Bug#387790: fillets-ng-data: broken symlinks

Lars Wirzenius liw at iki.fi
Fri Sep 22 15:34:59 UTC 2006

pe, 2006-09-22 kello 16:34 +0200, Alexander Schmehl kirjoitti:
> * Lars Wirzenius <liw at iki.fi> [060916 20:01]:
> > Severity: minor
> Hmmm... shouldn't broken symlinks due to missing dependencies be release
> critical?  Most likely they will render the package unusable, won't
> they?

Possibly they should be RC. However, I think that a package like
fillets-ng-data, which is useless without another package anyway, and
that other package (hopefully) provides the link targets, might as well
just get a non-RC bug. Of course, partly the problem is that I have
little time and there are so many packages...

Anyway, severity isn't relevant if the bug gets fixed. :)

(def (reverse items) (accumulate (fn (so-far x) (cons x so-far)) nil

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