Bug#440137: Fwd: cultivation: movement with the mouse is broken

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Sun Sep 2 08:50:26 UTC 2007

Jason Rohrer wrote:

> It has something to do with coordinate translation between mouse and
> world coords.  Maybe different graphics cards (or different X servers)
> feed mouse coords into GLUT windows differenly.  Can you ask the bug
> reporter (or those who can reproduce it) to see if resizing or
> repositioning the window helps?  Also, is it consistent (always
> happens on the problem machines)?  Or is it something that goes away
> after restarting Cultivation? 

I'm using the intel xorg driver with xorg Resizing/moving the
window doesn't help. I always have the problem with cultivation 8 on my
Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop. Restarting cultivation doesn't help. The
version with the patch that deavid wrote works fine though.

PS: thanks for making such awesome games Jason :)


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