[Fwd: Wanted: introductory page for all teams]

Eddy Petris,or eddy.petrisor at gmail.com
Mon May 28 12:34:37 UTC 2007


FYI, I did this for our team.

Page added:

I was tempted to use the development page, but I though is nicer to have the Team page according to the template.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Wanted: introductory page for all teams
Resent-Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 19:51:21 +0000 (UTC)
Resent-From: debian-devel-announce at lists.debian.org
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 21:48:50 +0200
From: Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org>
Reply-To: debian-project at lists.debian.org
To: debian-devel-announce at lists.debian.org


we have many teams within Debian. Each team has its own habits, its own
tools. Some of the teams do not work as well as they could and they have
trouble recruiting new volunteers.

In order to try to address that I started a wiki page whose goal is to be a
good introductory page to all teams. Anyone who wants to learn more about
some teams should be able to consult the page and have an idea of what
he/she could do to start contributing to the team, and maybe later join it.


I also contributed some guidelines to build effective teams. I gathered
those from my experience of handling Alioth (it concerns mainly teams in
charge of infrastructure however):
There's room for improvements in that document and I welcome your

I mentionned this initiative once in -project and that's why some people
already contributed description for various teams. I contributed the
description of the Alioth team and did the page for DSA too (even though
I'm not a DSA member, but I try to help there). The listmasters
contributed a page and decided to use it to host a FAQ. Several packaging
teams did as well.

Now is the time for all the other teams to create their page and
to subscribe to it (to check that other don't do incorrect changes). If
you need some assistance, feel free to ask. Even if you're not part of the
team, you can contribute what you know about a team and then ask the team
to complete/review. It's an interesting way to get started within a team
and requires you to collect information that are already available but
spread all over the place.

Raphaël Hertzog

Premier livre français sur Debian GNU/Linux :

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
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