Bug#362590: FTBFS on m68k

Stephen R Marenka stephen at marenka.net
Sat Apr 15 17:49:10 UTC 2006

On Sat, Apr 15, 2006 at 01:27:16AM +0200, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 14.04.2006, 07:15 -0500 schrieb Stephen R Marenka:
> > openal fails on m68k with an ICE Segfault. While this is clearly a
> > compiler problem, it does built fine with gcc-4.1. Is it okay with you
> > if I upload a binNMU of openal built with gcc-4.1?
> AFAIK, binNMUs do not change the source package, so how would your
> proposal work?

I have a chroot with the gcc links pointed to gcc-4.1, just as if
gcc-4.1 was the default compiler.

> Thanks for the information that this bug is fixed with gcc-4.1, so this
> will go away when debian switches to gcc-4.1 per default.
> But, TBH, I really don't see much point in having openal binaries for
> m86k. I mean, are there really audio hardware for m86k which would
> support 3d sound? which reverse depends of openal are usable at all on
> m86k? Wouldn't it make more sense to add openal (and perhaps the
> libgl/libglu implementations as well) to p-a-s, so that those packages,
> including their reverse depends, won't be built on m86k any longer? I
> think this might help this arch to keep up with unstable.

Truth is I have no idea what hardware we have on m68k. We have too many
subarchs for me to begin to keep up, some of which do have pci slots.

If you think, as the maintainer, that p-a-s is the way to go, then I'll
make that request.

I'm mostly concerned because the bug causing openal to fail is fixed in
gcc-4.1 and I have six packages dep-waited on openal.



Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!
<stephen at marenka.net>
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