt_win.cpp                            | 4208 ++++++++++++++++
 win/Qt/tileedit.cpp                          |  408 ++
 win/Qt/tileedit.h                            |  128 +
 win/X11/Install.X11                          |   13 +-
 win/X11/NetHack.ad                           |   15 +-
 win/X11/Window.c                             |    4 +-
 win/X11/nethack.rc                           |   23 +-
 win/X11/nh32icon                             |    4 +-
 win/X11/nh56icon                             |   10 +-
 win/X11/nh72icon                             |    2 +-
 win/X11/rip.xpm                              |  580 +--
 win/X11/winX.c                               |   22 +-
 win/X11/winmap.c                             |   22 +-
 win/X11/winmenu.c                            |   16 +-
 win/X11/winmesg.c                            |    4 +-
 win/X11/winmisc.c                            |  172 +-
 win/X11/winstat.c                            |    2 +-
 win/X11/wintext.c                            |    4 +-
 win/X11/winval.c                             |    2 +-
 win/share/monsters.txt                       | 1837 +++++--
 win/share/objects.txt                        | 1570 ++++--
 win/share/other.txt                          |  596 ++-
 win/share/thintile.c                         |    2 +-
 win/share/tilemap.c                          |   64 +-
 win/share/tiletext.c                         |   47 +-
 win/tty/getline.c                            |   25 +-
 win/tty/termcap.c                            |   55 +-
 win/tty/topl.c                               |    9 +-
 win/tty/wintty.c                             |  529 +-
 win/win32/nhprocs.c                          | 1147 -----
 win/win32/nhwin32.h                          |  314 --
 win/win32/nhwin32.rc                         |  140 -
 win/win32/tile2bmp.c                         |  120 +-
 win/win32/win32msg.c                         |  583 ---
 win/win32/winmain.c                          |  341 --
 445 files changed, 59379 insertions(+), 41306 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/README.Debian
index 90c7ad9,0000000..24aa09e
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@@ -1,21 -1,0 +1,21 @@@
- README for Debian GNU/Linux Nethack 3.2.2:
++README for Debian GNU/Linux Nethack 3.3.0:
 +Nethack is a wonderfully silly yet quite addicting Dungeons and
 +Dragons-style adventure game. You play the part of a fierce fighter,
 +wizard, or any of many other classes, fighting your way down to
 +retrieve the Amulet of Yendor (try saying THAT one backwards!) for
 +your god. On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two,
 +or perhaps a microscopic space fleet, or -- if you're REALLY lucky --
 +the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.
- The Debian package of Nethack includes spoiler files, to be read only
- in sheer desperation, in /usr/doc/nethack/spoilers.
++There is a nethack-spoilers package available separately if you are
++really stuck, to be used only as a last resort.
 +A few utilities -- recover, for retrieving your auto-save files in case
 +of a power failure, and dgn_comp and lev_comp, two utilities for making
 +your own Nethack levels and dungeons, have been included in
- The recover utility will be run upon bootup, by /etc/rc.boot/nethack.
- Any auto-save files will be retrieved and converted into proper save
- files.
++The recover utility will be run upon bootup by /etc/init.d/nethack.
++Any auto-save files still on the system from a possible crash will be
++retrieved and converted into proper save files.
diff --cc debian/changelog
index a93cc15,0000000..b2c4c50
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,198 -1,0 +1,257 @@@
- nethack (3.2.3-3) stable; urgency=low
++nethack (3.3.0-7) unstable; urgency=low
-   * Make sure we chmod +x nethack.6 as we aren't using dh_installmanpages
-     (Closes: #53668)
++  * Patch to fix bones-file handling in /var/lib/games/nethack.
++    (The bones-file functions were changed from 3.2.2 and so
++    broke my older patch.) Closes: #54961
-  -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Tue, 28 Dec 1999 23:12:01 -0800
++ -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Wed, 12 Jan 2000 21:50:01 -0800
- nethack (3.2.3-2) stable; urgency=low
++nethack (3.3.0-6) unstable; urgency=low
-   * Don't use dh_installmanpages/dh_installdocs because there's
-     no way to force them not to install into /usr/share/doc and
-     /usr/share/man for slink..
++  * Change /usr/games/nethack script to remove stupid 'max number of
++    Nethack players at once' hack.
++  * Change /etc/init.d/nethack to work on *any* lock files in
++    /var/lib/games/nethack (use *.0 instead of *lock.0)
++  * Patch to fix nasty bugs introduced by separating lock/savefiles
++    into /var/lib/games/nethack. (Forgot some /s to a few sprintfs,
++    ouch!)
++  * Patch to fix recover to work with separate /var/lib/games/nethack
++    once again. Closes: #52995
++  * Change default cat/dog/fruit names when using xnethack to be
++    more.. Debian-y. :)
-  -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Mon, 20 Dec 1999 09:34:50 -0800
++ -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Wed,  5 Jan 2000 16:32:53 -0800
- nethack (3.2.3-1) stable; urgency=HIGH
++nethack (3.3.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
-   * This may be more acceptable for a stable update. It includes
-     only Y2K and critical bug fixes. (Closes: #52730)
++  * Make root the user able to enter wizard (debug) mode with 'nethack -D'
++    instead of user 'wizard', the old default. Closes: #53901
++  * Add link from /usr/lib/games/nethack/license -> 
++    /usr/share/doc/nethack/copyright so ?i works in game. Closes: #53979
++  * Make sure we pass arguments to nethack when run from xnethack
++    script. Fixes: #54104
-  -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Tue, 14 Dec 1999 15:56:44 -0800
++ -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Wed,  5 Jan 2000 10:23:32 -0800
++nethack (3.3.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
++  * Add color patch to fix swap of red and blue colors.
++  * Port Linux console IBMgraphics patch from 3.2.2.
++  * Remove all use of --suffix argument to tempfile, to make
++    building slink packages easier. Closes: #52968
++ -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Fri, 17 Dec 1999 15:26:05 -0800
++nethack (3.3.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
++  * Fix missing 'esac' at end of /etc/init.d/nethack. Closes: #52738
++ -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Tue, 14 Dec 1999 15:35:32 -0800
++nethack (3.3.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
++  * Note split of spoilers in README.Debian. Closes: #52628
++  * Improve logic in preinst for various combinations of 'install' and
++    'upgrade' arguments.
++  * Test for existence of /var/lib/games/nethack before trying to archive
++    it in preinst. Closes: #52666
++  * (Yes, 3.3.0 fixes the Y2K bugs in Nethack! Sorry for not mentioning
++     this below.)
++ -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Mon, 13 Dec 1999 22:15:10 -0800
++nethack (3.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
++  * Finally! A new upstream version! Fixes: #52565
++  * No more bashisms in postinst. Fixes: #36006
++  * Use /etc/init.d/nethack and a link /etc/rcS.d/nethack instead
++    of /etc/rc.boot/nethack. Fixes: #32441
++  * Spoilers split off into separate nethack-spoilers package. (Note:
++    spoilers may be out of date now for 3.3.0!)
++  * NOTE NOTE NOTE: Save files from 3.2.2 are *NOT COMPATIBLE* with
++    3.3.0 so the preinst will prompt the user and archive the old
++    save directory, or abort.
++  * Now depends on debianutils (>= 1.13) because we use 'tempfile'
++    program in the preinst to get a safe filename for archiving
++    into for the above NOTE NOTE NOTE. This sucks, though, because
++    slink's debianutils is 1.10, but it doesn't support the
++    --suffix we need to make a tempfile with .tar.gz as the extension.
++ -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Sun, 12 Dec 1999 14:22:23 -0800
 +nethack (3.2.2-16) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Use Richard Braakman's wonderful patch to fix color support in
 +    Nethack with ncurses 4.2. (Fixes: #27817)
 +  * Use Hartmut Koptein's patch for glibc 2.1 prototypes checking.
 +    (Fixes: #32012)
 + -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Thu, 21 Jan 1999 07:00:41 -0800
 +nethack (3.2.2-15) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Recompile with ncurses 4.2.
 + -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Fri, 30 Oct 1998 12:38:12 -0800
 +nethack (3.2.2-14) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Add test in preinst to make sure we don't check $2 on anything
 +    but an upgrade, as dpkg can call the preinst with no $2 if
 +    we're doing a fresh install, and that'll make my test to see
 +    what version we're upgrading from crash. (Fixes: #27101)
 + -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Sat, 26 Sep 1998 10:57:36 -0700
 +nethack (3.2.2-13) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Applied David Damerell's paranoid_quit and big top 10 patches.
