Can I come over to your life?:)

Laine Rikard camittuloewe at
Thu Sep 6 21:08:10 UTC 2012

Hi! :)
I'll explain how I found you. I was exploring sites and accidentlycame across ur photographs and I thought that there is nothing wrong if I will suggest him to get to know each other, right?)
So I am Laine and I hope you will write me back and tell me your name.)
As I am the first one to write then I'll tell you something about myself. So, I'm rather interesting girl and I'm a person who loves travelling SOOO MUCH that I am even ready to keep on walking around the the Earth until the  moment when I meet a man who I'd fall in love with and stay with him wherever he goes and whatever happens. Dreaming is not prohibited, right?) sure, you might think that it sounds more like pipe dreams, however I really think so.) Alright, I love meeting new interesting people who may tell me a lot of exciting stories about their lives and so on.
Anyway, what kind of man are you? You are attractive, can tell it for sure) What r you interesting in? I hope you won't ignore the letter and you'd write me back.)
I expect you to write me back... uhm... on the next day?))
I am really waiting for your answer. Please, write me back.
See ya

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