Bug#517453: gnome-chess: Applications-> Games -> Chess cannot connect to the internet chess server

Ansgar Burchardt ansgar at 2008.43-1.org
Sat Feb 28 13:23:29 UTC 2009

severity 517453 important # Still usable to play against gnuchess


"cc cc" <upiter77 at lycos.com> writes:

> I tried to connect to: freechess.org or chessanytime.com and in the
> connect program field I have telnet.
> It seems to connecting, but I cannot write anything at the command
> prompt.

What does the server window say?  When you start gnome-chess from a
shell, does it display any messages if you try to write something?

Can you connect to the server by running `telnet freechess.org 5000'?

> The second problem is the size of the gnome-chess application, it is
> to big for my notebook screen resolution 1280 x 800 and I cannot
> resize it. After start the size is very small, but if I try connect to
> the server then the size change automaticaly and it's to big.

Please file a separate bug report for each problem.


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