 +    (Fixes: #26609)
 + -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Mon, 21 Sep 1998 19:30:22 -0700
 +nethack (3.2.2-12) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Made postinst really anal on checks for upgrades from old versions,
 +    to make all permissions correct. (Fixes: #25881, #19588)
 +  * Converted debian/rules to debhelper. (Fixes: #14492)
 +  * /var/lib/games/nethack/{record,logfile,perm} are no longer conffiles,
 +    and the management of them has moved to the postinst/postrm scripts.
 +  * Enabled tiles by default when running with X enhancements.
 +  * Created xnethack script to run the X-based nethack.
 +  * Disabled the mail daemon mail-check in X-based nethack, as it
 +    could cause nethack to freeze if run from the menu entry (as
 +    opposed to from within an xterm).
 + -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Tue, 18 Aug 1998 17:10:16 -0700
 +nethack (3.2.2-11) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Hamm release of 3.2.2-10.
 + -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Tue, 28 Oct 1997 17:38:11 -0800
 +nethack (3.2.2-10) stable; urgency=low
 +  * Re-built with libc5 libraries, as 3.2.2-7 was broken.
 +  * Fixed text menu entry pausing bug.
 +  * Took out dpkg-shlibdeps call for the lib5 build.
 +  * Changed chmod /var/lib/games/nethack 04775 in postinst to 02775.
 + -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Tue, 28 Oct 1997 12:53:37 -0800
 +nethack (3.2.2-9) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Re-added fix for permissions on /var/lib/games/nethack to postinst;
 +    fixes bug #13596.
 +  * Added X NetHack entry to menu file, fixes wishlist #13036.
 +  * Menu entry for text NetHack now pauses after the game ends, fixes
 +    bug #13035.
 +  * Built with all-glibc libraries, fixes bug #12793.
 +  * Copied 'license' text-file to /usr/lib/games/nethack, fixes bug #13033.
 +  * Upgraded to Standards-Version
 + -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Fri, 10 Oct 1997 16:17:46 -0700
 +nethack (3.2.2-8) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New maintainer.
 +  * Compiled under libc6.
 +  * Added patch for proper IBM graphics support.
 +  * Added patch for sound (speaker) support at the console.
 +  * No longer writes to /usr/lib/games/nethack; fixes bug #10454.
 +  * No longer uses i386-specific commands in makefile; fixes bug #10795.
 +  * Re-added dgn_comp and lev_comp to package; fixes bug #11013.
 +  * Created /etc/rc.boot/nethack to recover save-files on boot; 
 +    fixes bug #11012.
 +  * Changed rules file to no longer use debstd.
 +  * Made the recover utility setgid and removed the -d option to 
 +    prevent cheating.
 +  * Really fixed bug #10149 -- both logfile and record are now
 +    conffiles.
 +  * If upgrading from a version with incompatible logfile/record files,
 +    warns before clearing out /var/lib/games/nethack.
 + -- Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>  Wed, 23 Jul 1997 20:33:26 -0500
 +nethack (3.2.2-7) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 +  * changes to makefile to force compiling under libc5
 +  * fixed bug #10149: upgrading no longer kills the high score file
 +  * fixed bug #9839: now provides nh10 font
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at debian.org>  Mon, 26 May 1997 22:34:36 -0400
 +nethack (3.2.2-6) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 +  * routine cleanup of makefiles
 +  * fixed debian/rules to actually clean up on 'debian/rules clean'
 +  * fixed bug #9288: debian/rules doesn't delete manpages until after build
 +  * fixed bug #9287: X11 support added
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at debian.org>  Thu, 1 May 1997 19:32:57 -0400
 +nethack (3.2.2-5) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 +  * postinst tweak to allow saved games to actually save
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at debian.org>  Wed, 23 Apr 1997 22:55:20 -0400
 +nethack (3.2.2-4) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 +  * added postinst to fix bad permissions/owners on upgrades
 +  * fixed termcap/terminfo bug
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at debian.org>  Tue, 8 Apr 1997 22:35:44 -0400
 +nethack (3.2.2-3) unstable; urgency=high
 +  * fixed -massive- error with lockfiles
 +  * fixed gzip error with saved games
 +  * now includes 'recovery' so you can try to restore a crashed game
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at debian.org>  Sat, 15 Feb 1997 18:43:48 -0500
 +nethack (3.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * changed email address from 'debian.com' to 'debian.org'
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at debian.org>  Wed, 12 Feb 1997 15:55:33 -0500
 +nethack (3.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream source (sorry this took so long to get done!)
 +  * wizard patch removed .. it wouldn't patch into 3.2.2
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at debian.com>  Mon, 10 Feb 1997 22:08:09 -0500
 +nethack (3.2.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * removed qt interface because of policy complaints
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at cybertap.com>  Mon, 2 Dec 1996 15:08:15 -0500
 +nethack (3.2.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * added wizard patch
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at cybertap.com>  Mon, 18 Nov 1996 19:12:24 -0500
 +nethack (3.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * added qt interface
 +  * added spoiler files
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at cybertap.com>  Sat, 16 Nov 1996 02:22:05 -0500
 +nethack (3.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New maintainer
 +  * Initial release
 + -- Paul Haggart <phaggart at cybertap.com>  Sun, 27 Oct 1996 05:56:48 -0500
 +Local variables:
 +add-log-mailing-address: "che at debian.org"
 +mode: debian-changelog
diff --cc debian/control
index 6f4c8f4,0000000..24c3fbd
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -1,27 -1,0 +1,27 @@@
 +Source: nethack
 +Section: games
 +Priority: optional
 +Maintainer: Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org>
- Standards-Version:
 +Package: nethack
 +Architecture: any
- Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
++Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, debianutils (>= 1.10)
 +Description: Text-based/X11 overhead view D&D-style adventure game
 + Nethack is a wonderfully silly, yet quite addicting, Dungeons and
 + Dragons-style adventure game. You play the part of a fierce fighter,
 + wizard, or any of many other classes, fighting your way down to
 + retrieve the Amulet of Yendor (try saying THAT one backwards!) for
 + your god. On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two,
 + or perhaps a microscopic space fleet, or -- if you're REALLY lucky --
 + the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.
 + .
-  The Debian package of Nethack includes spoiler files, to be read only
-  in sheer desperation, in /usr/doc/nethack/spoilers.
++ There is a nethack-spoilers package available, if you're really
++ desparate.
 + .
 + A few utilities -- recover, for retrieving your auto-save files in case
 + of a power failure, and dgn_comp and lev_comp, two utilities for making
 + your own Nethack levels and dungeons, have been included in
 + /usr/lib/games/nethack. 'recover' will be run every time your system
 + boots, if there are any auto-save files available.
diff --cc debian/copyright
index afd4b90,0000000..357ab28
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@@ -1,103 -1,0 +1,107 @@@
- This package was debianized by Paul Haggart <phaggart at debian.org> on
- Mon, 12 Feb 1997 15:52:37 -0500.
++This package was created by Ben Gertzfield <che at debian.org> on
++Sun, 12 Dec 1999 14:23:01 -0800. It was originally Debianized by
++Paul Haggart <phaggart at debian.org>.
- It was downloaded from:
-   ftp://ftp.win.tue.nl/pub/games/nethack/
++Nethack's home site is: http://www.nethack.org/
++This archive was downloaded from:
 +                    (Copyright 1989 M. Stephenson)
 +               (Based on the BISON general public license,
 +                   copyright 1988 Richard M. Stallman)
 + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
 + license, but changing it is not allowed.  You can also use this wording to
 + make the terms for other programs.
 +  The license agreements of most software companies keep you at the mercy of
 +those companies.  By contrast, our general public license is intended to give
 +everyone the right to share NetHack.  To make sure that you get the rights we
 +want you to have, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you
 +these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.  Hence this license
 +  Specifically, we want to make sure that you have the right to give away
 +copies of NetHack, that you receive source code or else can get it if you
 +want it, that you can change NetHack or use pieces of it in new free
 +programs, and that you know you can do these things.
 +  To make sure that everyone has such rights, we have to forbid you to
 +deprive anyone else of these rights.  For example, if you distribute copies
 +of NetHack, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have.  You
 +must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code.  And you
 +must tell them their rights.
 +  Also, for our own protection, we must make certain that everyone finds out
 +that there is no warranty for NetHack.  If NetHack is modified by someone
 +else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is
 +not what we distributed.
 +  Therefore we (Mike Stephenson and other holders of NetHack copyrights) make
 +the following terms which say what you must do to be allowed to distribute or
 +change NetHack.
 +                        COPYING POLICIES
 +  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of NetHack source code as
 +you receive it, in any medium, provided that you keep intact the notices on
 +all files that refer to copyrights, to this License Agreement, and to the
 +absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the NetHack
 +program a copy of this License Agreement along with the program.
