Bug#583692: freecol: crash with openjdk: SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fe3a23608d6, pid=2292, tid=140615208855824

Vincent Fourmond fourmond at debian.org
Mon May 31 18:44:05 UTC 2010

block  583692 by 568657
tag 583692 confirmed
severity 568657 important


  I can confirm that this bug - or something similar - occurs on my
machine too. Attached is another log, in the hope that it will help. I
can provide you with more information if you wish. Just play with the
newer freecol for a while, and it may show up. I have no idea of what
could possibly be causing this. I don't think freecol should be blamed
in any case; exceptions would be expected, then, not segfaults !


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