Bug#528181: Glest tutorial problem -- workaround

Eddy Petrișor eddy.petrisor at gmail.com
Thu May 21 01:33:18 UTC 2009

tags 528181 pending

Moody, Tristan Chamberlin a scris:
> After some investigation, the problem stems from the fact that the ~/.glest/ directory does not contain a tutorials directory.  You can fix this manually by symlinking the /usr/share/glest/tutorials directory to ~/.glest/tutorials, i.e.:
> [user at machine .glest]$ ln --symbolic /usr/share/glest/tutorials tutorials
> It should work after this.  As to why the installation does not do this to begin with, I cannot say just yet.

Instalation doesn't have to do at all with any of your files in ~ , that
is the job of the /usr/games/glest wrapper and that wrapper missed the
necessary code to make that desired symlink.

I just made the necessary changes in revision 9778 in SVN and the fix
should land once 3.2.2-2 or newer lands in unstable.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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