Bug#737137: game-data-packager: patch to support hexdd

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Tue Feb 4 09:25:18 UTC 2014

Am Montag, den 03.02.2014, 19:08 +0100 schrieb Fabian Greffrath: 
> The Debian doomsday package contains a wrapper script called
> "doomsday-compat" that translates between the general "-iwad ...
> -file ..." sytnax and doomsday's own. It is the one that is registered
> as an alternative for /usr/games/doom. However, curretly it only checks
> for IWADs and I have forgotten to add support for hexdd.wad, which is of
> course a PWAD. :/

That's fixed in GIT now and should at least work for the simple "-iwad
hexen.wad -file hexdd.wad" case.

- Fabian

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