CR lines stripping in debian/rules

Emmanuel Kasper emmanuel at
Wed May 25 20:48:42 UTC 2011

Hello Cesare !

I downloaded the source code using the debian/rules, which now includes

	find $(TMPDIR)/sub/$(MAME_PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) \
	    -type f -regextype posix-egrep \
	    ! -regex ".*(zip|gif|png|bmp|ico)" \
	    | xargs sed -i "s/\r$$//"

and I noticed our patches do not apply cleanly anymore. ( Took some time
to figure out why the md5sum of the source archive changed :/ )

Could you elaborate a bit on the need of stripping carriage returns in
the mame source code ?
As a the code builds fine with CR included, I would rather leave it as
it is,  I prefer to have debian/rules as short as possible, and if not
we have to regenerate the patches.
Am I missing something ?


PS: @team: As you may have or not noticed, Alioth requires now (at least
to me ) a SSH key in your profile to access the git repository

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