 +  2. You may modify your copy or copies of NetHack or any portion of it, and
 +copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph 1 above
 +(including distributing this License Agreement), provided that you also do the
 +    a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you
 +    changed the files and the date of any change; and
 +    b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that in
 +    whole or in part contains or is a derivative of NetHack or any part
 +    thereof, to be licensed at no charge to all third parties on terms
 +    identical to those contained in this License Agreement (except that you
 +    may choose to grant more extensive warranty protection to some or all
 +    third parties, at your option)
 +    c) You may charge a distribution fee for the physical act of
 +    transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection
 +    in exchange for a fee.
 +  3. You may copy and distribute NetHack (or a portion or derivative of it,
 +under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
 +Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
 +    a) accompany it with the complete machine-readable source code, which
 +    must be distributed under the terms of Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
 +    b) accompany it with full information as to how to obtain the complete
 +    machine-readable source code from an appropriate archive site.  (This
 +    alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution.)
 +For these purposes, complete source code means either the full source
 +distribution as originally released over Usenet or updated copies of the
 +files in this distribution used to create the object code or executable.
 +  4. You may not copy, sublicense, distribute or transfer NetHack except as
 +expressly provided under this License Agreement.  Any attempt otherwise to
 +copy, sublicense, distribute or transfer NetHack is void and your rights to
 +use the program under this License agreement shall be automatically
 +terminated.  However, parties who have received computer software programs
 +from you with this License Agreement will not have their licenses terminated
 +so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
- Stated plainly:  You are prohibited by the terms of this License Agreement
- from using NetHack for gainful purposes.  You are permitted to modify
- NetHack, or otherwise use parts of NetHack, provided that you comply with
- the conditions specified above; in particular, your modified NetHack or
- program containing parts of NetHack must remain freely available as provided
- in this License Agreement.  In other words, go ahead and share NetHack, but
- don't try to stop anyone else from sharing it farther.
++Stated plainly:  You are permitted to modify NetHack, or otherwise use parts
++of NetHack, provided that you comply with the conditions specified above;
++in particular, your modified NetHack or program containing parts of NetHack
++must remain freely available as provided in this License Agreement.  In
++other words, go ahead and share NetHack, but don't try to stop anyone else
++from sharing it farther.
diff --cc debian/dirs
index 0d8abc7,0000000..1bfce0b
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/dirs
+++ b/debian/dirs
@@@ -1,8 -1,0 +1,7 @@@
- etc/rc.boot
- usr/man/man6
- usr/doc/nethack
diff --cc debian/nethack.init
index b64b9a2,0000000..103eddd
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/nethack.init
+++ b/debian/nethack.init
@@@ -1,29 -1,0 +1,32 @@@
 +# Nethack save-file recovery script for Debian
 +# Ben Gertzfield (che at debian.org) 29 July 1997
 +# Copyright 1997 Ben Gertzfield. This script is released under the
 +# GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
 +set -e
- # Has the nethack package been removed?
- test -f /usr/lib/games/nethack/recover || exit 0
++case "$1" in
++  start)
++    # Has the nethack package been removed?
++    test -x /usr/lib/games/nethack/recover || exit 0
- # Are there any lock-files to recover?
- ls /var/lib/games/nethack/*lock.0 >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 0
++    # Are there any lock-files to recover?
++    ls /var/lib/games/nethack/*.0 >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 0
- # Yes; recover them.
- for file in /var/lib/games/nethack/*lock.0; do
-     owner=$(ls -l $file | awk '{print $3}')
-     echo -n "Recovering Nethack save file owned by $owner: "
-     su $owner -c "/usr/lib/games/nethack/recover $file" >/dev/null 2>&1
-     if (($?)); then
-       echo error $?\!
-     else
-       echo "recovered."
-     fi
- done
++    # Yes; recover them.
++    for file in /var/lib/games/nethack/*.0; do
++	owner=$(ls -l $file | awk '{print $3}')
++	echo "Recovering Nethack save file owned by $owner..."
++	su --shell=/bin/sh --command="/usr/lib/games/nethack/recover $file" $owner 
++	if (($?)); then
++	    echo "error $?\!"
++	else
++	    echo "recovered."
++	fi
++    done
diff --cc debian/nethack.sh
index 6ee8b4e,0000000..f683822
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/nethack.sh
+++ b/debian/nethack.sh
@@@ -1,58 -1,0 +1,52 @@@
- #	SCCS Id: @(#)nethack.sh	3.2	90/02/26
++#	SCCS Id: @(#)nethack.sh	3.3	90/02/26
++export HACKDIR
 +# see if we can find the full path name of PAGER, so help files work properly
 +# assume that if someone sets up a special variable (HACKPAGER) for NetHack,
 +# it will already be in a form acceptable to NetHack
 +# ideas from brian at radio.astro.utoronto.ca
 +if test \( "xxx$PAGER" != xxx \) -a \( "xxx$HACKPAGER" = xxx \)
 +#	use only the first word of the pager variable
 +#	this prevents problems when looking for file names with trailing
 +#	options, but also makes the options unavailable for later use from
 +#	NetHack
 +	for i in $HACKPAGER
 +	do
 +		break
 +	done
 +	if test ! -f $HACKPAGER
 +	then
 +		IFS=:
 +		for i in $PATH
 +		do
 +			if test -f $i/$HACKPAGER
 +			then
 +				export HACKPAGER
 +				break
 +			fi
 +		done
 +		IFS=' 	'
 +	fi
 +	if test ! -f $HACKPAGER
 +	then
 +		echo Cannot find $PAGER -- unsetting PAGER.
 +		unset HACKPAGER
 +		unset PAGER
 +	fi
- case $1 in
- 	-s*)
- 		exec $HACK -d $HACKDIR "$@"
- 		;;
- 	*)
- 		;;
- esac
++exec $HACK "$@"
diff --cc debian/nethackrc.x11
index 41231a9,0000000..cc53c4c
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/nethackrc.x11
+++ b/debian/nethackrc.x11
@@@ -1,72 -1,0 +1,72 @@@
 +# System-wide NetHack configuration file for X-based NetHack.
- OPTIONS=verbose,news,fruit:yiffmelon
- OPTIONS=dogname:Kitsune
- OPTIONS=catname:Neko-chan
 +# There are 17 object symbols and various graphics symbols.
 +# The descriptions of these symbols can be found in dat/opthelp.
 +# Font: nh10 (10x20)
 +OBJECTS= 180 183 188 192 181 184 182 189 190 196 \
 +	 191 194 193 187 185 186 195
 +DUNGEON= 032 025 018 013 012 014 011 015 023 024 \
 +	 022 021 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 \
 +	 136 137 145 146 144 143 142 141 140 149 \
 +	 150 031 031 147 148 031 161 140
 +TRAPS=	 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 \
 +	 138 138 138 138 138 139 138 138 138 138 \
 +	 138 138
 +EFFECTS= 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158	 \
 +	 159 160 161 162			 \
 +	 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170	 \
 +	 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
 +# Font: ibm (8x14)
 +#OBJECTS= 207 210 215 219 208 211 209 216 217 223 \
 +#	 218 221 220 214 212 213 222
 +#DUNGEON= 032 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 \
 +#	  137 138 139 045 124 142 143 144 145 146 \
 +#	  147 148 155 156 227 154 153 152 151 159 \
 +#	  160 200 200 157 158 250 170 151
 +#TRAPS=   149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 \
 +#	  149 149 149 149 149 150 149 149 149 149 \
 +#	  149 149
 +#EFFECTS= 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168	  \
 +#	  169 170 171 172			  \
 +#	  173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180	  \
 +#	  181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
 +# Font: a "standard" font like 6x13
 +#DUNGEON = 032 025 018 013 012 014 011 015 023 024 \
 +#	   022 021 031 045 124 043 043 031 035 001 \
 +#	   060 062 060 062 019 092 035 123 125 031 \
 +#	   125 046 046 035 035 046 127 125
 +#TRAPS=    094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 \
 +#	   094 094 094 094 094 002 094 094 094 094 \
 +#	   094 094
 +#EFFECTS=  124 045 092 047 042 033 041 040	   \
 +#	   048 035 064 042			   \
 +#	   047 045 092 124 124 092 045 047         \
 +#	   047 064 092 064 064 064 092 064 047
diff --cc debian/postinst
index a5c3c87,0000000..6e88483
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/postinst
+++ b/debian/postinst
@@@ -1,38 -1,0 +1,43 @@@
 +# Nethack post-installation script for Debian
 +# Ben Gertzfield (che at debian.org) 29 July 1997
 +# Copyright 1997 Ben Gertzfield. This script is released under the
 +# GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
 +# Modified 10 October 1997 to fix permissions on /var/lib/games/nethack.
