Bug#660266: Fwd: Bug#660266: Failed to download 1rott13.zip

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Mon Feb 27 08:32:01 UTC 2012

Am 25.02.2012 14:12, schrieb Ansgar Burchardt:
> fabian at greffrath.com writes:
>> +SHAREURL3="http://pkg-games.alioth.debian.org"
> could you move them to a subdirectory (maybe "game-data" or
> "game-data-packager")? I would prefer not having random shareware
> archives in the team's webroot.

I have done so (called the directory "game-data", since the stuff it 
contains is independent of g-d-p) and updated g-d-p in GIT. However, I 
have left two symlinks in place until the updated g-d-p is uploaded 
and migrated.

  - Fabian

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