Bug#442411: OpenAL issue

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 10:37:37 UTC 2007

This is actually specifically a problem with the current OpenAL
library shipping i386 assembly for amd64, which interacts poorly with
AMD SMP MMX support.  The non-MMX backend used for powerpc works
acceptably for AMD SMP machines.  Personally, I'd prefer an update to
OpenAL to disabling the current assembler, as upstream has improved
AMD assembly support, but if this issue is to be solved quickly,
simply disabling the use of the MMX instructions for AMD64 is a
possible workaround.

Alternately, btanks could trap error conditions when accessing the
sound device, but this repeated exception processing would likely have
a significant impact on performance.


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