Bug#406119: gnujump behaving weird: openGL problem?

Tomas Pospisek tpo_deb at sourcepole.ch
Fri Jan 26 09:18:20 CET 2007

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Bas Wijnen wrote:

> There seems to be a problem with openGL rendering (at least sometimes) using
> gnujump.  Bug #382904 is an other example of it.  Could you please try if the
> problem is reproducible when switching off openGL rendering (in Graphics
> options, change it directly in ~/.sdljump/sdljump.cfg if the game is too
> broken).

Its off there, same behaveour as before. Here's my config:

# This file has been automatically generated by SDLjump

  protocol_version = "03"

# Game options
  fps_limit = 1
  rotation_mode = 2
  scroll_mode = 1
  multiplayer_lives = 3
  number_players = 0
  record_replay = 0
  replay_fps = 40

# Graphics options
  use_opengl = 0
  bpp = 3
  screen_width = 640
  screen_height = 480
  fullscreen = 0
  antialiasing = 0
  sound_volume = 9
  music_volume = 6

# Skin options
  default_skin = "/usr/share/games/sdljump/skins/default"
  skin_folders = 2
  skin_dir = "/home/xxxxx/.sdljump"
  skin_dir = "/usr/share/games/sdljump/skins"

# Lang options
  default_lang = "/usr/share/games/sdljump/lang/english.lang"
  lang_folders = 2
  lang_dir = "/home/xxxxx/.sdljump"
  lang_dir = "/usr/share/games/sdljump/lang"

# Replay dir options
  replay_save_folder = "/home/xxxxx/.sdljump"
  replay_folders = 1
  replay_dir = "/home/xxxxx/.sdljump"

# Player options
  player_name = "Player1"
  key_left = 276
  key_right = 275
  key_jump = 273

  player_name = "Player2"
  key_left = 97
  key_right = 100
  key_jump = 119

  player_name = "Player3"
  key_left = 106
  key_right = 108
  key_jump = 105

  player_name = "Player4"
  key_left = 260
  key_right = 262
  key_jump = 264

   Tomas Pospisek
   http://sourcepole.com -  Linux & Open Source Solutions

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