Bug#488686: vegastrike: No Rooms message but no crash

Charlie Burrows charlie.burrows at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 15:19:45 UTC 2008

Package: vegastrike
Version: 0.5~svn12126-2
Followup-For: Bug #488686

I am also getting the no rooms message but it doesn't crash the game
it's just annoying. The game is playable except fot the lack of rooms in
each and every base that I tried.

I have attached the console output from running vegastrike, seeing the
message and quitting.


Vega Strike  
See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for license details.

Using .vegastrike-0.4.x as the home directory
Found MODDIR = /usr/share/games/vegastrike/mods
DATADIR - No datadir specified in config file, using ; /usr/share/games/vegastrike
['/usr/lib/python25.zip', '/usr/lib/python2.5', '/usr/lib/python2.5/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages', '/var/lib/python-support/python2.5']
['/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules/builtin', '/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules', '/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases']
Setting Screen to w 800 h 600 and pitch of 3200 and 32 bpp 4 bytes per pix mode
1 joysticks were found.

The names of the joysticks are:
    Logitech Logitech Dual Action
axes: 6 buttons: 12 hats: 0
FactionXML:LoadXML factions.xml
Contents of star system:
<system name="Cephid_17" background="backgrounds/green" nearstars="500" stars="1000" starspread="150" scalesystem="10">
	<ambient red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000"/>
	<diffuse red="0.866025" green="0.853710" blue="0.667231"/>
	<specular red="1.000000" green="0.971760" blue="0.593597"/>
	<ambient red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000"/>
	<diffuse red="0.866025" green="0.455290" blue="0.345211"/>
	<specular red="1.000000" green="0.276385" blue="0.158894"/>
<Asteroid name="" file="AFieldJumpThin" ri="0.000000" rj="0.000000" rk="0.000000" si="0.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" x="-81750376.000000" y="-30150176.000000" z="-70781912.000000"  />
<Planet name="JumpTo17-ar" file="jump.png" ri="0.000000" rj="0.000000" rk="0.000000" si="0.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" radius="200.000000" x="-81750376.000000" y="-30150176.000000" z="-70781912.000000" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/17-ar" faction="klkk"  >
<Planet name="Cephid_17 A" file="stars/white_star.png" ri="0.000000" rj="0.000000" rk="0.000000" si="0.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" radius="16600000.000000" x="0" y="0" z="0"  Red="0.750000" Green="0.728820" Blue="0.445198" ReflectNoLight="true" light="0">
	<Planet name="Atlantis" file="planets/oceanBase.png|planets/ocean.png" ri="286946720.000000" rj="-84383952.000000" rk="265226256.000000" si="-190438672.000000" sj="-158550224.000000" sk="155590384.000000" radius="435172.312500" x="105354896.000000" y="-72131880.000000" z="133784008.000000" year= "439508832.000000" day="309.300385"  >
	<Atmosphere file="sol/earthcloudmaptrans.png" alpha="SRCALPHA INVSRCALPHA" radius="436127.481875"/>
		<FogElement file="atmXhalo.xmesh" ScaleAtmosphereHeight="1.0"  red="0.900000" blue="0.900000" green="1.000000" alpha="1.000000" dired="0.900000" diblue="0.900000" digreen="1.000000" dialpha="1.000000" concavity="1" focus=".6" minalpha="0" maxalpha="0.7"/>
		<Planet name="Phillies" file="sol/deimos.png" ri="-1684348.750000" rj="-661541.875000" rk="2335591.750000" si="-3812172.000000" sj="3004636.500000" sk="-1898163.500000" radius="136198.062500" x="-7321575.500000" y="-6117448.000000" z="-4841613.500000" year= "4890792.500000" day="498.276794"  >
