r4501 - packages/trunk/ketm/debian

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Wed Oct 31 11:03:05 UTC 2007

Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda at deb.at> (31/10/2007):
>  There seem to be some scripts running around, because it's one of the
>  release goals that packages have to be able to compile twice in a row
>  and not produce different source packages in that - some bugreports
>  were filed because of that already. But no, I'm not sure exactly who
>  does these and where the scripts are available, unfortunately...

Produced AFAICT w/ some shell scripting, there's no dedicated tool
(yet?). Just diff the .deb produced between 2 (or 3) rounds. Will
probably be discussed during the QA meeting (next month).


Cyril Brulebois
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