Bug#487218: games-thumbnails: unclear copyright concerns

Arnoud Engelfriet arnoud at engelfriet.net
Sat Jun 21 16:02:17 UTC 2008

Miriam Ruiz wrote:
> The games-thumbnails package is needed for GoPlay!, so that game
> descriptions can show a snapshot of how the game looks like.

I would argue that this is a kind of 'announcement' of the game
which is covered by quotation rights under Berne. It is certainly
extremely common today to show small screenshots when announcing,
discussing or flaming a game. 

Of course that's just my opinion but I'm afraid you will not get
a more definite answer. Proprietary game licenses likely do not
contain permission to make screenshots, and I very much doubt
their creators would bother with giving you specific permission.


IT lawyer, blogger and patent attorney ~ Partner at ICTRecht.nl legal services
        http://www.arnoud.engelfriet.net/ ~ http://www.iusmentis.com/

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