 +# Modified 18 August 1998 to fix more upgrade problems from ancient
 +# nethacks
 +set -e
 +# This is super anal. It should work for all cases, for all upgrades.
 +find /var/lib/games/nethack -print0 | xargs -r -0 chgrp games
 +chmod 02775 /var/lib/games/nethack/
 +find /var/lib/games/nethack -type f -print0 | xargs -r -0 chmod 664
 +find /var/lib/games/nethack -type f -name '*lock*' -print0 | xargs -r -0 chmod 660
 +chmod 02775 /var/lib/games/nethack/save/
 +find /var/lib/games/nethack/save -type f -print0 | xargs -r -0 chmod 660
 +# These have been moved to the postinst per policy; they should not be
 +# conffiles. They are removed on purge in the postrm.
- touch /var/lib/games/nethack/{perm,record,logfile}
- chown root.games /var/lib/games/nethack/{perm,record,logfile}
- chmod 0664 /var/lib/games/nethack/{perm,record,logfile}
++for file in perm record logfile; do
++	touch /var/lib/games/nethack/$file
++	chown root.games /var/lib/games/nethack/$file
++	chmod 0664 /var/lib/games/nethack/$file
 +if [ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir \
 +  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc ; fi
++# Set up link /etc/rcS.d/S85nethack -> /etc/init.d/nethack
++update-rc.d nethack start 85 S . >/dev/null
diff --cc debian/postrm
index e830260,0000000..e8654d0
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/postrm
+++ b/debian/postrm
@@@ -1,23 -1,0 +1,24 @@@
 +# Nethack post-remove script for Debian
 +# Ben Gertzfield (che at debian.org) 29 July 1997
 +# Copyright 1997 Ben Gertzfield. This script is released under the
 +# GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
 +# Updated 18 August 1998 to rm -rf the score/save directory on a purge,
 +# added debhelper comments
 +set -e
 +if [ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir ] ; then /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir \
 +  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc ; fi
 +if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
++    update-rc.d nethack remove >/dev/null
 +    echo -n "Purging high-scores and save-files for Nethack... "
 +    rm -rf /var/lib/games/nethack/
 +    echo "done."
diff --cc debian/preinst
index 7daf5d3,0000000..0eecb0c
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/preinst
+++ b/debian/preinst
@@@ -1,38 -1,0 +1,69 @@@
 +# Nethack pre-installation script for Debian
 +# Ben Gertzfield (che at debian.org) 29 July 1997
 +# Copyright 1997 Ben Gertzfield. This script is released under the
 +# GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
 +set -e
- if [ $1 != "configure" ] ; then
-   exit 0
++# We only want to take action if we are called as:
++# nethack.preinst upgrade old-version
++# or
++# nethack.preinst install old-version
++if [ "$1" != "upgrade" ] && [ "$1" != "install" ] || [ ! "$2" ]; then
++    exit 0
- dpkg --compare-versions $2 lt-nl 3.2.2 || exit 0
++dpkg --compare-versions $2 lt-nl $SAFEVER || exit 0
++# Make sure $LOGDIR exists before we try to archive it
++if [ ! -d $LOGDIR ]; then
++cat <<EOF
++Your previous version of Nethack, $2, had save-game files incompatible
++with the current version.
++Normally, your $LOGDIR would be backed up into a 
++.tar.gz file in /tmp, but for some reason that directory does not
++exist on your system, so we will just continue with the installation
++and pretend nothing went wrong.  Did you perhaps remove 
++$LOGDIR by hand?
++    exit 0
 +cat <<EOF
- You seem to have a version of Nethack prior to this package's version,
- which is 3.2.2. Unfortunately, the save files and high scores that
- older versions used are incompatible with this version, and will be
- cleared if you continue installing this package.
++Your previous version of Nethack, $2, has save-game files incompatible
++with the current version.  To fix this, your $LOGDIR 
++will be backed up into a .tar.gz file in /tmp and then wiped clean.
- If you want to save these, back up /var/lib/games/nethack now!
++If you do not say "n" here and abort, look in /tmp for your old
++save-game files and high-score files.
- echo -n "Do you want to continue? (Y/n) "
++printf "Do you want to continue? (Y/n) "
 +read answer
 +if [ "$answer" = "n" -o "$answer" = "N" ] ; then
-     echo "Aborting installation of Nethack."
++    printf "Aborting installation of Nethack.\n"
 +    exit 1
-     echo "Removing old save files and high scores.."
-     rm -rf /var/lib/games/nethack
++    BACKUP=`tempfile --directory=/tmp --prefix=nethk`
++    printf "Backing up $LOGDIR to $BACKUP... "
++    printf "(NOTE: $BACKUP *is* a .tar.gz archive, it just is missing"
++    printf "       its suffix. You can unpack it with tar zxvf as normal.)"
++    tar zcf $BACKUP $LOGDIR >/dev/null 2>&1
++    printf "done.\nRemoving old save files and high scores... "
++    rm -rf $LOGDIR
++    printf "done.\nYou can find your old save games and score files in $BACKUP.\n"
diff --cc debian/rules
index 7e17b09,0000000..3b5fd77
mode 100755,000000..100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@@ -1,110 -1,0 +1,113 @@@
 +#!/usr/bin/make -f
 +# Nethack build script for Debian
 +# Ben Gertzfield (che at debian.org) 29 July 1997
 +# Copyright 1997 Ben Gertzfield. This script is released under the
 +# GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
 +build: build-stamp
 +	dh_testdir
- 	make all CFLAGS='-DDEBIAN -O2 -I../include \
- 	  -I/usr/X11R6/include -fomit-frame-pointer'
++	# setup.sh makes the symlinks for the Makefiles. Giving it any
++	# argument (in this case, 1) tells it to make symlinks.
++	sh sys/unix/setup.sh 1
- 	cd util && make recover CFLAGS='-DDEBIAN -O2 -I../include \
- 	  -I/usr/X11R6/include -fomit-frame-pointer'
++	make all CFLAGS='-O2 -I../include \
++	  -I/usr/X11R6/include -fomit-frame-pointer' LFLAGS='-L/usr/X11R6/lib'
++	cd util && make recover CFLAGS='-O2 -I../include \
++	  -I/usr/X11R6/include -fomit-frame-pointer' LFLAGS='-L/usr/X11R6/lib'
 +	touch build-stamp
 +	dh_testdir
 +	dh_testroot
 +	-rm -f build-stamp nh10.pcf
 +	-rm -f `find . -name "*.orig"`
 +	-rm -f `find . -name "*~"`
 +	-rm -rf debian/tmp debian/files* core debian/substvars
 +	-make spotless
++	find . -name Makefile -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm
 +	dh_clean
 +binary-indep: build
 +# Nothing to do by default
 +binary-arch: build
 +	dh_testdir	
 +	dh_testroot
 +	dh_clean -k
 +	dh_installdirs
 +	chgrp games debian/tmp/usr/lib/games/nethack
 +	chgrp -R games debian/tmp/var/lib/games/nethack
 +	chmod -R 02775 debian/tmp/var/lib/games/nethack
- 	install -m 0644 -o root -g root \
- 	  dat/{nhdat,x11tiles,pet_mark.xbm,rip.xpm,license} \
- 	  debian/tmp/usr/lib/games/nethack
++	for file in nhdat x11tiles pet_mark.xbm rip.xpm; \
++	do \
++	  install -m 0644 -o root -g root dat/$$file \
++	  debian/tmp/usr/lib/games/nethack; \
++	done
 +	install -m 0755 -o root -g games \
 +	  debian/nethack.sh debian/tmp/usr/games/nethack
