Bug#522529: micropolis: Segfault when loading scenarios

Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) grandpaul at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 18:14:25 UTC 2009

Dear all,

I think we have to fix all the warnings.

C assumes all functions not defined the type of return values as integers.
So a void function call without definition might get a stack pop by the caller which mess up the stack.
However, normally it won't be that stupid, but
it could be a compiler optimizer bug. So with -O0 or -O3, I don't get a crash.

I've made a stupid patch which solves the crash at loading scenarios compiled by -O2. It just modify
"return;" to "return 0;" around DoZone() and the function calls inside DoZone();

Please try the attachment (quilt patch, last one in series).
My arch is i386, not amd64.

Yours Sincerely,

E-mail address: grandpaul at gmail.com
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