Some Questions due to packaging of freesynd

Miriam Ruiz little_miry at
Wed Apr 2 15:18:23 UTC 2008

--- Tuduri Benoit <tuduri.benoit at> escribió:

> Hello everyone :),

Hi Benoit! :)

> I wrote you because i don't know if i can upload my package on alioth ?
> The game using some non free data (map/tiles/music) because the right of 
> bullfrog are not in public domain?
> My package is composed only of source code of freesynd engine which are 
> licencied by GPL. I'm explaining to final user how to play with the game 
>   with a procedure to install manually the original data in a specific 
> directory.

Hi! :)

I understand that the license allows at least the redistribution, doesn't it?
If the limitations are only that it is allowed for non commercial purposes,
there's nothing illegal about uploading it to mentors. If there are other
limitations, it might depend on the actual text. Do you have an URL where the
license can be read?


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