 +	install -m 0755 -o root -g games \
 +	  debian/xnethack.sh debian/tmp/usr/games/xnethack
 +	install -m 2755 -o root -g games src/nethack \
 +	  debian/tmp/usr/lib/games/nethack/
 +	# build the recover prog, and move it where it's supposed to be
 +	install -o root -g games -m 2755 util/recover \
 +	  debian/tmp/usr/lib/games/nethack/recover
 +	# install the dgn_comp and lev_comp programs
 +	install -o root -g games -m 755 util/dgn_comp \
 +	  debian/tmp/usr/lib/games/nethack/dgn_comp
 +	install -o root -g games -m 755 util/lev_comp \
 +	  debian/tmp/usr/lib/games/nethack/lev_comp
 +	# install X11 stuff
 +	install -m 644 debian/NetHack.ad debian/tmp/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/NetHack
 +	/usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf -o nh10.pcf win/X11/nh10.bdf 
 +	install -m 644 nh10.pcf debian/tmp/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
 +	gzip debian/tmp/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/nh10.pcf
- 	# extract spoilers
- 	uudecode -o /dev/stdout debian/spoilers.tar.uu | tar xf - -C debian/tmp/usr/doc/nethack
++	# spoilers have been split out into nethack-spoilers
 +	# init.d script
 +	install -m 755 -o root -g root debian/nethack.init \
- 	  debian/tmp/etc/rc.boot/nethack
++	  debian/tmp/etc/init.d/nethack
 +	# system-wide X nethack.rc file, thanks again joey :)
 +	install -m 644 -o root -g root debian/nethackrc.x11 \
 +	  debian/tmp/etc/nethackrc.x11
- 	#dh_installdocs doc/Guidebook
- 	cp debian/README.Debian debian/tmp/usr/doc/nethack
- 	cp debian/copyright debian/tmp/usr/doc/nethack
- 	cp doc/Guidebook debian/tmp/usr/doc/nethack
- 	cp debian/changelog debian/tmp/usr/doc/nethack
++	# link for /usr/lib/games/nethack/license -> /usr/share/doc/nethack/copyright
++	ln -s /usr/share/doc/nethack/copyright \
++	  debian/tmp/usr/lib/games/nethack/license
++	dh_installdocs doc/Guidebook
 +	dh_installmenu
- 	# no can do; broken for slink
- 	# dh_installmanpages sys/unix/spkr.7
- 	cp doc/*.6 debian/tmp/usr/man/man6
- 	cp debian/*.6 debian/tmp/usr/man/man6
- 	# dh_installchangelogs
++	dh_installmanpages
++	dh_installchangelogs
 +	dh_strip
 +	dh_compress
 +	dh_fixperms -Xnethack
- 	chmod 644 debian/tmp/usr/man/man6/nethack.6.gz
++	dh_suidregister
 +	dh_installdeb
 +	dh_shlibdeps
 +	dh_gencontrol
 +	dh_md5sums
 +	dh_builddeb
 +source diff:
 +	@echo >&2 'source and diff are obsolete - use dpkg-source -b'; false
 +binary: binary-indep binary-arch
 +.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary
diff --cc debian/xnethack.sh
index 2d4b1fb,0000000..d1267e8
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/xnethack.sh
+++ b/debian/xnethack.sh
@@@ -1,5 -1,0 +1,5 @@@
 +set -e
- NETHACKOPTIONS=/etc/nethackrc.x11 /usr/games/nethack
++NETHACKOPTIONS=/etc/nethackrc.x11 /usr/games/nethack $*
diff --cc include/config.h
index fd86320,52e4314..5075e27
--- a/include/config.h
+++ b/include/config.h
@@@ -211,7 -43,8 +43,8 @@@
   * Some combinations make no sense.  See the installation document.
  #define TTY_GRAPHICS	/* good old tty based graphics */
- #define X11_GRAPHICS	/* X11 interface */
 -/* #define X11_GRAPHICS */ /* X11 interface */
++#define X11_GRAPHICS    /* X11 interface */
+ /* #define QT_GRAPHICS */	/* Qt interface */
   * Define the default window system.  This should be one that is compiled
@@@ -256,7 -92,7 +92,7 @@@
   * would allow:
   *  xpmtoppm <x11tiles.xpm | pnmscale 1.25 | ppmquant 90 >x11tiles_big.xpm
- # define USE_XPM		/* Disable if you do not have the XPM library */
 -/* # define USE_XPM */		/* Disable if you do not have the XPM library */
++# define USE_XPM 		/* Disable if you do not have the XPM library */
  # ifdef USE_XPM
  #  define GRAPHIC_TOMBSTONE	/* Use graphical tombstone (rip.xpm) */
  # endif
@@@ -271,21 -108,16 +108,27 @@@
  #ifndef WIZARD		/* allow for compile-time or Makefile changes */
  # ifndef KR1ED
 -#  define WIZARD  "wizard" /* the person allowed to use the -D option */
 +#  define WIZARD  "root" /* the person allowed to use the -D option */
  # else
  #  define WIZARD
--#  define WIZARD_NAME "wizard"
++#  define WIZARD_NAME "root"
  # endif
- #ifdef DEBIAN
- # define LOGFILE "/var/lib/games/nethack/logfile"
- # define NEWS "/var/lib/games/nethack/news"
 -#define LOGFILE "logfile"	/* larger file for debugging purposes */
 -#define NEWS "news"		/* the file containing the latest hack news */
++ * Define LOGDIR here if you want your save games and log files to be
++ * stored somewhere besides where the other game files are stored. 
++ */
++#define LOGDIR "/var/lib/games/nethack"
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++# define LOGFILE LOGDIR "/logfile" /* larger file for debugging purposes */
- # define LOGFILE "logfile"     /* larger file for debugging purposes */
- # define NEWS "news"           /* the file containing the latest hack news */
++# define LOGFILE "/logfile"
++#define NEWS    "/news" /* the file containing the latest hack news */
   *	If COMPRESS is defined, it should contain the full path name of your
   *	'compress' program.  Defining INTERNAL_COMP causes NetHack to do
@@@ -301,13 -133,13 +144,13 @@@
  #ifdef UNIX
  /* path and file name extension for compression program */
- /* # define COMPRESS "/usr/ucb/compress"	     /* Lempel-Ziv compression */
- /* # define COMPRESS_EXTENSION ".Z"	     /* compress's extension */
 -#define COMPRESS "/usr/bin/compress"	/* Lempel-Ziv compression */
 -#define COMPRESS_EXTENSION ".Z"		/* compress's extension */
++/* #define COMPRESS "/usr/bin/compress" */    /* Lempel-Ziv compression */
++/* #define COMPRESS_EXTENSION ".Z" */         /* compress's extension */
  /* An example of one alternative you might want to use: */
- # define COMPRESS "/bin/gzip"   /* FSF gzip compression */
- # define COMPRESS_EXTENSION ".gz"	     /* normal gzip extension */
 -/* #define COMPRESS "/usr/local/bin/gzip" */	/* FSF gzip compression */
 -/* #define COMPRESS_EXTENSION ".gz" */		/* normal gzip extension */
++#define COMPRESS "/bin/gzip" 			/* FSF gzip compression */
++#define COMPRESS_EXTENSION ".gz"		/* normal gzip extension */
  #ifndef COMPRESS
  # define INTERNAL_COMP	/* control use of NetHack's compression routines */
@@@ -317,7 -149,7 +160,7 @@@
   *	a tar-like file, thus making a neater installation.  See *conf.h
   *	for detailed configuration.
- #define DLB		/* not supported on all platforms */
 -/* #define DLB */	/* not supported on all platforms */
++#define DLB	/* not supported on all platforms */
   *	Defining INSURANCE slows down level changes, but allows games that
diff --cc include/global.h
index f2d30bd,b04e075..73e171e
--- a/include/global.h
+++ b/include/global.h
@@@ -6,7 -6,7 +6,7 @@@
  #define GLOBAL_H
  #include <stdio.h>
++#include "config.h"
  /* #define BETA		/* if a beta-test copy	[MRS] */
@@@ -14,25 -14,20 +14,25 @@@
   * Files expected to exist in the playground directory.
