Bug#693401: [vavoom] description could be clearer

Filipus Klutiero chealer at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 04:47:51 UTC 2012

Package: vavoom
Version: 1.33-5
Severity: minor

This is a report of several problems with the descriptions, which 
currently read:

>     Advanced Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife engine
> Vavoom is an engine based on sources of Doom, Heretic, Hexen and a 
> little bit from Quake. Vavoom requires game data to run. Free game 
> data is available in the freedoom package. Commercial game data can be 
> packaged using game-data-packager.
> Vavoom includes vlaunch: a graphical tool for configuring and 
> launching vavoom.

First, there is a pseudo paragraph switch after the extended 
description's first sentence. But as you can see with the paste from 
packages.debian.org above, the newline is not necessarily rendered. 
There should be a real change of paragraph.

Second, the first sentence is not really clear. What kind of sources 
does it refer to? The source code of the engines of these games? If so, 
that information probably doesn't need to be in the first sentence, 
which should focus on explaining why one would want vavoom. Clarifying 
the first sentence will probably suffice to address the final issue, 
i.e. that the descriptions do not say what vavoom is, even though one 
can infer that it is a game engine, and those who know Doom or Quake 
will figure it's a FPS engine. I find the short description unclear too 
- what is an "advanced Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife engine"? I don't think 
the short description should name other software (unless the software is 
very well known, but what is Strife?).
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