Bug#510238: [zsnes]

Etienne Millon etienne.millon at gmail.com
Tue May 1 22:07:27 UTC 2012

severity 510238 wishlist
tag 510238 + upstream

Tagging this as a low priority upstream bug.

* Resul Cetin <Resul-Cetin at gmx.net> [120501 22:03]:
> I have kde4 installed and don't have these variables. What must i start to set 
> these variables (no, I don't mean export in shell)? What programs have these 
> functionality? My kde programs seems to use a different scheme either. None of 
> them stores it's files in .local/share but in .kde.

This is up to every program to decide where they want to store their
data, hence this bug report for example. KDE, as the vast majority of
programs, have decided to store it in the ~/.$PROGNAME directory. 

Have a nice day,

Etienne Millon

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