- #ifdef DEBIAN
- # define RECORD "/var/lib/games/nethack/record"
 -#define RECORD	      "record"	/* file containing list of topscorers */
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++# define RECORD	      LOGDIR "/record"	/* file containing list of topscorers */
- # define RECORD        "record"  /* a file containing list of topscorers */
++# define RECORD	      "record"	/* file containing list of topscorers */
- #define HELP		"help"	  /* a file containing command descriptions */
- #define SHELP		"hh"		/* abbreviated form of the same */
- #define DEBUGHELP	"wizhelp"	/* a file containing debug mode cmds */
- #define RUMORFILE	"rumors"	/* a file with fortune cookies */
- #define ORACLEFILE	"oracles"	/* a file with oracular information */
- #define DATAFILE	"data"	/* a file giving the meaning of symbols used */
- #define CMDHELPFILE	"cmdhelp"	/* file telling what commands do */
- #define HISTORY		"history"	/* a file giving nethack's history */
- #define LICENSE		"license"	/* file with license information */
- #define OPTIONFILE	"opthelp"	/* a file explaining runtime options */
- #define OPTIONS_USED	"options"	/* compile-time options, for #version */
+ #define HELP	      "help"	/* file containing command descriptions */
+ #define SHELP	      "hh"	/* abbreviated form of the same */
+ #define DEBUGHELP     "wizhelp" /* file containing debug mode cmds */
+ #define RUMORFILE     "rumors"	/* file with fortune cookies */
+ #define ORACLEFILE    "oracles" /* file with oracular information */
+ #define DATAFILE      "data"	/* file giving the meaning of symbols used */
+ #define CMDHELPFILE   "cmdhelp" /* file telling what commands do */
+ #define HISTORY       "history" /* file giving nethack's history */
+ #define LICENSE       "license" /* file with license information */
+ #define OPTIONFILE    "opthelp" /* file explaining runtime options */
+ #define OPTIONS_USED  "options" /* compile-time options, for #version */
- #define LEV_EXT	".lev"		/* extension for special level files */
+ #define LEV_EXT ".lev"		/* extension for special level files */
  /* Assorted definitions that may depend on selections in config.h. */
diff --cc include/unixconf.h
index 06cca75,a259faf..f0b33cf
--- a/include/unixconf.h
+++ b/include/unixconf.h
@@@ -6,6 -6,6 +6,8 @@@
  #ifndef UNIXCONF_H
  #define UNIXCONF_H
++#include "config.h"
   * Some include files are in a different place under SYSV
   *	BSD		   SYSV
@@@ -30,18 -32,25 +34,25 @@@
  /* define any of the following that are appropriate */
--#define SVR4		/* use in addition to SYSV for System V Release 4 */
++/* #define SVR4 */	/* use in addition to SYSV for System V Release 4 */
+ 			/* including Solaris 2+ */
  #define NETWORK		/* if running on a networked system */
  			/* e.g. Suns sharing a playground through NFS */
- /* #define SUNOS4	/* SunOS 4.x */
- #define LINUX	/* Another Unix clone */
- /* #define GENIX	/* Yet Another Unix Clone */
- /* #define HISX		/* Bull Unix for XPS Machines */
- /* #define BOS		/* Bull Open Software - Unix for DPX/2 Machines */
- /* #define UNIXPC	/* use in addition to SYSV for AT&T 7300/3B1 */
- /* #define AIX_31	/* In AIX 3.1 (IBM RS/6000) use BSD ioctl's to gain
+ /* #define SUNOS4 */	/* SunOS 4.x */
 -/* #define LINUX */	/* Another Unix clone */
++#define LINUX		/* Another Unix clone */
+ /* #define GENIX */	/* Yet Another Unix Clone */
+ /* #define HISX */	/* Bull Unix for XPS Machines */
+ /* #define BOS */	/* Bull Open Software - Unix for DPX/2 Machines */
+ /* #define UNIXPC */	/* use in addition to SYSV for AT&T 7300/3B1 */
+ /* #define AIX_31 */	/* In AIX 3.1 (IBM RS/6000) use BSD ioctl's to gain
  			 * job control (note that AIX is SYSV otherwise)
  			 * Also define this for AIX 3.2 */
+ #define TERMINFO	/* uses terminfo rather than termcap */
+ 			/* Should be defined for most SYSV, SVR4 (including
+ 			 * Solaris 2+), HPUX, and Linux systems.  In
+ 			 * particular, it should NOT be defined for the UNIXPC
+ 			 * unless you remove the use of the shared library in
+ 			 * the Makefile */
  #define TEXTCOLOR	/* Use System V r3.2 terminfo color support */
  			/* and/or ANSI color support on termcap systems */
  			/* and/or X11 color */
@@@ -83,9 -93,9 +95,13 @@@
   *		Ralf Brown, 7/26/89 (from v2.3 hack of 10/10/88)
- /* #define NO_FILE_LINKS	/* if no hard links */
- #define LOCKDIR "/var/lib/games/nethack"	/* where to put locks */
+ /* #define NO_FILE_LINKS */	/* if no hard links */
+ /* #define LOCKDIR "/usr/games/lib/nethackdir" */	/* where to put locks */
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++/* # define LOCKDIR "/usr/games/lib/nethackdir" */
   * Define DEF_PAGER as your default pager, e.g. "/bin/cat" or "/usr/ucb/more"
@@@ -241,11 -251,7 +257,11 @@@
  #include <time.h>
- #ifdef DEBIAN
- # define HLOCK "/var/lib/games/nethack/perm"
 -#define HLOCK	"perm"	/* an empty file used for locking purposes */
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++# define HLOCK  LOGDIR "/perm" /* an empty file used for locking purposes */
- # define HLOCK "perm"  /* an empty file used for locking purposes */
++# define HLOCK	"perm"	/* an empty file used for locking purposes */
  #ifndef REDO
  #define Getchar nhgetch
diff --cc src/drawing.c
index 2c25298,df7eded..768f2fd
--- a/src/drawing.c
+++ b/src/drawing.c
@@@ -820,10 -843,10 +843,10 @@@ boolean is_rlevel
  		oc_syms[i] = IBM_r_oc_syms[i];
 -#endif /* ASCIIGRAPH */
 +#endif /* ASCIIGRAPH && !LINUX */
  		oc_syms[i] = r_oc_syms[i];
- #if defined(MSDOS)
+ #if defined(MSDOS) && defined(USE_TILES)
  	if (iflags.grmode) tileview(FALSE);
      } else {
diff --cc src/files.c
index 4e12cbe,4eda31f..5e9840c
--- a/src/files.c
+++ b/src/files.c
@@@ -29,26 -29,26 +29,35 @@@ extern int errno
  # define O_BINARY 0
- #ifdef MFLOPPY
 -#if !defined(MFLOPPY) && !defined(VMS) && !defined(WIN32)
++#if !defined(MFLOPPY) && !defined(VMS) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(LOGDIR)
+ char bones[] = "bonesnn.xxx";
+ char lock[PL_NSIZ+14] = "1lock"; /* long enough for uid+name+.99 */
+ #else
+ # if defined(MFLOPPY)
  char bones[FILENAME];		/* pathname of bones files */
  char lock[FILENAME];		/* pathname of level files */
- #else
- # ifdef VMS
+ # endif
+ # if defined(VMS)
  char bones[] = "bonesnn.xxx;1";
  char lock[PL_NSIZ+17] = "1lock"; /* long enough for _uid+name+.99;1 */
- # else
- #  ifdef DEBIAN
- char bones[] = "/var/lib/games/nethack/bonesnn.xxx";
- char lock[255] = "/var/lib/games/nethack/1lock";
- #  else
+ # endif
+ # if defined(WIN32)
  char bones[] = "bonesnn.xxx";
- char lock[PL_NSIZ+14] = "1lock"; /* long enough for uid+name+.99 */
- #  endif
- # endif	/* VMS */
- #endif	/* MFLOPPY */
+ char lock[PL_NSIZ+25];		/* long enough for username+.+name+.99 */
+ # endif
++# if defined(LOGDIR)
++char bones[] = LOGDIR "/bonesnn.xxx";
++char lock[sizeof(LOGDIR)+PL_NSIZ+15] = LOGDIR "/1lock";
++                                /* long enough for /+uid+name+.99 */
++# endif
+ #endif
  #if defined(UNIX) || defined(__BEOS__)
++# if defined(LOGDIR)		        /* /save/99999player.e */