		<Planet name="JumpToEnyo" file="jump.png" ri="234340.000000" rj="103060.007812" rk="920958.875000" si="471364.750000" sj="-517154.250000" sk="-62067.574219" radius="95.771751" x="-1312920.250000" y="-717132.625000" z="1060315.625000" year= "1397630.750000" day="303.621857" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Enyo" faction="klkk"  >
		<Planet name="JumpToCardell" file="jump.png" ri="-254216.593750" rj="-423678.437500" rk="-372411.875000" si="-455824.562500" sj="479803.437500" sk="-234697.656250" radius="130.477371" x="997000.562500" y="-455441.750000" z="753232.687500" year= "4381063.500000" day="761.770081" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Cardell" faction="klkk"  >
		<Unit name="Ataraxia" file="fighter_barracks" rj="-554216.593750" ri="-823678.437500" rk="-872411.875000" sj="-855824.562500" sk="879803.437500" si="-634697.656250" radius="130.477371" x="997000.562500" y="-455441.750000" z="753232.687500" year= "4381063.500000" day="761.770081" faction="klkk"  >
	<Unit name="Plainfield" file="relay" ri="-79724328.000000" rj="-233746992.000000" rk="-163313568.000000" si="-116020696.000000" sj="169026400.000000" sk="-185286128.000000" x="-148581184.000000" y="-218246160.000000" z="84517944.000000" year= "277633856.000000" faction="klkk"  />
	<Planet name="JumpToOldziey" file="jump.png" ri="141807924.000000" rj="43125792.000000" rk="10400903.000000" si="3642116.500000" sj="5128123.000000" sk="-141807924.000000" radius="263.800079" x="-26266182.000000" y="-32933546.000000" z="56518572.000000" year= "70577704.000000" day="536.628845" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Oldziey" faction="klkk"  >
	<Planet name="JumpToEverett" file="jump.png" ri="-20080682.000000" rj="42690276.000000" rk="157634672.000000" si="-72114176.000000" sj="61331199.000000" sk="-96111560.000000" radius="311.738037" x="-61371888.000000" y="-59256896.000000" z="60923568.000000" year= "77785112.000000" day="431.547974" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Everett" faction="klkk"  >
	<Planet name="JumpToStirling" file="jump.png" ri="-182282287.000000" rj="-15947974.000000" rk="-23532624.000000" si="-31423934.000000" sj="94449516.000000" sk="-168381.671875" radius="210.078888" x="77007976.000000" y="-28267140.000000" z="-51236048.000000" year= "36885428.000000" day="212.563385" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Stirling" faction="klkk"  >
	<Planet name="Cephid_17 B" file="stars/red_star.png" ri="0.000000" rj="0.000000" rk="0.000000" si="0.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" radius="10262301.000000" x="0" y="0" z="0"  Red="0.750000" Green="0.207289" Blue="0.119170" ReflectNoLight="true" light="1">
		<Planet name="Wiley" file="planets/rock.png" ri="-65226760.000000" rj="19793218.000000" rk="30020006.000000" si="-23492010.000000" sj="-254089232.000000" sk="116486856.000000" radius="356439.250000" x="137667840.000000" y="-228465344.000000" z="266275376.000000" year= "1138671360.000000" day="721.044067"  >
			<Unit name="Serenity" file="MiningBase" rj="-554216.593750" ri="-823678.437500" rk="-872411.875000" sj="-855824.562500" sk="879803.437500" si="-634697.656250" radius="130.477371" x="997000.562500" y="-455441.750000" z="753232.687500" year= "4381063.500000" day="761.770081" faction="klkk"  >
		<Planet name="Broadway" file="sol/ganymede.png" ri="30215382.000000" rj="18258252.000000" rk="-30780302.000000" si="-52761992.000000" sj="-133019048.000000" sk="-130697848.000000" radius="430506.218750" x="-37981648.000000" y="187513920.000000" z="42497932.000000" year= "278625984.000000" day="652.678345"  >

