Rebuild for Squeeze Backports

Félix Arreola Rodríguez fgatuno.123 at
Mon Oct 8 01:27:06 UTC 2012


Long time since my last help on the mame package. I want to backport
to squeeze, but I have problems with libjpeg8-dev and libjpeg62-dev.
The point is that, the libjpeg8 is only available on wheezy. If I
rebuild with the debian directory (from the git repo), fails compiling
because the jpg lib; trying to compile standalone (without debian
folder) fails compiling with the ioports.

Also, there is a bug with the debian/rules get-orig-source, it fails
on debian squeeze. I suspect that is a problem of compatibility with
the debhelper from squeeze.

I feel so dumb, I can't compile the first debian package that I started working.

Do you have some advices? If the package success, it can be uploaded
to master-backports.

Atte. Félix Arreola Rodríguez,
«Sin firma GPG»

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