++#define SAVESIZE	(PL_NSIZ + 14 + sizeof(LOGDIR))
++# else
  #define SAVESIZE	(PL_NSIZ + 13)	/* save/99999player.e */
++# endif /* LOGDIR */
  # ifdef VMS
  #define SAVESIZE	(PL_NSIZ + 22)	/* [.save]<uid>player.e;1 */
@@@ -250,12 -278,12 +287,18 @@@ set_bonesfile_name(file, lev
  char *file;
  d_level *lev;
- 	char *dptr = rindex(file, '.');
  	s_level *sptr;
+ 	char *dptr;
 -	Sprintf(file, "bon%c%s", dungeons[lev->dnum].boneid,
 -			In_quest(lev) ? urole.filecode : "0");
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++        Sprintf(file, "%s/bon%c%s", LOGDIR, dungeons[lev->dnum].boneid,
++		In_quest(lev) ? urole.filecode : "0");
++        Sprintf(file, "bon%c%s", dungeons[lev->dnum].boneid,
++		In_quest(lev) ? urole.filecode : "0");
++#endif /* LOGDIR */
- 	if (!dptr) dptr = eos(file);
- 	*(dptr-2) = dungeons[lev->dnum].boneid;
- 	*(dptr-1) = In_quest(lev) ? pl_character[0] : '0';
+ 	dptr = eos(file);
  	if ((sptr = Is_special(lev)) != 0)
  	    Sprintf(dptr, ".%c", sptr->boneid);
@@@ -430,16 -467,15 +482,20 @@@ set_savefile_name(
  	Strcat(SAVEF, ".sav");
-   # else
-   #  ifdef DEBIAN
-        Sprintf(SAVEF, "/var/lib/games/nethack/save/%d%s", (int)getuid(), plname);
-        regularize(SAVEF+28);   /* avoid . or / in name */
+ # else
 -#  if defined(WIN32)
 -	Sprintf(SAVEF,"%s-%s.NetHack-saved-game",get_username(0), plname);
++#  if defined(LOGDIR)
++	Sprintf(SAVEF, "%s/save/%d%s", LOGDIR, (int)getuid(), plname);
++	regularize(SAVEF + sizeof(LOGDIR) + 5);
  #  else
-         Sprintf(SAVEF, "save/%d%s", (int)getuid(), plname);
-         regularize(SAVEF+5);    /* avoid . or / in name */
- #  endif /* DEBIAN */
++#   if defined(WIN32)
++	Sprintf(SAVEF,"%s-%s.NetHack-saved-game",get_username(0), plname);
++#   else
+ 	Sprintf(SAVEF, "save/%d%s", (int)getuid(), plname);
+ 	regularize(SAVEF+5);	/* avoid . or / in name */
 -#  endif /* WIN32 */
++#   endif /* WIN32 */
++#  endif /* LOGDIR */
  # endif	/* MICRO */
- #endif	/* VMS */
+ #endif /* VMS   */
  #ifdef INSURANCE
diff --cc src/mail.c
index cb9e72a,f8982bf..e16db7b
--- a/src/mail.c
+++ b/src/mail.c
@@@ -65,14 -66,18 +66,18 @@@ static char *mailbox = (char *)0
  static long laststattime;
  # ifdef AMS				/* Just a placeholder for AMS */
- #   define MAILPATH "/dev/null"
+ #  define MAILPATH "/dev/null"
  # else
- #  if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
- #   define MAILPATH "/usr/spool/mail/"
- #  endif
- #  if defined(SYSV) || defined(HPUX)
- #   define MAILPATH "/usr/mail/"
- #  endif
+ #  ifdef LINUX
 -#   define MAILPATH "/var/spool/mail"
++#   define MAILPATH "/var/spool/mail/"
+ #  else
+ #   if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
+ #    define MAILPATH "/usr/spool/mail/"
+ #   endif
+ #   if defined(SYSV) || defined(HPUX)
+ #    define MAILPATH "/usr/mail/"
+ #   endif
+ #  endif /* LINUX */
  # endif /* AMS */
diff --cc sys/share/unixtty.c
index 7129683,deeaab1..c364056
--- a/sys/share/unixtty.c
+++ b/sys/share/unixtty.c
@@@ -355,7 -355,7 +355,6 @@@ init_sco_cons(
  	if (!strcmp(windowprocs.name, "tty") && sco_flag_console) {
--		switch_graphics(IBM_GRAPHICS);
  #  ifdef TEXTCOLOR
  		if (has_colors())
  			iflags.use_color = TRUE;
diff --cc sys/unix/Makefile.src
index da48b14,45048e6..1909d23
--- a/sys/unix/Makefile.src
+++ b/sys/unix/Makefile.src
@@@ -109,8 -112,8 +112,8 @@@ SYSOBJ = ioctl.o unixmain.o unixtty.o u
  # flags for Linux
  #   compile normally
--# CFLAGS = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -I../include -I/usr/X11/include
--# LFLAGS = -L/usr/X11/lib
++CFLAGS = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -I../include -I/usr/X11R6/include
++LFLAGS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib
  #   OR compile backwards compatible a.out format
  # CFLAGS = -O2 -b i486-linuxaout -fomit-frame-pointer -I../include -I/usr/X11/include
  # LFLAGS = -b i486-linuxaout -L/usr/X11/lib
@@@ -124,9 -132,14 +132,14 @@@
  # flags for debugging:
  # CFLAGS = -g -I../include
- CFLAGS = -O2 -I../include -I/usr/X11R6/include
- LFLAGS = -s -L/usr/X11R6/lib
 -CFLAGS = -O -I../include
++#CFLAGS = -O -I../include
++#LFLAGS = 
+ # Only used for Qt interface (other interfaces are standard C)
+ CXXFLAGS = -g $(CFLAGS) -I. -I$(QTDIR)/include
+ # Qt is C++, so define the compiler and linker thus required:
+ #CXX=g++
+ #LD=g++
  # Set the WINSRC, WINOBJ, and WINLIB lines to correspond to your desired
  # combination of windowing systems.  Also set windowing systems in config.h.
@@@ -145,9 -158,15 +158,15 @@@ WINX11SRC = ../win/X11/Window.c ../win/
  WINX11OBJ = Window.o dialogs.o winX.o winmap.o winmenu.o winmesg.o \
  	winmisc.o winstat.o wintext.o winval.o tile.o
+ # Files for a Qt port
+ #
+ WINQTSRC = ../win/Qt/qt_win.cpp ../win/Qt/qt_clust.cpp
+ WINQTOBJ = qt_win.o qt_clust.o tile.o
+ #
  # on some systems the termcap library is in -ltermcap or -lcurses
  # on 386 Xenix, the -ltermlib tputs() seems not to work; use -lcurses instead
@@@ -160,20 -179,27 +179,27 @@@
  # libraries for tty ports
  # WINTTYLIB = -ltermcap
- WINTTYLIB = -lcurses
+ # WINTTYLIB = -lcurses
  # WINTTYLIB = -lcurses16
--# WINTTYLIB = -lncurses
 -WINTTYLIB = -ltermlib
++WINTTYLIB = -lncurses
 +# WINTTYLIB = -ltermlib
  # libraries for X11
  # If USE_XPM is defined in config.h, you will also need -lXpm here.
 -WINX11LIB = -lXaw -lXmu -lXext -lXt -lX11
 +# WINX11LIB = -lXaw -lXmu -lXext -lXt -lX11
  # WINX11LIB = -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lX11
--# WINX11LIB = -lXaw -lXmu -lXext -lXt -lXpm -lX11 -lm
- WINX11LIB = -lXaw -lXmu -lXpm -lXext -lXt -lX11 -lSM -lICE # Linux 2.0
++WINX11LIB = -lXaw -lXmu -lXext -lXt -lXpm -lX11 -lm
+ # WINX11LIB = -lXaw -lXmu -lXpm -lXext -lXt -lX11 -lSM -lICE -lm # BSD/OS 2.0
+ #
+ # libraries for Qt
+ WINQTLIB = -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lqt
+ #
+ # libraries for KDE (with Qt)
+ WINKDELIB = -lkdecore -lkdeui -lXext
  # any other strange libraries your system needs (for Sysunix only -- the more
  # specialized targets should already be right)
diff --cc sys/unix/Makefile.top
index 3fbd419,20fb022..93e036c
--- a/sys/unix/Makefile.top
+++ b/sys/unix/Makefile.top
@@@ -32,13 -33,13 +33,13 @@@ DIRPERM  = 075
  # therefore there should not be anything in GAMEDIR that you want to keep
  # (if there is, you'll have to do the installation by hand or modify the
  # instructions)
- GAMEDIR  = /usr/games/lib/$(GAME)dir
- SHELLDIR = /usr/games
+ GAMEDIR  = $(PREFIX)/games/lib/$(GAME)dir
+ SHELLDIR = $(PREFIX)/games
- # per discussion in Install.X11
+ # per discussion in Install.X11 and Install.Qt
  # VARDATND = x11tiles pet_mark.xbm
 -# VARDATND = x11tiles pet_mark.xbm rip.xpm
 +VARDATND = x11tiles pet_mark.xbm rip.xpm
  VARDATD = data oracles options quest.dat rumors
@@@ -55,6 -56,6 +56,11 @@@
  CHOWN = chown
  CHGRP = chgrp
++# If LOGDIR is defined, we use that, not GAMEDIR, to store files.
++# This is useful for systems that shouldn't be writing into /usr.
++# Note that you need to define this in config.h as well!