Initializing optimizer
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: white_star White_Star (file white_star)
Unit file upgrading_dummy_unit not found
UNIT HAS DIED: ocean ocean (file ocean)
UNIT HAS DIED: deimos Deimos (file deimos)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: red_star red_star (file red_star)
Unit file rock not found
UNIT HAS DIED: LOAD_FAILED rock (file rock)
UNIT HAS DIED: ganymede ganymede (file ganymede)
No such command: TurretAIKey
Hi helper play 0
Herepox -95124024.543917 412089916.256812 -110779667.398050
Force feedback support disabled when compiled
Loading completed, now network init
Loading active missions True
{'pirates': 31, 'forsaken': 20, 'rlaan': 771, 'ISO': 15, 'planets': 0, 'upgrades': 0, 'homeland-security': 0, 'unknown': 111, 'klkk': 17, 'unadorned': 37, 'mechanist': 29, 'LIHW': 159, 'merchant': 1, 'privateer': 0, 'aera': 705, 'dgn': 1, 'luddites': 19, 'hunter': 0, 'andolian': 149, 'rlaan_briin': 0, 'neutral': 0, 'confed': 18, 'highborn': 23, 'purist': 199, 'shaper': 98, 'shmrn': 6, 'uln': 26}
reflist is []
curfaclist is ['neutral', 'confed', 'aera', 'rlaan', 'merchant', 'luddites', 'pirates', 'hunter', 'homeland-security', 'ISO', 'unknown', 'andolian', 'highborn', 'shaper', 'unadorned', 'purist', 'forsaken', 'LIHW', 'uln', 'dgn', 'klkk', 'mechanist', 'shmrn', 'rlaan_briin', 'privateer', 'upgrades', 'planets']
generating ships... ... ...
reading base names confed
reading base names aera
reading base names rlaan
reading base names merchant
reading base names luddites
reading base names pirates
reading base names hunter
reading base names homeland-security
reading base names ISO
reading base names unknown
reading base names andolian
reading base names highborn
reading base names shaper
reading base names unadorned
reading base names purist
reading base names forsaken
reading base names LIHW
reading base names uln
reading base names dgn
reading base names klkk
reading base names mechanist
reading base names shmrn
reading base names rlaan_briin
placing ships... ... ...
Writing Save Game Autosave-explore_universe_difficultyHi helper play 0


-- System Information:
Debian Release: lenny/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Shell:  /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.18-6-686
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages vegastrike depends on:
ii  freeglut3              2.4.0-6.1         OpenGL Utility Toolkit
ii  libatk1.0-0            1.22.0-1          The ATK accessibility toolkit
ii  libboost-python1.34.1  1.34.1-11         Boost.Python Library
ii  libc6                  2.7-10            GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libcairo2              1.6.4-5           The Cairo 2D vector graphics libra
ii  libexpat1              1.95.8-3.4        XML parsing C library - runtime li
ii  libgcc1                1:4.3.0-5         GCC support library
ii  libgl1-mesa-glx [libgl 7.0.3-1           A free implementation of the OpenG
ii  libglib2.0-0           2.16.3-2          The GLib library of C routines
ii  libglu1-mesa [libglu1] 7.0.3~rc2-1       The OpenGL utility library (GLU)
ii  libgtk2.0-0            2.12.9-2          The GTK+ graphical user interface 
ii  libjpeg62              6b-14             The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG 
ii  libogg0                1.1.3-3           Ogg Bitstream Library
ii  libopenal0a            1:0.0.8-7         OpenAL is a portable library for 3
ii  libpango1.0-0          1.20.2-2          Layout and rendering of internatio
ii  libpng12-0             1.2.15~beta5-1    PNG library - runtime
ii  libsdl1.2debian        1.2.13-2          Simple DirectMedia Layer
ii  libstdc++6             4.3.0-5           The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libvorbis0a            1.2.0.dfsg-3      The Vorbis General Audio Compressi
ii  libvorbisfile3         1.2.0.dfsg-3      The Vorbis General Audio Compressi
ii  libxi6                 1:1.0.1-4         X11 Input extension library
ii  libxmu6                1:1.0.2-2         X11 miscellaneous utility library
ii  python2.5              2.5.2-6           An interactive high-level object-o
ii  vegastrike-data        0.4.3-5           data files for vegastrike
ii  zlib1g                 1: compression library - runtime

vegastrike recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

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