Bug#739486: game-data-packager: Please add support for Tyrian data using following patch.

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 11:22:24 UTC 2014

> You're mixing hard tabs (U+0009) and 4-space units for indentation.
> Please be consistent within each file, and consider configuring your
> editor to display hard tabs.

Ok, some of this dates back from april;
I've since been bitten hard by this in some python project.

Some of those dispredencies might come from the wolf3d script
I used as example.

> +	if [ "$CHECKSUM" != "$ZIPSUM" ]; then
> +		echo "warning: checksum is not what we expected" >&2
> +	fi

This comes from the wolf3d example.
I guess there is a reason for wolf3d, because there are various versions avaible.
(BTW the one I have for 20 years trigger this warning)
> this to be a fatal error.
Yes, this would make sense here.

> Does Tyrian have a non-shareware version? If it does, I would prefer to
> treat it like Quake 1 and produce tyrian-registered-data (or
> tyrian-full-data or just tyrian-data) for the full game, or
> tyrian-shareware-data or something for the shareware version.

This is the full game, it is just non-distribuable.

The "license":
>> Feel free to play it all you want and share it with friends, but for
>> the moment I'd like to just have a central backup place (here) for
>> the game.  In the future I might not mind other sites sharing it,
>> but I do enjoy amusing fans. :)

"opentyrian" doesn't work with the shareware version.

Alexandre Detiste

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