Bug#704785: OGRE's FTBFS #713640 affects other packages

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Mon Sep 9 06:18:39 UTC 2013

On Sat, 2013-09-07 at 13:57 +0100, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:

> OGRE only uses boost::thread (the dependency on boost::system comes
> from boost::thread, is the only thing that OGRE uses).  Since 1.53 it
> seems that thread requires system, something that didn't happen before
> but it's likely to stay in the future.
> OGRE can also be built against POCO or TBB for its threading support.
> So I think that either OGRE upstream should emit the correct flags, or
> there's something wrong with Boost itself, but can't tell confidently
> enough yet for knowing what should be done.

Based on your analysis above it appears that this is a bug in boost. If
you could track this down and have it fixed, that would be great since I
will mostly be offline this week.


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