++# LOGDIR = /var/lib/games/$(GAME)
  # end of configuration
@@@ -165,8 -167,8 +172,13 @@@ dofiles-nodlb
  			chmod $(FILEPERM) $(DAT) )
  update: $(GAME) $(VARDAT) dungeon spec_levs
++	if [ "$(LOGDIR)" ]; then; \
++	else; \
++	fi 
  #	(don't yank the old version out from under people who're playing it)
--	-mv $(GAMEDIR)/$(GAME) $(GAMEDIR)/$(GAME).old
++	-mv $(DATADIR)/$(GAME) $(DATADIR)/$(GAME).old
  #	quest.dat is also kept open and has the same problems over NFS
  #	(quest.dat may be inside nhdat if dlb is in use)
  	-mv $(GAMEDIR)/quest.dat $(GAMEDIR)/quest.dat.old
@@@ -174,25 -176,25 +186,30 @@@
  # set up new versions of the game files
  	( $(MAKE) dofiles )
  # touch time-sensitive files
--	-touch -c $(GAMEDIR)/bones* $(GAMEDIR)/?lock* $(GAMEDIR)/wizard*
--	-touch -c $(GAMEDIR)/save/*
--	touch $(GAMEDIR)/perm $(GAMEDIR)/record
++	-touch -c $(DATADIR)/bones* $(DATADIR)/?lock* $(DATADIR)/wizard*
++	-touch -c $(DATADIR)/save/*
++	touch $(DATADIR)/perm $(DATADIR)/record
  # and a reminder
  	@echo You may also want to install the man pages via the doc Makefile.
  install: $(GAME) $(VARDAT) dungeon spec_levs
  # set up the directories
  	-mkdir $(SHELLDIR)
--	-rm -rf $(GAMEDIR)
--	-mkdir $(GAMEDIR) $(GAMEDIR)/save
--	chmod $(DIRPERM) $(GAMEDIR) $(GAMEDIR)/save
++	if [ "$(LOGDIR)" ]; then; \
++	else; \
++	fi 
++	-rm -rf $(DATADIR)
++	-mkdir $(DATADIR) $(DATADIR)/save
++	chmod $(DIRPERM) $(DATADIR) $(DATADIR)/save
  # set up the game files
  	( $(MAKE) dofiles )
  # set up some additional files
--	touch $(GAMEDIR)/perm $(GAMEDIR)/record $(GAMEDIR)/logfile
--	-( cd $(GAMEDIR) ; $(CHOWN) $(GAMEUID) perm record logfile ; \
++	touch $(DATADIR)/perm $(DATADIR)/record $(DATADIR)/logfile
++	-( cd $(DATADIR) ; $(CHOWN) $(GAMEUID) perm record logfile ; \
  			$(CHGRP) $(GAMEGRP) perm record logfile ; \
  			chmod $(FILEPERM) perm record logfile )
  # and a reminder
diff --cc sys/unix/Makefile.utl
index ce2144c,84eda9b..fe79f5e
--- a/sys/unix/Makefile.utl
+++ b/sys/unix/Makefile.utl
@@@ -64,8 -67,8 +67,8 @@@
  # flags for Linux
  #   compile normally
--# CFLAGS = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -I../include -I/usr/X11/include
--# LFLAGS = -L/usr/X11/lib
++CFLAGS = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -I../include -I/usr/X11R6/include
++LFLAGS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib
  #   OR compile backwards compatible a.out format
  # CFLAGS = -O2 -b i486-linuxaout -fomit-frame-pointer -I../include -I/usr/X11/include
  # LFLAGS = -b i486-linuxaout -L/usr/X11/lib
@@@ -78,17 -84,17 +84,17 @@@
  # flags for debugging:
  # CFLAGS = -g -I../include
- CFLAGS = -O2 -I../include
- LFLAGS = -s
 -CFLAGS = -O -I../include
++#CFLAGS = -O -I../include
  # yacc/lex programs to use to generate *_comp.h, *_lex.c, and *_yacc.c.
  # if, instead of yacc/lex you have bison/flex, comment/uncomment the following.
- # YACC     = yacc
- # LEX      = lex
 -YACC     = yacc
 -LEX      = lex
 -# YACC     = bison -y
++#YACC     = yacc
++#LEX      = lex
 +YACC     = bison -y
  # YACC     = byacc
 -# LEX      = flex
 +LEX      = flex
  # these are the names of the output files from YACC/LEX. Under MS-DOS
  # and similar systems, they may differ
diff --cc sys/unix/unixmain.c
index f10f6b8,f5b0aa5..a668952
--- a/sys/unix/unixmain.c
+++ b/sys/unix/unixmain.c
@@@ -185,22 -174,14 +184,23 @@@ char *argv[]
  		(void) signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN);
  		(void) signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN);
- #ifdef DEBIAN
-                        Sprintf(lock, "/var/lib/games/nethack/%d%s", (int)getuid(), plname);
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++			Sprintf(lock, "%s/%d%s", LOGDIR, (int)getuid(), plname);
-                         Sprintf(lock, "%d%s", (int)getuid(), plname);
- #endif
+ 			Sprintf(lock, "%d%s", (int)getuid(), plname);
++#endif /* LOGDIR */
  #ifdef WIZARD
  	} else {
- #ifdef DEBIAN
-                Sprintf(lock, "/var/lib/games/nethack/%d%s", (int)getuid(), plname);
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++		Sprintf(lock, "%s%/d%s", LOGDIR, (int)getuid(), plname);
  		Sprintf(lock, "%d%s", (int)getuid(), plname);
- #endif
++#endif /* LOGDIR */
- #endif /* WIZARD /**/
+ #endif /* WIZARD */
  	dlb_init();	/* must be before newgame() */
diff --cc sys/unix/unixunix.c
index 6a9b7f2,43d2c04..d3a5a21
--- a/sys/unix/unixunix.c
+++ b/sys/unix/unixunix.c
@@@ -184,22 -180,15 +184,23 @@@ getlock(
  		error("%s", "");
- #ifdef DEBIAN
- 	regularize(lock+23);
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++	regularize(lock + sizeof(LOGDIR)); /* sorry about this hack */
  	set_levelfile_name(lock, 0);
  	if(locknum) {
  		if(locknum > 25) locknum = 25;
  		do {
- #ifdef DEBIAN
- 			lock[23] = 'a' + i++;
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++			lock[sizeof(LOGDIR)] = 'a' + i++;
  			lock[0] = 'a' + i++;
  			if((fd = open(lock, 0)) == -1) {
  			    if(errno == ENOENT) goto gotlock; /* no such file */
diff --cc util/recover.c
index 0fe85f5,63a9fda..dbb1995
--- a/util/recover.c
+++ b/util/recover.c
@@@ -27,7 -30,7 +30,11 @@@ void FDECL(copy_bytes, (int,int))
  #define Close	(void)close
  #ifdef UNIX
++# ifdef LOGDIR			        /* LOGDIR/save/99999player.e */
++#define SAVESIZE	(PL_NSIZ + 14 + sizeof(LOGDIR))
++# else
  #define SAVESIZE	(PL_NSIZ + 13)	/* save/99999player.e */
++# endif /* LOGDIR */
  # ifdef VMS
  #define SAVESIZE	(PL_NSIZ + 22)	/* [.save]<uid>player.e;1 */
@@@ -85,21 -98,17 +102,25 @@@ char *argv[]
- 	if (!dir) dir = getenv("NETHACKDIR");
- 	if (!dir) dir = getenv("HACKDIR");
- # if defined(SECURE) && !defined(VMS)
+ #if defined(SECURE) && !defined(VMS)
  	if (dir
 -# ifdef HACKDIR
++# ifdef LOGDIR
++	        && strcmp(dir, LOGDIR)
++# else
 +#  ifdef HACKDIR
  		&& strcmp(dir, HACKDIR)
- #  endif
 -# endif
++#  endif /* HACKDIR */
++# endif /* LOGDIR */
  		) {
  		(void) setgid(getgid());
  		(void) setuid(getuid());
- # endif	/* SECURE && !VMS */
- #endif /* DEBIAN */
+ #endif	/* SECURE && !VMS */
++#ifdef LOGDIR
++	if (!dir) dir = LOGDIR;
  #ifdef HACKDIR
  	if (!dir) dir = HACKDIR;
diff --cc win/tty/termcap.c
index 10b85b0,cb253ab..db269ab
--- a/win/tty/termcap.c
+++ b/win/tty/termcap.c
@@@ -828,10 -828,9 +828,9 @@@ init_hilite(
  		hilites[c] = HI;
  	hilites[CLR_GRAY] = hilites[NO_COLOR] = (char *)0;
- 	if (tgetnum("Co") < 8)
- 		return;
- 	if ((setf = tgetstr("Sf", (char **)0)) == (char *)0
- 	    && (setf = tgetstr("AF", (char **)0)) == (char *)0)
+ 	if (tgetnum("Co") < 8
 -	    || ((setf = tgetstr("Sf", (char **)0)) == (char *)0
 -		&& (setf = tgetstr("AF", (char **)0)) == (char *)0))
++	    || ((setf = tgetstr("AF", (char **)0)) == (char *)0
++		 && (setf = tgetstr("Sf", (char **)0)) == (char *)0))
  	for (c = 0; c < CLR_MAX / 2; c++) {

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