Bug#690483: freedink: Mouse cursor keeps going up - game unplayable

Alois Mahdal alois.mahdal at zxcvb.cz
Mon Oct 15 23:25:33 UTC 2012

On 2012-10-16 01:10, Alois Mahdal wrote:
> I'm going to play a little with --debug and let you know.

Running with --debug produced some (hopefully helpful) output
to STDOUT.  Attaching.

Also, observing the on-screen coordinates turned on by this
option, I can see that the "y" keeps running to negative
values (about -200 px a second), but as soon as I move the
mouse in any way, it returns to zero (which does not stop it
from running), and so it goes on and on.

Also attaching screen-shot from windowed mode for illustration.

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[info ] Game directory is '/usr/share/games/dink/dink'.
[info ] Requesting depth 8
[info ] Requesting video flags: 
[info ] 0xe0000001 11100000000000000000000000000001 SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_HWPALETTE | SDL_FULLSCREEN | SDL_DOUBLEBUF
[info ] Obtained video flags:   
[info ] 0xe0000001 11100000000000000000000000000001 SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_HWPALETTE | SDL_FULLSCREEN | SDL_DOUBLEBUF
[info ] INFO: Video driver is 'x11'
[info ] INFO: Not using a hardware video mode.
[info ] INFO: SDL depth is 8
[info ] The family name of the face in the font is: System
[info ] The name of the face in the font is: Regular
[info ] The font max height is: 16
[info ] The font ascent is: 16
[info ] The font descent is: 0
[info ] The font line skip is: 1
[info ] The font is not fixed width.
[info ] The family name of the face in the font is: Liberation Sans
[info ] The name of the face in the font is: Regular
[info ] The font max height is: 19
[info ] The font ascent is: 15
[info ] The font descent is: -3
[info ] The font line skip is: 19
[info ] The font is not fixed width.
[info ] loading tilescreens...
[info ] Done with tilescreens...
[info ] 2 joysticks were found.
[info ] The names of the joysticks are:
[info ]     ThinkPad HDAPS joystick emulation
[info ]     ThinkPad HDAPS accelerometer data
[info ] Picking the first one...
[info ] Name: ThinkPad HDAPS joystick emulation
[info ] Number of axes: 2
[info ] Number of buttons: 0
[info ] Number of balls: 0
[info ] Number of hats: 0
[info ] Initting sound
[info ] initting sound
[info ] Audio hardware info: frequency=22050Hz	format=S16LSB	channels=2	opened=1 times
[info ] Loading batch...
[info ] Loading dink.ini
[info ]  done!
[info ] Loading hard...
[info ]  done!
[info ] World data loaded.
[info ] LOADING main
[debug] Temp thingie is C
[info ] Loading script STORY/MAIN.C.. (slot 1)
[debug] Reading from disk...
[debug] Script main is entered at 3:12 (offset 49).
[debug] Dink started. Time to fight for your right to party.
[debug] Killed script main. (num 1)
[debug] giving script the boot
[debug] Temp thingie is C
[info ] Loading script STORY/START.C.. (slot 1)
[debug] Reading from disk...
[debug] Script START is entered at 4:18 (offset 106).
[debug] Loading sounds..
[info ] getting QUACK.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting PIG1.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting PIG2.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting PIG3.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting PIG4.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting BURN.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting OPEN.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SWING.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting PUNCH.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SWORD2.WAV..
[info ] frequency=8000Hz	format=S16LSB	channels=1	length=6720 bytes
[info ] getting SELECT.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting WSCREAM.WAV..
[info ] frequency=22050Hz	format=S16LSB	channels=1	length=30424 bytes
[info ] getting PICKER.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting GOLD.WAV..
[info ] frequency=22050Hz	format=S16LSB	channels=1	length=8146 bytes
[info ] getting GRUNT1.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting GRUNT2.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SEL1.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting ESCAPE.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting NONO.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SEL2.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SEL3.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting HIGH2.WAV..
[info ] frequency=22050Hz	format=S16LSB	channels=2	length=359424 bytes
[info ] getting FIRE.WAV..
[info ] frequency=22050Hz	format=S16LSB	channels=1	length=345042 bytes
[info ] getting SPELL1.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting CAVEENT.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SNARL1.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SNARL2.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SNARL3.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting HURT1.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting HURT2.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting ATTACK1.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting CAVEENT.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting LEVEL.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SAVE.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SPLASH.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SWORD1.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting BHIT.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SQUISH.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting STAIRS.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting STEPS.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting ARROW.WAV..
[info ] frequency=22050Hz	format=S16LSB	channels=1	length=11594 bytes
[info ] getting FLYBY.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting SECRET.WAV..
[info ] frequency=22050Hz	format=S16LSB	channels=2	length=124164 bytes
[info ] getting BOW1.WAV..
[info ] frequency=22050Hz	format=S16LSB	channels=1	length=15478 bytes
[info ] getting KNOCK.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting DRAG1.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting DRAG2.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting AXE.WAV..
[debug] CreateBufferFromWaveFile: No such file or directory
[info ] getting BIRD1.WAV..
[info ] frequency=22050Hz	format=U8	channels=2	length=91220 bytes
[debug] Compared 108 to 103
[debug] If returned false, skipping next thing
[info ] LOADING start-1
[debug] Temp thingie is C
[info ] Loading script STORY/START-1.C.. (slot 2)
[debug] Reading from disk...
[debug] Script start-1 is entered at 3:18 (offset 40).
[debug] giving script the boot
[info ] LOADING start-2
[debug] Temp thingie is C
[info ] Loading script STORY/START-2.C.. (slot 3)
[debug] Reading from disk...
[debug] Script start-2 is entered at 3:18 (offset 43).
[debug] giving script the boot
[info ] LOADING start-4
[debug] Temp thingie is C
[info ] Loading script STORY/START-4.C.. (slot 4)
[debug] Reading from disk...
[debug] Script start-4 is entered at 3:18 (offset 39).
[debug] giving script the boot
[debug] Processing playmidi command.
[info ] playmidi - cd play command detected.
[info ] Playing midi 3.mid.
[warn ] Error playing midi 3.mid, doesn't exist in any dir.
[debug] Killed script START. (num 1)
[debug] giving script the boot
[info ] Shutting down CD stuff.
[debug] Killed script start-1. (num 2)
[debug] Killed script start-2. (num 3)
[debug] Killed script start-4. (num 4)

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